Confused about weight loss! Advice/suggestions/help?

Herro! I'm Reya, I'm 5'10" and I weigh about 155. My question is that for the past month, I've been eating super well, exercising, and according to this journal, it always says, if you continue you will weigh 145 in five weeks. Well, it's almost been five weeks and I've only lost a pound so I'm just really confused, maybe I'm not doing something right, I need to exercise more? I really don't know. Any thoughts?


  • workoutgirl23
    Are you sure you are calculating your calories accurately.? maybe your underestimating how many calories your really consuming. try working out more, that may help. if you keep eating low calorie and exercising and you see no results, go to your doctor and have them check your thyroid levels. people with low thyroid levels can have a very hard time losing weight, until they get treatment.

    good luck. don't give up.
  • trbaumann1
    trbaumann1 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, I check serving sizes and everything :-/ I'm usually below my limit anyway so even if I was miscalculating, it shouldn't even matter in the end.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Herro! I'm Reya, I'm 5'10" and I weigh about 155. My question is that for the past month, I've been eating super well, exercising, and according to this journal, it always says, if you continue you will weigh 145 in five weeks. Well, it's almost been five weeks and I've only lost a pound so I'm just really confused, maybe I'm not doing something right, I need to exercise more? I really don't know. Any thoughts?

    Here's my suggestions/advice:

    1. You are not logging every day. What are you eating on the days you don't log? Several binge/very high calorie days in a row can hinder your progress.
    2. You aren't eating very much. You should search the topic "eat more, weigh less"
    3. 155lbs for a 5'10" adult woman is fairly healhty. You don't have much weight to lose, so it will take longer to lose it. You should probably only aim for about 0.5lbs a week.

    Good luck!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Start lifting weights. You are so close to your goal weight that a good strength training program will give you much faster changes towards the body you want than your diet will.
  • workoutgirl23
    Hey. i just looked at your diary. and i want to add. you may not be eating enough calories per day. believe it or not, if you don't eat at least 1200 calories per day, your body will go into starvation mode and make it very hard to lose any weight. i lose weight better when im eating at least 1200-1400 calories per day. i noticed when i tried to eat less than that, my weight loss stalled and i wouldn't lose any thing,. if your not eating enough, eat more, it will make a difference.
  • christiangandy
    christiangandy Posts: 48 Member
    ...also, dont forget muscle is denser than fat, therefore, you could be gaining muscle mass, throughout your body, and losing bodyfat, (if you have any), and you could be up and down on the scales, but be losing fat and getting lean....... (beware of secret eating too....even a jelly baby makes a difference :tongue:
  • trbaumann1
    trbaumann1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hmm, yeah that makes sense. I find it hard to eat more than what I do because I'm never like, hungry or anything so I don't feel like I'm starving myself. I'll have to try eating more though and see if that helps
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I also noticed that it's rare that you're consistently tracking on here. Also, what you do track worries me... You're eating a ton of processed stuff, minimal protein and barely any fresh/frozen veggies or fruits ( I saw a single salad in a couple weeks). I'm seeing a lot of breads and empty calories coming from sugary drinks too.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    ...also, dont forget muscle is denser than fat, therefore, you could be gaining muscle mass, throughout your body, and losing bodyfat, (if you have any), and you could be up and down on the scales, but be losing fat and getting lean....... (beware of secret eating too....even a jelly baby makes a difference :tongue:

    She's not gaining muscle mass if she's on a deficit.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    so i dont think you have a lot to lose and so it will be slow loss but you also need to probably be choosing better food choices sometimes. Watch the sugar and drinks lots of water. The calorie amount isnt always the only thing that matters but it is sometimes what you are eating. Do lift weights because it will make a difference and muscle burns more calories over a 24hr period that cardio. As long as you are in a deficit while lifting weights you will still LOSE FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE.

    Trust me I've been doing it and still losing and looking leaner.

  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I don't see many veggies there in your diary, plus a lot of processed food, take a look at your sodium intake that will make you hold water and therefore weight.

    Eating 1000 cals of stuff and 1000 cals of real unprocessed food like home prepared meals, meat, veggies etc will treat your body very differently.

    Eating 1000 cals today when you are already at a healthy weight will make your body panic after time.
  • trbaumann1
    trbaumann1 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, I was out of town for half of last week so I didn't get to update too much.

    The processed food makes sense.. I'll have to watch that as well.
    Everyone is very helpful! This is definitely giving me insight that I wouldn't have noticed myself
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    Your food long is either not filled out or you are eating too little. One day you only had 1 cup blue berries log other days had nothing logged at all. If that is what you ate you are probably in starvation mode. And your body does not want to get read of the last few lbs you want it to. If you are not hungry try having a shake with veggies or frit mixed in it.
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    You could also try cutting out the processed foods, dairy and add in more plant base foods.