Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for July 2012

Hello everyone,

This is a spot for all of us "shorties". Loosing weight is hard enough as it is, but when you are short there are extra issues, from the lower calorie count to the fact that some of us can't reach the exercise equipment in the gym to pull it down to get it started by ourselves.

Since many of us are in more than one forum or groups our rules are very loose. This group is for both men and women who are shorter in stature. We all try to check in with each other weekly, but post as often as you like.

So, how did you do for June? What are you plans for July?


  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    Yay! Something for us shorties! I'm 5'1", and absolutely need help reaching the equiptment in the gym. Thank goodness I workout with my 6'10" husband. :) He's a sweetie to help me out. As for June, I lost 7 lbs, and 3 more so far in July! My goal is to get down to 185 (at least!) by the end of July. My highest weight in June was 201. I'm getting there! My end-all goal is to get down to 125 by Christmas!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I love this idea!!! I'm 5'2". I'm hoping to lose weight this month....I just joined last week and already find more support and help here than the other few places I've used to track my weight lose (or rather, lack of it) My July goal is to work out more-I just bought a bike a couple weeks ago so I'm throwing that into with my jogging/walking activities and instead of just going once a day, I'm going to try to go for a jog in the morning then a longer bike ride after work since I'm not on a time frame. Like I said, I am new so feel free to add me! (Just please include a note you saw my post in this topic:smile: )
  • Dsnyfrk921
    Dsnyfrk921 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3 and 40 years old. I just started this journey on June 28th and am down 6lbs 4oz as of this morning. My official weigh in isn't until Thursday though. lol

    Feel free to add me as a friend.. I'd love to get to know you all and go through this journey together.

    We can all do this!!!
  • laurenmdaley
    laurenmdaley Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'2 and been doing MFP for about a month now. I've yet to lose 1 single lb, but have lost some inches so I think I will stay away from the scale for the next month and concentrate on how I'm feeling and how my clothes fit! It is a bit discouraging, but I know dropping lbs for us "fun sized" (love that it's so cute!) gals can be slow to start!

    I leave for vacation on Friday and nervous about totally falling out of my newer healthier habits, but I'll give it my all!

    My goal for July is to complete the first half of C25K : )
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    Woo hoo! I'm 5'1" and I've been on MFP consistently for just over 2 months. My ultimate goal is 125(ish) lbs. At last weigh-in i was 145 but that was several weeks ago...I'm working mostly on NSV's, but I'm gonna hunt down a scale next week and see where I'm at. I'm currently working out 6 days a week with cardio, 3 days a week with resistance (free weights, curl bar, pull-up machine, cable machine), and 4-5 days a week with abs. I love the results I'm seeing so far!
  • tiffneyduke
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Happy Monday to all who have posted on this July thread. And welcome.

    I am not the originator of the Fit & Fun Sized message board, that honor goes to jam0525, who is off the boards for the moment due to a death in her family.

    Congratulations to those ladies who have lost weight/inches and best wishes to those who are just starting.

    I watch this board although I don't post often. I am 5'-1" and change, 5'-1' even without shoes. I am actually not trying to lose weight. I am trying to maintain. My weight floats between 230 & 235. The lowest weight I have ever been as an adult was 201lbs 12 years ago, as I wear the same size clothes I did 12 years ago I am happy enough with where I am. I know it will take another 40+ lbs to drop another clothing size so I can stay at 230 & a size 18/20 contentedly enough.

    I cut 90% of my pop & chocolate consumption since I started 2 years ago, I am not will to cut luxuries much more. When I started this weight thing I hit the gym like mad & for a year I was able to keep 2-3 hour long sessions a week 'til I burnt myself out. Now any regimented exercise bores me to tears and I can't stand to do them anymore.

    So I try to find games to play. Currently my exercise is about 2 hours of wiffle tennis 2 days a week with my sister (wiffle tennis is tennis with a cheap wiffle ball, we generally play until we break all 8 of the balls be bring), it is a $4 a week sport. Two or three days a week I learn to use a sword; my boyfriend knows a couple different sword styles and he tries to beat me up with a foam padded sword & I try to not let him:laugh: :happy: :wink: . These 2 things actually take up 90% of my play time in a week, anymore and I will burn myself out again.

    This is essentially my weight loss/maintenance journey in a nut shell.
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Happy wednesday everyone watching.

    It is gloomy but hot here in portland, mid 80's and overcast. I have missed playing tennis with my sister for teh last 2 weeks, in part because of the weather, but mostly because between us we have had rounds of doctor/mechanic appointments and family birthdays to attend. Hopefully we can get back on track today. Haven't gotten to play with the swords either because the boys I play with wont come out in the heat.
    I haven't logged most of my foods & I have probably gone over my calories everyday; Hello my name is Annita and I am a bad dieter.

    I starter this post somethere arounf 8 this morning, it is now 5pm. Dinner tonight ... I want potoatos.
  • suzyboo3
    suzyboo3 Posts: 4
    Hi I'm 5'1" and recent photo of myself shocked me to death. I thought I wasn't that fat...!
    I wonder if I can join now, I was hoping to lose 13 lb in 4 weeks before my holiday.

    I've just joined a gym this Monday and ever since, I'm doing 1 - 2 hours of working out weekday (running machine, ski machine, bike, abs, etc.. + pilates class) plus 1.5 hours of daily dog walking every day. My body aches...I get hungry easily and crave for carb and meat, but I will, I will, and I will lose weight this time!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    bumping to find you all again in August. I hope to be back posting by mid-August.

  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Bunp for later!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I'm 5'3" and June and July were okay. Now that I'm finally in the healthy BMI range and so close to goal, the weight loss has slowed down. However, my fitness level keeps improving and in addition to running (I run 5km 4 times a week), I've re-discovered a love for biking.

    I've been getting a lot of '"you're so tiny" comments lately. I haven't heard that comment in 10 years!