I have no friends :(

Im using this mainly to keep track of my calories, but i guess it wouldnt hurt to have a few new friends :)

Feel free to add me


  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    I'll add you.. :)
  • ooCaitrice
    ooCaitrice Posts: 33 Member
    Me too jess :-(. I add you :)
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I have added you :smile:
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    I'll add you. Always good to have friends. Especially in the UK.
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    Added, doin this with others is great motivation!
  • kamanda85
    kamanda85 Posts: 113 Member
    I've sent you a friend request! I love having friends to keep me motivated!
  • :smile: Hello Kamanda, my name is Charlie and I came here by a friends recommendation just to have some more info so I can try & figure out the weight thing "for the last time!" LOL I say last time cause it seems like I tried everything (diets, shakes, starvation) and nothing seemed to work for me until I started a completely different approach to losing weight.
    She got me started on a really good program, more great info than I ever thought would be available. My goal weight was to lose about 70-80lbs this year. I got a program in Jan. this year & started learning not really about how much I was eating but it really showed me what I shouldn't be eating. By changing the ways I had been eating all my life, and always struggling with being overweight, now I'm almost halfway to my ideal weight goal. I totally agree what most of the others say on here too, its almost the hardest part "relearning" what we should & shouldn't be putting in our bodies. The nutritionist who helped me was an angel at taking the time with her programs material and how its presented that I have already dropped 35lbs and feel great with just having that weight off me. I'm more energetic and know that my health has to be in complete agreement with my new lifestyle. I 6' 1" and was almost 300lbs, never quite there but stayed 290+ for what seemed like forever. I have a "target" weight of 220-225lbs which is considered pretty ideal for my body type (large boned) so I have about 35-40lbs still to shed but I know it will happen just like the first 35lbs that I have deposited in the "it ain't on my body no more" trash can LOL
    Do you have a good meal plan, and the right knowledge of what turns our fat burning on & off. If you change what you eat, not starving yourself, and eat what helps our bodies can use to dissolve the fat then you will do great. You will reach your desired "target" weight and with the right info will be able to maintain that body type for the rest of your life. The nutritionist that I use, and I swear by her, has helped thousands of people from all over the world to achieve results and she could help you too. Are you ready to know what not to, and what to put on your dinner table that is going to make a real difference in your life? She helped me with my exercise program, which I have really changed to a "fast paced" walking routine that I do five to six days a week. When the weather isn't really nice outside I just go to our local mall and I'm there with several other "mall walkers" making the laps. Before I followed the program, I was working with weights and doing the gym routines 3 to 4 times a week. Some days it was like I had to force myself to go just one more day. It was putting muscle on me and my body fat was trying to "stick around" and help the muscle tissue to develop. I would have never lost more than the measly 5 to 10lbs I had lost before this last 25lbs which totals over 35lbs total now. Whew, I didn't think I would ever see that much fat gone, and might not if I hadn't made the changes in what I was doing and still am doing today. Yeah, she is a real angel...the nutritionist I mean. If you continue to have challenges, can't seem to lose the weight you really deserve to if you want, then whatever you do don't keep doing the "same old things" you've been doing. I know I will succeed with my weight loss goals, only because I wanted the change bad enough that I "declared war on my fat" LOL Thank goodness I had someone who knew what needed to be done, had helped many others through it over the last 10 years, and armed me with the knowledge it takes to make the changes in our lives...in our bodies...and in our minds! Don't give up, if what you are doing isn't working for you...change directions and go down another path. That's what I did, thank God, I know my health is loving me every minute now and is going to love me even more after I shed these next 35lbs or so. Hang in there, do whatever it takes to help you get the results you want. Don't settle for anything less....than everything. Think that’s the lyrics to a popular song LOL Keep in touch, let me know how you are doing and if you want to look at what I'm doing let me know and I'll send you the information and you can see for yourself. Just don't give up, whatever you do. Remember we all deserve to live the lives WE CHOOSE and not be held prisoners by a body that tries to confine us. We have the ability to change, make the change and live the life you want.
    Take care, have fun, be safe. Charlie

    P.S. You will always have friends if you reach out, reach out anytime with a message and I'll always get back with you.
  • im new here too, so i have added you :)
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    add me if you like
  • kyrstin__1188
    kyrstin__1188 Posts: 170 Member
    I'll add you :)
  • emmaj1820
    emmaj1820 Posts: 4
    Me too but I don't know how to add people...