Need some friends to help with motivation :)


I am at this for a third time, and could really use some help. No one at home really knows what I am going through, or just isn't interested enough to help. I know that I can do this, I could just use some insight and encouragement from somewhere to help me get through this once and for all.

I am a single mom that works full time and goes to college. I do have a wonderful boyfriend, but he lost a lot of weight a long time ago with some extremely physical work; he says he wants to help, but his idea is to tell me it doesn't matter what you eat so long as you do this or that. He just doesn't get that my life doesn't always allow me time to do all of the strenous stuff.

This leaves me feeling down, unattractive, and a sad mom. I want to be comfortable in my clothes and have energy to play with my son at the park, or even go swimming and feel ok about myself. I almost had it down when I finally left my mentally abusive ex. When I met this wonderful new man that made me so happy, it did just that; I got happy and FAT.

If there is anyone out there that has anything for me, you would be a GOD SENT!

Thanks :)


  • jenmurphy3
    jenmurphy3 Posts: 64 Member

    I have been struggling with my weight for a little while. The last time I was at a comfortable weight was back in 2002. Since then, I have gained weight and I am having extreme difficulty taking it off. I know I can do it but it is just so much of a challenge. While I am not a single mom, without my spouse's support in anything, I do feel like a single mom and I tell him that (not that it makes him do more or anything). No one seems to really understand my struggles and it is really affecting me mentally. Overall, I have to stay positive and that's what you have to do as well. Take each day at a time, and with a little encouragement, hopefully you'll begin to see a difference. I hope I can send you the positive words of encouragement to help you as you go through this battle of the bulge.

    Take care, :)
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! You sound like me last year - single mom, full time job, almost a full college load. I gained almost 20 pounds over that time. My boyfriend was really supportive but, as he's one of those guys who has to fight to keep weight on, he just didn't get it. This website is awesome for helping you achieve your goals! Be faithful and honest when logging your calories. Doing that has helped me see just how many calories I'm putting in. If you have a day when you're over your calories, log it. I've seen people go almost 1000 calories over, but their honesty and dedication to using the logs helps them to get right back on track. Make sure that you have lots of fruits and veggies in your daily routine. You can eat 1200 calories of mac and cheese every day and not lose weight. There's also a phone app. I've used it at restaurants to see how many calories are in things before I eat them. Good luck, you've come to the right place!
  • ninavivi
    ninavivi Posts: 48 Member
    Hey there. You can add me too. I just started using this site 2 weeks now. I love the support im getting from people. It really helps. I actually just put a comment up earlier how all my friends talk about losing weight/excersizing but they dont actually do it. i love seeing how everyone is doing, and how we are all eating. I have never had a drive to try so hard!!. i am a mom of two (4 months and 18 months) i haven't had time to lose any baby weight or get into fit shape. this is a horrible summer because i don't feel pretty enough to dress up. maybe by the end of summer, or next year :-)
  • Adkisson99
    Adkisson99 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. Im pretty new to the site also. You can add me also :)
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You can add me if you like. :happy:
  • Cresta_B
    Cresta_B Posts: 3
    Hi!!! I'm new to the site too! Any of you are free to add me! I have the same problem! Sticking with it is hard for me too! But this time I am determined!
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    feel free to add me if you like. We could all use support, enouragement!
  • jaydin85
    jaydin85 Posts: 25
    I would be happy to help! I have a 4 year old daughter, boyfriend, full time job and I am a college graduate so I have been where you are! This is my second time coming back cause I have made some life changes (left an unhealthy relationship with my daughters dad to per sue raising my daughter my way and being better to myself ... New amazing guy!) and now that things are where i want them to be I am trying to focus on my health and happiness to be a good role model for my daughter! Feel free to add me! and Good luck!!
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    I've been there! It is good you are taking control of this now, instead of letting it take over your life like I did. I was a single mom, worked full time, and went to school full time. I know it is hard, but you can do this!
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    This is a great place. Start the journey of loosing weight!!!!
  • StacyLe717
    StacyLe717 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me also! I've just recently joined and could use the motivation as well! I have already lost 30lbs on my own but I have hit a wall! So I figured this would be the best place to come to in order to keep my spirit up and keep pushing forward! =) God bless you on your journey! I'll be glad to give you a boost or help in any way that I can!! =)
  • Add me as well!! Have been using MFP for a while but never really got to involved but would love the support as well. I just started a Challenge 7/3 for 90 Days and tracking all my progress along the way. I've lost 40lbs since Sept 11' but have much more to go! :-)
  • I'd love to be your friend. I need help with motivation too!
  • chawkfan
    chawkfan Posts: 1 Member
    I hear you, I am back on the saddle again, in 2010 I was in the best shape of my life and was able to run a full marathon, and it was just me and my 14 year old at home, so I had time to do 2 a days at the gym and cook small meals, but since then have met the man of my dreams and him and his 3 children have moved in with me who have no issues with weight. But I have gained 25lbs and struggle getting to the gym like I used to. I love my new life with him but hate what it has done to me physically...clothes don't fit, muffin top back and can barely get thru 10 miles. Maybe we can support each other....and anyone else who needs that extra boost :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • tracy420ns
    tracy420ns Posts: 10
    Hi there, you can add me. I just started using this site again. I actually started 8 months ago and lost my way. I have struggled with my weight for the last ten years. I am a single parent, working fulltime. I have a nine year old son. Within the last couple of years, he has started playing sports and I am always running around with him from place to place. Some days I am so tired, I can’t even think straight. I know it is because of this weight. I want and need to lose weight not only for myself, but for my son as well. He loves to go all the time and some days I have to say no. I have asked my friends to help, but I think you have to want to do it, so they say yes then nothing happens. So it looks like I am on my own. I will be 45 in two years and I want to be in the best shape ever. Also, look and feel good in my clothes.

    So we can help each other, if you would like. :)

  • Hey! Feel free to add, I always thin the more support the better!
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member

    feel free to add me, although I have no child I can definitely relate to some of your other situations. I was working full time and going to school for a long time and in the last 3 years (after leaving an abusive relationship in 2005 - I met my wonderful current boyfriend in 2009) I've just gotten happy and fat.

    I graduated college in January and have devoted myself to weightloss - I've only been using MFP for around a month but was using Livestrong before this and have gone down by about 13 pounds in total since January - it's coming off slow but it's coming off.

    My boyfriend is a live-in-the-gym but then eat sticky greasy chinese food at night type of person and doesn't get why i "bother" with all this calorie tracking "stuff"

    Like I said - feel free to add.
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    We can do this together. I welcome all new friends. Everyone feel free to add me.
  • Hi, feel free to add! I welcome everyone. You can do this!