cant eat that much!



  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Thanks for the input. New to this. :) I walk 5 miles a day, it takes me an hour, moderate pace. Maybe I'm exercising too much and not eaing enough because I gained 1 pound just yesterday. Yo- yo dieting is common for me. A little discouraged.

    The pound you gained was not fat, it was due to the high sodium intake that comes from things like prepackaged taco seasoning. I will gain 4 lbs over night after a sushi dinner due to soy, wasabi and water.

    You must not weigh yourself every day, only do it every 2 weeks if you can, if not try to only do it once per week. Watch out for prepackaged seasonings as well. You may want to try fresh ingredients like garlic, peppers and onions to flavor your foods instead of the high sodium and other preservatives things you do not need. I try to make a rule if I can not pronounce a word in the ingredients, I do not eat it.

    Do not be discouraged, I promise you are not gaining fat weight, it is just water. Just keep it up and start eating more, you will notice a increase in your weight loss if you eat more to weigh less, but more of the right foods.
  • Thanks to all with their feedback to my post. Good and bad. This is a learning process for me, I never ate right, so I'm trying to adjust to eating healthy and losing weight the right way.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I do not understand you people who can not eat. I recently had a 3,000 calorie day and was still hungry at the end of it. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?????

    This! I work out so I CAN eat more!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    ditch the light and low-fat foods. add some fats like olive oil, nut butters. that should get you mostly there. if you're still low, have some ice cream.

    ^^ here's your winner
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    oh gosh, I wish I had that problem.
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    oh gosh, I wish I had that problem.

    I hear you, Sister!!
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    I have another important question... If it is so hard for you to "eat enough calories to lose weight," then why are you counting calories?? Seems like your weight gain must be related to something besides an abundance of calories, then. I am trying to figure this out, too.
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    :sad: Sorry, can't help. My weight problem seems to be from too much food, not too little. :blushing:
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Sorry...but I really don't understand this question...Is this another person trying to lose weight by increasing their calories? Forgive me....This is a new problem to me because all of the real people that I know with real weight problems NEVER have a problem ADDING extra calories to anything that they eat...

    Suggestion....for starters, OP...just start adding a ton of mayonnaise to that subway sandwich.....You should also consider upgrading that daily coffee to a frappe mocha heavy on the cream and sugar.... Adding Calories is easy!
  • I think it's just trying to find the right foods to eat to get that many calories. I am struggling with that. I'm so use to eating junk food.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I have another important question... If it is so hard for you to "eat enough calories to lose weight," then why are you counting calories??

    Denial. It's not just a river in Egypt.


    Most likely the calories consumed aren't logged correctly or they had no idea how many calories they were actually eating.
  • Thank you!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks to all with their feedback to my post. Good and bad. This is a learning process for me, I never ate right, so I'm trying to adjust to eating healthy and losing weight the right way.

    This is the same problem I had when I started. It took me a little while to figure out that everything didn't have to be "low fat" or "diet" food. It's great to find some substitutes for your bad habits (ex: low calorie sweets if you have a sweet tooth), but you don't need everything to be low cal. So if you love your ranch dressing on salad, go for it! You can still put sour cream on your baked potato, enjoy some cheese and crackers, or whatever other goodies you want! Just watch your portion control on those favorite higher calorie items and try to eat more fruits and veggies. It's a learning curve figuring out how to budget your calories and it helps to plan your day ahead of time. If you are feeling like a big breakfast, plan for a lighter dinner, etc. Good luck on your journey! :drinker:

    PS: Ignore the negative people... they're just hungry! LOL
  • Thanks to all with their feedback to my post. Good and bad. This is a learning process for me, I never ate right, so I'm trying to adjust to eating healthy and losing weight the right way.
    I agree that more whole, less-processed foods is the way to go.
    I choose to have my goal set to my bmr minus the calories needed to lose two lbs a week...with a note on the side of the calories it would take for me to maintain my current weight. I try to eat back all my exercise calories (I use a heart monitor) and hit my minimum but not go over my maximum even if my exercise calories are more.

    Different things work for different folks, but personally I've found this works for me. I still go out to eat sometimes, have something more processed sometimes and go over my 1500mg sodium limit sometimes. But I have my 'usual' and my range. I also walk quite a bit, normally at a good clip (my best was 6 min mile but couldn't do that pace anymore after starting doing squats and stuff regularly - legs too sore) and found that I lost weight best with a varied routine - eating as well as exercise and that the heart monitor is a priceless investment.
  • LOL! Thanks for your support! Negative responses dont bother me! :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    You got some great advice here from some some really smart, fit, and healthy people. The few things I'll contribute is to reiterate eating high quality fats that are higher in calories. I have not met a nut or nut butter that I didn't like and those lil' suckers pack a punch on the calorie content. The next thing is change is required for permanent change and I listen to podcasts...they have changed my life. Best wishes.
  • dont add in the exercise till the end of the day then u can see the anount of food intake with out that there.and stay on the caleries better.
  • LieslAnne
    LieslAnne Posts: 1 Member
    I'm going through the same thing. Hang in there!

    I weigh 274 and was shocked to see that my body needs DOUBLE the calories I was eating to run effeciently. I weigh almost 300 pounds and my body has been in starvation mode. That seems crazy because many of us think not eating equals losing weight. I wasn't trying to starve myself. I thought I was eating healthy because I was eating how I ate back when I was 145. Some days I struggle with meeting my calorie goal, but as long as I break 1200 and my nutrients are fairly balanced, I don't sweat it too much. The advice on small healthy high calorie foods like nuts is good. I think it's all about finding balance and being patient with your self as you relearn what your body actually needs to run effeciently.
  • Thanks for the advice, I felt the same way when I saw how many calories I needed, I thought as well, the less I eat the better.
  • brandivestal
    brandivestal Posts: 2,637 Member
    I am consistently under my calories,