Nervous about going to the gym

guamchar Posts: 100 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am on this site because I need to lose weight. I can (usually) do pretty good about eating healthier, but I struggle to exercise. I am nervous to go to a gym because I'm afraid people will wonder "why is the fat girl at the gym?" I am a college student, and I walked into the gym on campus and everyone seemed to be a size 4 or 6 and incredibly buff. That's not me at all. How can I get over this?


  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I totally feel the same way. Most of the time I want to go workout but I'm so afraid that everyone will be looking at me and wondering why I'm there or judge me on the way I'm doing something. Sometimes I worry about it so much that I just dont go.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I have the same thing. I usually chose the time of day when the gym is the LEAST busy. So either crack of dawn or right before they close. The gym I go to is usually dead around 1-3 so I make sure I go during those times or I don't go at all. I also will do a lot of exercises at home (walking around area, weights in my room, etc).
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    u dont have to go to the gym to get fit. There are so many fitness videos and other exercises that you can do at home. If you are not comfortable going to the gym...chances are u will not go. That in return takes your money...Keep up the good job ladies. At least u r considering exercising. Thats a strength!!!!!
  • When you walk into the gym remember who you are there for and don't worry about what other people are thinking. When I go I have my head phones on and think of why I am there and I start thinking about how I am going to look at the end of my weight loss journey. I have at least 100 lbs to lose and still go to the gym. I am there for me. I say to my self if they don't like what they see, DON'T LOOk. It is a mind set and you can get there. Just do it!!!!!! You will feel so much better about yourself. Good Luck!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Just go. It's for your health, your body, not for anyone else's. Yes, when you go the majority will be skinny people running around, but when I go I just think "I need to be here." Going the first time will be the hardest, but after that you will be fine. If people are staring, it would be because they are impressed that you would go and that you are being proactive about your situation. Do it girl!! I did it and you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Awwww, you guys. . . I used to be the fat girl at the gym and I used to feel the same way. Then I woke up, looked at myself in the mirror and told myself, 'I hate the way I look and I hate the way I feel.' And that terrible feeling made me forget about being the fat girl and I wanted to do something about it more than I cared what someone else think. I realized that what I thought about me was a lot more important than what someone else thought. You can do this. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. The funny thing is that now, I've lost a total of 59 lbs (44 before I found MFP) and I've become friends with several people at the gym and we work out together and support each other and it's been really awesome and really helpful.

    You can do it!!!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    I have found that I don't work out fully in the gym because i am not comfortable there. So instead i ordered a couple fitness videos, and i got a wii fit. Both have been wonderful. I also walk around my block which is about a 4 mile walk, when it is not cold at least. Usually early in the morning when a few people are out. Just try different things, If you aren't comfortable you won't work out to your full potential. Good luck Ladies!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    A lot of those size 4 or 6 people at the gym are former bigger sizes. I used to be a size 12/14. I sure don't judge people when I see them working out. I'm always just glad to see someone working toward the same goals as me-- a healthy lifestyle, no matter what size.

    So, get in there and focus on you and only you. Something that might help is to carry an ipod. I'm a shy person and I don't like to talk much (esp at the gym) so I have them in my ears right as I walk in the doors. But, you might be a people person and enjoy making some friends while your there-- your preference.

    No matter what, don't worry about what others are thinking. Most are there to get in a good workout and are only focused on that. ;)
  • I am an obese short person who goes to the gym. No one will say anything to you. What they are thinking is not your problem. You have no control over it and they don't know you. Just go to the gym and exercise. As you lose weight because you go to the gym often enough, people may congratulate on your progress. That has happened to me and I have not lost all that much weight. It is a great feeling when total strangers can tell you lost weight. I love going to the gym even though I am still very obese. Good luck on your journey.:smile:
  • get a gym partner (skinny or not!) and workout together. This way, you don't feel lonely, and you could care less if others are looking at you. Besides, shame on them if they give you a funny look, just because you made the right step to take charge of your weight management and healthy living ... :flowerforyou:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Most people aren't even paying attention! They may look, but they'll also look away. Everyone is usually pretty focused on their workout time, reps, set list, playlist, t.v. show etc. etc.

    I am not a size 4 or 6 by any means but I certainly find motivation from all the people at the gym. I admire people that are on the treadmill longer than me and have an amazing body or a heavier person working out super hard on a machine to my left or an older person lifting a weight I couldn't dream of.

    You are all there for the exact same get fit, be healthy and love life.

    Just go! Start a routine and soon you'll become one of those people you were intimidated by! :bigsmile:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    just go just remember you are doing this for your health and your well being.
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    Don't worry about it. You are there for yourself and not for anyone else. When I was working out and saw different sizes of people I always thought how nice it is that this person is taking steps to being more healthy. Plus having other people working out will motivate you more.

    So just go for it! Good luck :)
  • I'd recommend bringing some that will distract you from the skinny-minnies around you. For example, create a playlist that you love with some songs that make you feel good, no matter where you are. I also will bring a book to the gym and do the stationary bike, which makes the time fly because you're not paying attention to anyone around you, but you're still getting a great workout.
  • Me too. I especially freeze up when there are buff hotties(male) standing around talking and I gotta walk by them with my big butt. I am so self-conscious about that. I just keep walking and tell myself, hey, at least I have the ability to get to the gym and work it off. My legs and arms work and my body is asking me to care for it better, so I just go on my way and quit thinking about what the hotties are doing. Then I kind of beat myself up a little for pretending to know what they are thinking anyway. I don't want others to assume what I'm thinking. Just go to the gym and work it. You are already making great progress!!!!!!!!! Have you tried a good yoga class? When I took yoga and focused on it, I felt better in my skin. I need to start that again. :smile:
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    I am a complete advocate for the local YMCA. So much so I have been an employee for 10 yrs! And I am only 26 yrs old. As an employee let me tell you what we say/ think of the heavier people that come in. We think they are incredibly brave for trying something new and being proactive about your health. We HOPE that you continue to come back. We get excited when we start seeing the changes in your appearance. Everyone understands how terrifying entering a gym can be if you never have before. I recommend forking out the money for a personal trainer. (Just for a few lessons if anything) That way you can get orientated with the equipment. Then you can walk in proudly knowing that you are doing the exercises/machines correctly. Also it is a great way to stick to working out in the beginning because you feel like you are being held accountable by having to show up to meet with them. I would recommend seeing a trainer once a week in the beginning so that way it keeps you coming back even if you get discouraged. 6 weeks of something and then it becomes habit right!?

    If you go to your gym at the same time of the day all the time you will start recognizing faces as you walk in. Remember everyone in that gym whether they are skinny or big ALL have ONE thing in common. To become healthier then what they are! Hold your head high, smile when you make eye contact with someone, and say hello! A gym can become just as good of a support group as MFP believe it or not! People love being inspired by others and seeing the successes of others. Real friendships can and do form from a gym.

    Also if you think you can't afford a gym see if there is a YMCA close to you because at least in St. Louis a YMCA will not turn away anyone because they can't afford it. They will take in account your income and work with you to figure out a price that you can afford.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    You might make some great friends there. Even size 4 and 6 people can be nice sometimes! :laugh:
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you for all of the encouragement. I feel that it's such a shame to waste a free membership (although I do have to pay "fees" to the school to cover the cost). I am planning on going one day next week. It's finals week, so I'm hoping that I can get my "first time" over with when there won't be many people there.
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