any current south beach followers out there?

A few years ago I lost 30 lbs doing south beach and I kept it off for a few years until I got pregnant with my second son. I indulged and of course gained it all back. I have been counting calories but I'm starting to think that by counting calories I'm allowing myself too much crappy foods. I rationalize that if I'm under my calories it's all good. It's obviously not because I'm not losing and haven't for a while now. Looking for some south beach success stories and examples of foods you eat. How do you like it etc. Thanks :)


  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
  • valheid
    valheid Posts: 152 Member
    I just started back on South Beach today because I found that when I was just counting calories I ate a lot of junk.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I don't do South Beach exactly, but eat similar to that style. When I was in high school my mom started South Beach and I did it with her for a while. I was in a similar situation to you when I first joined MFP. Eating unhealthy foods, but rationalizing it because it was in my goal. Now that I've cut out grains again, I'm having much better progress. I don't even count all my calories everyday now, just try and be good about portion size, stay away from processed foods, and stick to the lean meats, and lots of veggies like South Beach.

    For lunch I mostly eat salads with lots of different colored veggies, and then add either tuna, salmon, hard boiled egg or some chicken breast for protein.

    For dinner I try and make a chicken, fish or a lean cut of red meat and then fill half my plate with veggies. Just by doing that I usually stay within my calorie goal anyway, so it works out nicely.
  • tabathaduvall
    tabathaduvall Posts: 17 Member
    Just restarted SB... Did it my senior year and lost 20-ish lbs.

    I've been counting calories, but still catch myself not making the healthiest choices, and I need to get back to that habit.

    I've been eating a lot more vegetables (mainly zucchini because of the ridiculous crop we got this year, haha) I love using zucchini as noodles in lasagna, and I've done a twice baked cauliflower that felt like I was cheating. It would probably be a "once-in-a-while" thing because it is higher in fat.

    Also eating a lot of grilled meats, and at our local hibachi bar where you can pick and choose what goes in.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I pretty much follow South Beach. In the summer I sometimes eat more fruit than recommended and I don't always get my veggies at lunch. I have a lot of SB recipes on Pinterest if you are interested:
  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks! I just got back to it yesterday and last night I had dreams I ate carbs lol. I think this is the right choice for me.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    Three years ago I started SB and lost 40+ lbs ..... maintained it easily ..... now I'm here to tweak things & lose a few more lbs ..... nothing much has changed with my way of eating ...... I really like logging food & exercise into MFP & seeing the calories helps, because I'm a little loose with portion-control :drinker:

    You can always friend me if you'd like .....

    Best of luck to you all !
  • adet983
    adet983 Posts: 138
    i hate miami
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I started this journey with south beach and transitioned to atkins (limit of 20 net carbs dail)

    I have lost 30 lbs in about a month and a half (including 2 weeks of slacking off, a few binges here and there)

    I eat:

    scrambled egg with string cheese cut up in it, salt pepper
    bell peppers
    celery, salad, cucumbers, asaparagas, brussel sprouts, broccoli, couliflower
    fish, chicken, burgers, nuts

    - nuts and carrots are not really advised on induction, but I do it anyway and still lose (just limited amounts)

    for treats, I have this 5 calorie jello, with a squirt of whipped cream = 25 calories, maybe 1 carb

    I do sometimes cave and eat chocolate. I freaking love that stuff.
  • starrygirl82
    starrygirl82 Posts: 76 Member
    I started this journey with south beach and transitioned to atkins (limit of 20 net carbs dail)

    I have lost 30 lbs in about a month and a half (including 2 weeks of slacking off, a few binges here and there)

    I eat:

    scrambled egg with string cheese cut up in it, salt pepper
    bell peppers
    celery, salad, cucumbers, asaparagas, brussel sprouts, broccoli, couliflower
    fish, chicken, burgers, nuts

    - nuts and carrots are not really advised on induction, but I do it anyway and still lose (just limited amounts)

    for treats, I have this 5 calorie jello, with a squirt of whipped cream = 25 calories, maybe 1 carb

    I do sometimes cave and eat chocolate. I freaking love that stuff.

  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Several years ago I lost 50 lbs. following The South Beach Diet. Before starting with MFP, I had gained 20 lbs. back. The accountability with tracking calories on My FItness Pal has helped me lose those 20 lbs. plus 17 more so far. I still apply many of the South Beach Diet principals to the way I eat. I think that's part of the reason I have stopped inching toward pre-diabetes in its' tracks! It's a very healthy way to eat!
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    I just started SBD on Sunday, and I can already tell I'm shrinking. I had been counting calories and eating things like brown rice, wheat bread and whole oats, but when I cut those things out (plus sugar) the scale started moving again. I'm so happy!
  • kayteaann
    kayteaann Posts: 12 Member
    I started Phase 1 on June, 30th so today will be my 12th day and i've lost 11 lbs so far. The beginning is tough but it is SO worth it. I went from 270 to 188 a couple years ago then went n had a baby n got back up to 249...started SB at 229 and I'm 217.something. I took measurements which I want to compare when the two weeks is done...My goal is to do this for one month then transition to phase 2. I've read it's okay to do it for a month and okay for 2 months only if you are morbidly obese...anyway googling recipes has helped face desserts these days are 1 tbs of all nat peanut butter melted mixed with a no sugar added fudgecicle and chilled in the freezer..its like a reeses peanut butter cup!! yum..after i read the serving size is 2 tbs of pb and 2 fudgecicles i did that and to my surprise it was just too much...i couldn't believe i didn't want to eat it all..and my most recent fave is the popsicle brand tropical popsicles that are sugar free...super yummy..having one right now..anyway good luck. SB will ALWAYS be my go-to diet as it works for me..have a good day!!
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    I had the South Beach Greek Salad today and it was fanfreakingtastic. This diet is a piece of cake. Ha ha!