Looking for friends

I'm fairly new to this site, and am just looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I don't have a whole lot to lose, but I'm having trouble losing the rest of the weight I had gained since my pregnancy!



  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    Hi..feel free to add me..I'm on here everyday!
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me - I'm getting started again after pregnancy. My baby is 4 months old. Before I got pregnant, I lost 50 lbs, with 50 more to go, but then gained the 50 back during pregnancy, so I'm back at my highest weight again. It's depressing, but baby is so worth it! But I want to get healthy and fit for him. :)
    Good luck!
  • add me if youd like, im new to this as well
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    Feel free to add me :) I'm also trying to lose the last couple lbs of baby weight.
  • Lakona76
    Lakona76 Posts: 10 Member
    Always looking for friends, feel free to add if you like :)
  • Hey, i'm new to this site too. I just joined yesterday. I don't know anyone but am looking for people to support me and help keep me motivated. Good luck everyone on losing weight and nice to meet you. :)
  • VallyGee
    VallyGee Posts: 5
    I'm new to the site as well, and also looking for new friends! I recently had a baby (June 2) and wanting to lose the extra baby weight.
    Good luck all! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other :)
  • Stinkee17
    Stinkee17 Posts: 5
    Everyone feel free to add me, more friends and help the better!
  • hmtito
    hmtito Posts: 15
    Welcome! I'm new too. Always looking for friends, feel free to add if you like :)
  • shan10
    shan10 Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone can add me! I have been on here and I am focused on losing weight and will be happy to support others!
  • ahelland21
    ahelland21 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me! I had been on the site about a month now and I love it! I am always looking for new friends! :)

  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    I'm always available to add to anyone who needs and wants support. I like it too!!! Karen
  • Add away, always on here!
  • margaretrican
    margaretrican Posts: 16 Member
    To all feel free to add me too....I am currently going to Boot Camp three times a week, I am on my 4th month and now have started to change my diet and going with the Trainer's recommendations. So far I have lost about 7 lbs and have a lot more to go :smile:
  • shannonmaria
    shannonmaria Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm looking for friends and support as well :)
  • Feel free to add, I am on here everyday!