Help from the Ladies: Pain During Insanity

Men might know the answer... but maybe not.

I'm just curious if anybody else has a tendency of feeling an extremely sharp cramp in either the abdominal or pelvic area while doing Insanity and doesn't stop? (I don't think it has anything to do with the muscles tightening)
I've had this since the beginning of Insanity. Today I reached such a point that I just burst into tears out frustration from the pain not disappearing.

Thanks everybody.


  • maryesser
    maryesser Posts: 24
    Yikes! That certainly can affect your motivation to get through the workout (props on even DOING the Insanity looks like a killer).

    I hope I am not alone in suggesting that you consult your physician about this pain. I was an ACE-certified trainer many moons ago, and this type of pain needs to be checked out. Have you tried modifying any of the moves (if that is an option)? Overall, I would stop the Insanity :-) and get to a doc ASAP. Your health is too important to risk. You may have a small abdominal tear or something else that will heal with a little rest.

    Good luck, and please let us know how you do!
  • lovemy5
    lovemy5 Posts: 2 Member
    Symphysis pain. The little ligament that holds both sides of your pelvis together, located in the front of your pubic bone. I'd agree that getting a doc or PT to help you out is in order.

    Rule of thumb..if its bad enough to ask if you should go see someone...go see someone :o)
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Thanks. I do slow down quite a bit when it starts. And sometimes it'll dull out or disappear, but right now I'm just getting tired of feeling the pain. It usually starts as soon as the tummy fat starts bouncing about (sorry for the TMI image) but hopefully it makes sense. I may have to see a doctor. Not exactly easy to do around this city. Not too many doctors taking in new patients and walk-in clinics are out of the question.
  • AmberMahfouz
    AmberMahfouz Posts: 316
    I had the same pain. It was my hip flexors stretching and strengthning. It was pretty unbarable. You should get some BioFreeze ointment. It's way better than Icyhot. But be careful, for the sake of being blunt, don't get it too close to your lady parts or it will burn! lol
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Symphysis pain. The little ligament that holds both sides of your pelvis together, located in the front of your pubic bone. I'd agree that getting a doc or PT to help you out is in order.

    Rule of thumb..if its bad enough to ask if you should go see someone...go see someone :o)

    Thanks for the tip. However, it was more of a "is anybody feeling this pain" more than a "should I go see somebody about this pain", but yes the pain is located pretty much where you describe it. Actually the pain is located more where my right ovary would possibly be located (another TMI for the day).
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I had the same pain. It was my hip flexors stretching and strengthning. It was pretty unbarable. You should get some BioFreeze ointment. It's way better than Icyhot. But be careful, for the sake of being blunt, don't get it too close to your lady parts or it will burn! lol

    Haha thank you for the advice. I'm pretty flexible in the the joint area. But you just never know what the exact reason the pain is being created. I'll look into the suggestion.
  • birdbite
    birdbite Posts: 2
    I have experienced a sensation like a shooting pain my lower pelvic area, kinda like there's something tight and burning in there at the same time. I have scar tissue in that area due to two large cysts that were surgically removed about 10 years go, and I figured that's what it is. I also find that if I stay well hydrated, the pain does not occur.