Food in the house

Just curious, what did you do with any of the processed food that is in the house when you began to eat healthier. The reason I am asking is over the last several months I had stocked up on sale item (try to save money as I am off for the summer, I am a teacher) This has worked the past few years but now with actually deciding to lose weight and eat healthy, I have lots of stuff that is not so good for us. I don't wat to see the money "wasted" but at the same time I don't want to eat a lot of it.

I am leaning towards option 1 below but I am looking for what others have done.I have been doning myfitnesspal for a week and I have allready dropped 2 lbs!!!!!

1) Did you use it up a bit at a time?
2) Did you throw it out?
3) Did you give it away?
4) Did you do something else with it?


  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Donate it to your local food bank.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Donate it to a food pantry.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Well, I waited until we were out of food and had to go grocery shopping again to start buying everything healthy... But I agree with HLeAnn, you should donate the food if you don't want to waste it.
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    i mix it up....i mix mac and cheese with lots of vegetables and canned salmon....then break it down into four meals....i stay within my calorie limit oh and i exercise a little more if i can....

    things like chips etc. i would donate ... the children will love you...

    good luck....:)
  • Emily_Katherine
    Here's what I did:

    1. Check best befores
    2. Use it up a bit at a time
    3. Donate what you cannot reasonably use

    All depends on what you mean by packaged food. Are you talking dry stuff or frozen? I have Mac & Cheese occasionally as a treat or if I am in a bind for time for dinner, instead of eating out. You could always toss the cheese packet and just cook up the pasta with some other sauce. My husband loves those lipton sidekicks, so I make one with dinner when I am feeling sapped for creativity and just watch the amount of butter I add. Crackers are fine in small portions and make a tasty lunch IMO with cheese and vegetables or salad.
  • alinakaras
    alinakaras Posts: 51 Member
    I've been thinking about the same thing actually. I am planning to do the Clean & Lean 14 Day Kickstart next weekend, so want to make sure that all unhealthy food is out of the fridge and cupboard.

    I haven't thought about donating it anywhere.... purely because I don't know where I could do that! I've been eating some things bit at a time - I always think "out of sight, out of mind", which is not good, obviously!

    Thankfully, I haven't got that much of unhealthy food in my fridge/cupboard, so hopefully I will manage to clear it up somehow during the next week. Otherwise, I might give stuff to my parents-in-law and any sweets/chocolate etc to my work colleagues (although then I will be tempting myself in the office!).