Just need some encouragement

Hello my friends! I haven't been doing well at logging for a while, and I'm starting to feel the need to be on the ball every day again. Things are finally settling a little at the new house and of course the living with daughter, her hubby and a 1 yr old and a 4 yr old, along with my son who is going to be 19 this month.....It's a lot for this old lady to get used to. I love my family and would do anything I could for any one of them, but I don't wish this situation on anyone. I like my alone time and had gotten very used to it being just my son and me for the past 6 years.
So, I'm feeling a little like a "Mom" again taking care of everyone and when I come home from work, my kids and grandkids want attention and relief of duties. I want to make sure I get on here every day and be the faithful gal I was when I started Last October!
I almost made it to 300 days before the move and my getting heat exhaustion/stroke. I'm still eating right and trying to get some exercise as much as possible. My next goal is to hit 180!


  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    I hope that I can be of some encouragement. I know how easy it is to get discouraged, but you have done SO WELL and have come SO FAR. I KNOW that you can hang in there with me!!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Judging from your weight loss, you're doing great!

    First of all, as one mom to another (who also treasures her alone time), we have to take care of ourselves too........there is nothing wrong with you going off by yourself when you get home and getting your alone time in.........that will also allow your family to feel free to take their alone time when they need it.

    Set aside a certain amount of time each evening and log then........and let that be part of your alone time.

    Add me as a friend and I'll watch for you!
  • nicms1990
    nicms1990 Posts: 1 Member
    I definitely understand the need for encouragement! I have 3 teenagers in my house, and find it very difficult to put myself first (or even anywhere on the list). I'm new to My Fitness Pal, so while I don't have words of advice, please know that you are not in your boat by yourself! Maybe you, your children and son-in-law can each take a turn at night for meal prep/clean up so it doesn't fall all on you. Good luck!
  • beth0672
    beth0672 Posts: 37
    Alone time...what's that? lol I have 3 teenagers and a 10yr old that I will be homeschooling this coming year due to special circumstances. I can relate to how you feel about having no time to yourself! I get giddy if I get to run to the store alone! :)