P90X and running question

I have been running consistently since February, but off and on for a little longer than that. I am running anywhere from 3 - 5 miles a day 4 times a week. I have also been doing the upper body P90X workouts as per the schedule and adding in Kempo as my cross training after a long run. I have recently developed pain in my IT Band (I have felt it before when I ran many years ago) and now I am wondering if I should adjust my strategy.

I am not really training for anything specific or with any goal in mind, it's more just to get into shape and become my physically fit again. I am working on a half marathon training program as I am doing a Tough Mudder in September. However I know that I don't necessarily need to be able to run that far to be able to complete the event. I'm afraid that if my knee pain continues I will be forced to stop running and that's not something I want to do.

So my question/issue is should I focus more on P90X and do - in essence - the doubles schedule with 3 runs a week keeping them shorter so as not to aggravate my knees more. I know there are cardio and core exercises that will keep my endurance up somewhat even with the decreased runs...or should I continue with what I have and just add some stretches in...what is the best approach to keep working for better shape and overall fitness.


  • I also do the p90X videos, I'm not sure the schedule for your upper body, but are you incorporating the yoga and/or stretch X videos into your program?
  • MDSwift83
    MDSwift83 Posts: 3
    No, I find them very long and boring. I do the chest, shoulders and triceps with back and biceps and kempo for 3 weeks. Then a rest week with no workouts, then I do the chest/back, shoulders/arms and kempo for 3 weeks. Then a week off and switch back to the other. I've done 2 rounds of that schedule.
  • deepfuture
    deepfuture Posts: 35 Member
    I have the same problem .. maybe have a look here ? its a good read . worth trying some of the ideas

  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    Personally I would do the leg workouts. Running only works in one plan of motion so getting an imbalance that in turns causes such things as your experiencing is not unusual. I chose to go the route of getting ART (which helped so much) and the cause of my pain was weak hips. After working on them and ensuring I now keep strength training in my schedule, which always includes legs, I no longer have issues. I even run and strength train the legs on the same day with no issues.
  • badnessX
    badnessX Posts: 1 Member
    FOAM ROLLER, I had the same issue last year and a friend told me to try it and I had already ordered X2 and that was one of the pieces of equipment that I had to purchase so I went down to Walmart and got one for $15.00 and after about two days I was starting to forget to roll it out because it was feeling no pain, than I just started upping my distance again and I was back on track.