Trying to find friends who also are having trouble

Every day I try very hard to meet my 1500somethin calorie goal, I really do. But I can never reach it. I am taking Dexatrim as well, because I started taking diet pills when I was in middle school and that screwed up my metabolism so I now have a hard time losing any weight with out them. Once I am down to my goal weight I plan on weening off them under doctor guidance.
My calories fall around 400 calories on average a day and have been as low as 27 and theres days where I only drink water and forget food all together. I'm trying really hard to consistently eat at least 1000 calories a day. I work out alot even though I dont eat much.

But I also make many diet mistakes. For example today I took my dexatrim and singulair pills and forgot to grab breakfast before leaving for work. I went to the beach and had two alcoholic beverages there, I was extremely sick from the time I got home until a little while ago. A few days ago I forgot to eat or drink all day and rode my bike to my friends house which is about ten miles away, after I had been there an hour I ended up blacking out and my friend almost called 911 because she couldnt get me to wake up.

Is anyone else having similar problems? or just very supportive?
If so please add me :)


  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    As long as you're helping yourself and not saying this is a good thing - I am always supportive :) You can use my diary if you like for inspiration :)
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    A good start would be to make sure that you've setup the diary so it will work with you to meet your goals. If you want someone who will help by keeping an eye on your diary to make sure you're meeting your daily goals I can do that. We got to stop with the pills though because they are so not going to help you in the long run. I'd be happy to be a motivator for you. :)
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Why don't u try pre logging your day & eat high calorie foods? By pre logging u will kno exactly what u need to eat to get where you need to be. I like to pre log too :)
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    You really are having a hard time just now. I think your physical and mental health are much more important than your weight at the moment. I realise that losing weight is your priority and do understand that. However does it really sound like a healthy way of life for you? Losing weight really isn't a quick fix, it honestly is more about making small but life changing steps. Sometimes we give ourselves a hard time as punishment without realising we are doing it. Our bodies need food, a car won't run without petrol! If we fed an animal the way you eat the authorities would pull us in! I don't know about dexatrim but have you had a medical opinion that says you must have them or is it something you have decided yourself? I used to have an eating disorder, but no one knew as I wasn't the typical waif that people imagined, even Doctors! And I certainly didnt think i had one, i just thought i was greedy for wanting food and not being slim like everyone else!! You really should talk to a professional about this. Food is meant to be enjoyed as well as fuel. Please take care and keep logging in and posting.
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    My doctor knows I am taking Dexatrim and my history of diet pills and hasn't told me to stop taking them. I'm going to see him in a few weeks when I have to get my allergy medication refilled so I plan on bringing him a print out of my exercise and food logs and see what he says then.
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Excellent idea, as long as you are not alone in this. You will also find fantastic support and advice on here. :-)
  • emblosey
    emblosey Posts: 2
    I would strongly suggest you talk to a nutritionalist! It is very important for your body to get the required calories to operate properly! I once read that when you starve yourself your body stores everything as fat because it doesn't know when it will get its next meal! This would make it super important for you to eat more meals and balance your diet so your body metabloizes the food you do give it! I wish you the best of luck!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Do you own a treadmill? I recently decided to use my garage space for something more worthy than a place for my unused stuff. I turned it into like a family room. On my first day in there, I sat there for 6 hours watching tv and realize that I could be doing a lite walk on my dusty old treadmill while I was watching tv for that 6 hours, thereby reaching my fitness goal sooner than I would have if I did my usual hour and then sit and watch tv for the rest of the evening. Since then, I've been doubling the amount of calories I'm burning per day. Instead of my usual 400 cals, I'm now burning 800, 900 even 1000 calories per day just from low-intensity cardio. If you could burn this much calories everyday, Your diet wouldn't be too much of an issue. Just today, I walk thru the movie Event Horizon on my treadmill @ 2.1mph, 1.5 incline. When the movie was over, I had burn 320 fat calories. I didn't stop there, after Event Horizon I tune into CNBC and continue walking while watching Cyberwars and burn another 300 fat calories. After that my feet was getting kinda sore just by being on my feet and not necessarily from exercise so I took a break. Before Long I was back on it while watching UFC and ended up burning another 300 calories. This was all in one single day.
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    I ride my bike around town when I am going to a friends, or the beach. I swim all the time, and my job is very active. My biggest problem is eating enough calories during the day. I looked at my logs for the last week and half since I started seriously getting back into focusing on losing weight and realized that that the last meal I had was July 3rd. I think I am going to cut my exercise in half until I can get to where I am eating every day and close to 1000 calories each day. My biggest issue is I know if I gain one pound back while doing that I will stop and revert back to what I am doing now which is unhealthy. I figured out that I have a fear of gaining weight so any changes I make to be healthier I need to be able to do without gaining anything.