Zumba and weight loss?

halphord Posts: 379 Member
Has anyone been successful with losing weight from just doing Zumba? I've been doing it 4-5 days a week for 1 month now and my scale is up 2 lbs. I'm wondering if I should just keep it up and expect to see weight loss soon, or do I need to incorporate other workouts? I really only enjoy walking, elliptical and zumba. Anything else I have a hard time sticking to....


  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    As much as I love zumba, I don't think doing it alone will do it. For that matter, I think any exercise alone wont do it, at least not for me. I trained for a 5K and completed it, something I though I would never do, and not lost one pound.

    I have read here that weight loss is about 90% diet and 10% exercise, though you definitely need the exercise to tone, and be healtier

    I took a quick peek at your diary, and first I saw you don't log every day, so first advice is do it consistently, everything, even the bad stuff, you'll learn a ton doing that.

    Second, I think you should up your protein and cut down in carbs, try to keep carbs below 100 g and protein above 100 g.

    Also, add some weight lifting, it will help a lot, and mix up your exercises, if you do the same thing over and over again your body will become more efficient at it, which means less calories burn

    Keep at it, be consistent and you'll see results.

    Good luck!
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I have been doing Zumba for a couple months now and I just broke the 200 pound mark. I love it and I normally don't like dancing because I look like a complete spaz
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    If you are doing it that much - you are probably retaining water. Also - are you eating ENOUGH for the calories you are burning through all of those workouts?

    I started doing Zumba about a month and a half ago...stopped due to being out of town for vacation...need to get back. I just started seeing some movement on the scale, but I DID notice that my belly measurement went down..and that was definitely an area that was being VERY stubborn...so that alone makes it worth it for me. :smile:
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Oh - and I agree - your protein is way too low.
  • hana2291
    hana2291 Posts: 8
    Hi, as an instructor that teaches Zumba and Bokwa, remember Zumba is cardio. Depending on your instructor, You will get different results. I only dropped 5lbs on the scales since I started teaching, but lost 2 dress sizes. You may not see a shift in your weight because although you will be losing fat, you may be gaining muscle which is much heavier. Best to go off measurements- I measure my waist, hips, upper arms and thighs as an indicator of my weight loss.
    However, to lose weight, exercise is 20% of it whilst diet is the other 80%. Make sure you are eating the right foods to fuel you through your exercise, and plenty of protein. Protein will make you feel fuller for longer, switch to brown rice/pasta and bread which has less sugar and try to cut out any refined sugar/processed food/alcohol. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg too.
    Simple stuff, but you will start to notice a difference because if you're not feeding yourself properly and drinking lots of water, your exercise will not actually help you lose weight.
    Also, do not be afraid to weight train!! If you do it the right way (low weights and lots of repetitions) you will notice a huge difference too. Do not rely just on cardio- you need to put variety into your exercise regimen to notice results. You gain muscle memory over time and your body becomes used to a certain form of exercise if you keep doing the same thing over and over. When this happens, the exercise will not be working you as hard as it may have been when you first started- keep up with Zumba but try some other classes too and add in some weights. If you're unsure of what to do with weights try a body pump class- its group exercise to music but using weights in a choreographed way. Lots of fun and gets you sweating without needing to know what to do!
    All the best x
  • hana2291
    hana2291 Posts: 8
    As much as I love zumba, I don't think doing it alone will do it. For that matter, I think any exercise alone wont do it, at least not for me. I trained for a 5K and completed it, something I though I would never do, and not lost one pound.

    I have read here that weight loss is about 90% diet and 10% exercise, though you definitely need the exercise to tone, and be healtier

    I took a quick peek at your diary, and first I saw you don't log every day, so first advice is do it consistently, everything, even the bad stuff, you'll learn a ton doing that.

    Second, I think you should up your protein and cut down in carbs, try to keep carbs below 100 g and protein above 100 g.

    Also, add some weight lifting, it will help a lot, and mix up your exercises, if you do the same thing over and over again your body will become more efficient at it, which means less calories burn

    Keep at it, be consistent and you'll see results.

    Good luck!

    Sorry just read this and realised we said the same thing! Great minds eh? X
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    i go to a zumba class twice a week and i also have it for my wii i love the exercise and its fun but iv not lost any weight since i started, i just do it for the workout and its fun! i found i lose weight better from cycling and walking
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Also, do not be afraid to weight train!! If you do it the right way (low weights and lots of repetitions) you will notice a huge difference too.

    Shouldn't it be higher weights and fewer reps?
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    Totally agree with what others have said. I discovered Zumba a little over a year ago and am a full-fledged addict!! While the scale isn't dropping quickly for me, I see definite changes in my body and am losing inches.....which in my mind is WAY more important! I go to Zumba 2-4 times a week and recently added a membership to Curves to my exercise program. My Dr. told me the cardio at Zumba was fabulous but to add strength training for a good balance. I have had more "gym" memberships that I care to count and I HATE going! Curves is different and I saw results in my first month!

    Don't stop Zumba!! Find something you can add to it for the strenght piece. Good Luck and Shake it like no one is watching!!:flowerforyou:
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I have lost weight doing Zumba, but have a very high intensity instructor. However, if I don't eat right and log everything I put in my mouth (to keep me honest) it ends up being just a fun time dancing. I have to have the whole package - not just a portion.
  • rob_kurtz
    rob_kurtz Posts: 16 Member
    Also, do not be afraid to weight train!! If you do it the right way (low weights and lots of repetitions) you will notice a huge difference too.

    Shouldn't it be higher weights and fewer reps?

    Depends on the results you're looking for. If you're looking to tone, go for lighter weight and more reps. If you're looking to bulk up, go for heavier weight and fewer reps.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    I just finished my second class last night and both morning weigh in's produced no weight loss. That being said, I feel amazing and please remember what one very wise person on here told me "it did not go on overnight and it's not coming off overnight". So Zumba may not be the "weight loss ticket" but it is the" health and well being ticket". Keep on, keeping on you got this in the bag.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    If you have been doing Zumba for a month with no weight loss, then the problem probably lies with your diet. Exercise alone without a consistently healthy diet won't do the trick. I lost 55 lbs in 8 months with ZUMBA, weight training, & a healthy diet. I occasionally did the treadmill or went for a walk/run on days I could not do Zumba.

    I think it doesn't hurt to add variety to your workouts, but strength training is the most effective thing you could add. DO HEAVY WEIGHTS. The thing about bulking up if you lift heavy is false. There are 50,000 threads about it here if you want to do a search, & you could also speak to ANY certified personal trainer & they will agree. The ONLY way to "bulk up" if you are a woman is to A) eat a calorie surplus body building diet of like 3000+ calories a day, or B) take steroids, HGH, or some kind of drug. If you are eating a calorie deficit, you cannot "bulk up"!!! It's not possible! Lifting heavy burns some major calories & you will tone & tighten things up!

    Also, look at the type of foods you're eating. Try to eat very little processed foods. Fresh fruits & vegetables, lean meats, & GOOD carbs (brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, whole grains) will make a difference!

    Good luck! You can do it! :)
  • DarbysWife
    I have lost weight doing Zumba, but have a very high intensity instructor. However, if I don't eat right and log everything I put in my mouth (to keep me honest) it ends up being just a fun time dancing. I have to have the whole package - not just a portion.

    I agree. I started Zumba a month ago and 'watched what I ate' but never lost anything until I started tracking EVERYTHING in MFP. I lost almost 5 pounds the first week. It also depends on the intensity you put into it!
  • hana2291
    hana2291 Posts: 8
    Also, do not be afraid to weight train!! If you do it the right way (low weights and lots of repetitions) you will notice a huge difference too.

    Shouldn't it be higher weights and fewer reps?

    Only if you want to gain muscle. Low weights and lots of reps will tone you without increasing muscle bulk.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies!!! I have been focused more on my diet and have now lost 3.5 pounds! YAY!! Also, my husband noticed my butt and hips have shrunk. SCORE. :) I think before I just didn't put enough thought into what was actually going in to my body. I've upped my zumba to going 6 days a week, and two of those days, I go to two classes. I still burn a butt load of calories, but am noticing that I'm not as exhuasted as I used to be...so now I think my endurance is improved and I will start incorporating weight training into my regimen. My gym offers so many classes to try! I'm excited about it all. :smile:
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    PS...I'm still struggling with my diet though..I can't seem to not go over my sodium. :noway: I love salty stuff....but, one day at a time, right?
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Also, do not be afraid to weight train!! If you do it the right way (low weights and lots of repetitions) you will notice a huge difference too.

    Shouldn't it be higher weights and fewer reps?

    Only if you want to gain muscle. Low weights and lots of reps will tone you without increasing muscle bulk.

    Muscle mass can't increase unless you eat at a surplus, and muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1 pound of fat = 1 pound of muscle. Muscle occupies less space, but it does not weigh more.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
  • mott35
    mott35 Posts: 1 Member
    I like the Exhale Core Fusion 30 Day Sculpt DVD for introducing some body weight resistance and toning exercises, or the strength piece. This DVD lays out 30 days of 20 minute workouts, 6 days a week. I do this DVD each morning and then, later on in the day, I do cardio like Zumba (if I'm stuck in the house with my kids) or a long walk over hilly terrain if the weather is nice. I have have not lost much, but between MFP and this plan, I've lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks.