Anyone else doing this with an injury?

lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
So here's as a brief as the story gets:
When I was in 8th grade I hurt right my hip, and couldn't figure out what the deal was until my Junior year in high school, where they found out i had an impingement (bone overgrowth) on my hip, and tore my cartilage and had a lot of scar tissue from the on going injury. I then had surgery 2 days after my 17th birthday, which on August10th of this year will be the 2 year anniversary of my surgery... Since then I've had the same issues, I've been in and out of doctor appointments, MRIs, countless Xrays, 3 cortisone shots, muscle relaxers, 4 rounds of steroids, 6 rounds of physical therapy, the list goes on. THEN to top that all off, in March I threw out my SI joint (which is where your hip connects to your back) and my L2 and I was in so much pain I was throwing up. I'm still trying to recover, going through therapy, chiropractic work, steroids, muscle relaxers yada yada for this one too. The doctor thinks I'll need surgery for the same thing I had on my right one as this one, too (the tear, impingement, and scar tissue). And needs to go back in the right one again to clean up scar tissue which could be causing the pain I'm still having. This is all before I even turn 18. This doesn't include the foot I broke, tendons I tore, etc. I don't know if it's the athlete in me, but I just want to work through the pain no matter what. But today, finally, I couldn't even turn my head the pain in my back was so bad when I was working out. Is anyone else going through any sort of injury they are working through that could give me some advice? Not just exercise wise but just some words of encouragement as I go through this really rough patch in my life (a lot of other personal stuff has gone on and I no longer speak to any members of my family, and I'm also a full time student, so the stress just keeps packing on). I have a pretty high tolerance pain (I laughed when I broke my foot) so I tend to work through the pain until I literally just can't use what's hurting anymore. Any advice on how I can stop when I really need to, not when I physically have to?


  • Lsmith81
    Lsmith81 Posts: 6 Member
    All i can say is good luck... I know what it is like to be in and out of hospitals and it is not fun. \i cant say i know what you are going thru but i do want to say life is to short to not live it. the problem here is when you wake up every morning in pain and you keep going. your body is going to be acustomed to the pain and get used to being in pain and alone your creating stress on your heart which is not good for you. I dont know what kind of exercising you are doing but your body will eventually break down. While you want to exercise and be healthy you need to ask the specialist that you are dealing with that limitations he or she would recommend whether it be walking instead of running or rowing instead of elliptical. you could always shorten your exercising down to 20 mins instead of half hour. only you will be able to know when to stop . if it feels strange or not good stop immediatly and rest.

    good luck and dont give up just dont kill yourself doing it.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Good luck and keep trying.. I am also similar, with an ankle injury (shattered it in 2006, it's full of metalwork now and has never been the same, can't do running because of it) but you just gota find exercise that works for you. Maybe do two 15 min workouts in one day instead of one big 30 min workout (or halve whatever your normal work out time is).

    Good luck & add me if you want xx
  • That sounds really tough! I'm not sure what kind of exercising you're doing now, but I would avoid anything high impact at all and instead do exercises that are gentle on your body. Swimming, yoga and pilates are really good options. Also, try some moderate to light weight lifting with your upper body. There are definitely some exercises you can do but it sounds like you have to take it easy and protect your body for a while! Good luck!