my exercise today

well my motivation had today, I went to the mall at 9 a.m. and walk for 25 minutes fast pace, it felt good before the exercise I test my sugar it was 113 and after my walk I test again it was 110, I'm trying Group member, and today at work at the personal care home as a dishwasher, did not eat anything there but a glass of iced tea,That's will power I will have a light snack before I go to bed tonight so today was a positive day for me.


  • meglide
    meglide Posts: 37 Member
    sounds good, keep up the good work, one day at a time is the way to do it
  • mustang74
    thanks you 2 one step at a time
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Sounds like you have a good start! Congrats on working towards healthier habits! Keep at it and I am sure you will do great! :D