MASSIVE difference in calories burned

My question is about calories burned.

I am using My Fitness Pal to log my daily activity.

I have an exercise bike at home, that doesn't record weight/age, but is telling me 125 cals burned for 10 minutes!!

MFP says for 10 minutes on the bike, moderate effort, is 86 cals (for my weight/age).

My sister's bike at the gym, for the same time spent, is giving half the cals burned (49 cals).

Massive differences, not sure which to go by?


  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    It might help people estimate which is closer if you included your age/height/weight/gender. But most people will just tell you to buy a heart rate monitor.

    Try throwing your info into and see which one is close. I generally go with the lowest estimate (I run 3 GPS apps during my runs, they're always within 20 calories or so but I'd rather lowball than overestimate).
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    The bike that does not take weight, age, and gender into consideration will be inaccurate. The bike at the gym and MFP will be a bit closer. Heart/activity monitor is the best way to calculate calories burned though....
  • gawj1512
    gawj1512 Posts: 23
    Im 162lb, female, 167cm tall and age 35yrs.

    That link you gave me says 86 cals burned for 10 minutes moderate.

    I am having trouble gauging what is considered moderate.

    If you are cycling a regular bicycle moderate is considered 12-14mph.

    I am cycling at 13mph on the stationary bike, so I guess that is moderate too?

    So yeah, 86 cals on that web link.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I personally wouldn't worry about it, which means not 'eating back'. They're all estimates.
  • gawj1512
    gawj1512 Posts: 23
    I personally wouldn't worry about it, which means not 'eating back'. They're all estimates.

    I'm slightly OCD about logging my activity ''/

    I have no idea what type of HRM to get, there is a lot of difference in what's available on the market