Side stitches when running



  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I've competed the C25k and had some of the same issues in the beginning. From what I've learned, breathing is the primary culprit. Breath with your stomach, and not with your chest. When you inhale (doesn't matter if its through your nose or mouth) your stomach should expand and not your chest. I initially thought that I was drinking too much water too close to running but that wasn't the case. Practice your breathing and you'll see a noticeable difference in how you feel, and your endurance.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas guys...i'm gonna try day three tomorrow, and if any of these help, I'll let you know
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    excellent topic, excellent replies. bump
  • Mexie1
    Mexie1 Posts: 48 Member
    Breathe out fully, then breathe out some more, then breathe out some more - really contract the lower abdomen and get it all out. Works for me but it's hard to do when I am breathing heavily through exercise.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    Dont eat within an hour of exercising or you will most likely get a stitch. Also sip water when you are exercising. Finally, as has been noted, breath deeply.

    If you do all that, you shouldnt get a stitch.
  • captainspalding

    I had the same problems with stiches as many of you are all talking about. It can be addressed so easily it's untrue.

    Quite simply, your not warming up properly. You may be streching your legs and maybe even your arms but what are you doing about your chest and trunk?

    My I suggest starting with a couple of salutes to the sun, followed by some hard side streches. I mean really hard streches.

    Also consider the way you breath. Belly breathing can prevent it getting worse too. It's just as it sounds.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just started C25K, did week 1 day 1 on the treadmill, not too bad. Just finished day 2, outside...much harder!

    My biggest obstacle is getting awful side stitches, is there a remedy, or a way to prevent them? Or is it just because I'm out of shape, and I have to deal with it?

    Thanks :)

    I haven't read through all the responses, but make sure you're drinking enough both before and during your runs. Side stitches can be a symptom of mild dehydration.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My AP chem teacher in high school was also a track coach and he gave us this fun little fact: side pain while running is not due to lack of oxygen, but a build up fo carbon dioxide - it's gas pain. To prevent CO2 buildup you have to exhale completely on each breath. When I started running I would get side pain/cramps and I would slow down my breathing and make sure I exhaled completely and within 5-10 breaths the pain would be gone. It's worth a try!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Some of these hints have been really helpful, thank you. I have been finding I have this issue more now in the summer then ever before. Actually I never had this issue during my winter running.

    My instructor says that it usually happens in novice runners/exercisers because we haven't really learned how to breathe properly or we are pushing ourselves too hard. Another issue is that w are actually eating too much just before exercising.

    I was told to strengthen my abdominal/back (core) I have been focusing on core training and it is helping.
  • Frayed_Ends
    I used to get them really bad when I started running. They'll go away as you continue to train, be sure to breathe all of the way out. I even ran with one arm in the air to try to stretch mid-run, seemed to help me, but looks ridiculous. Good luck, don't give up, like anything you've got to condition your muscles/body to improve.
  • BetterFasterStronger
    I can totally relate! No worse feeling in your run than when your legs feel good, breathing feels and you know you could keep going but the stitch stop you :sad:

    I used to have these pretty bad as well and asked everyone and tried everything (some of which were pretty weird):

    - Plenty of water throught out the day
    - Small snack 30 minutes before the run
    - Running with elbows up
    - Running with straight arms
    - Pushing in & up where the stitch was (I read that you're essentially pushing whatever organ back into place..ridiculous? :huh: I don't know? Sometimes it worked)
    - Warm up and slower pace
    - Build core & back strength
    - Posture, etc., etc. etc.

    The advice that has worked best for me is: if you start to feel a stitch, inhale when you push off the ground on the opposite side of the stitch and regulate your breathing accordingly. Not sure if I explained that well! Good luck with your run today!
  • susanb8500
    susanb8500 Posts: 47 Member
    I focus on my breathing when I feel a stitch. I try to breathe in for two (or three) counts and out for two (or three) counts and time it to my footsteps. I concentrate all of my focus on the breath until the stitch subsides. This usually works for me and the stitch is gone within a relatively short period of time.