Any moms out there who...

Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
struggle with stress eating??? I am looking for some mom friends who struggle with stress eating like me. Thought perhaps we could motiviate each other. :)


  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    yes!! This was me! I still struggle with it sometimes but it is getting better. MFP has helped so much! Knowing I am tracking and knowing I want to make good choices also has helped. I also have surrounded myself with great friends!
    I'll add you!
  • stemab3
    stemab3 Posts: 58
    me too.........stress eating and boredom eating are my down falls. Let's help each other...add me!
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    Yes. Its difficult after a hard stressful day to not indulge in comfort food.
  • lnjackson2
    I created a fruit and veggie stand at home and work. Also, Skinny Pop popcorn, cherries, cherry tomatoes and grapes really helps me get thru the stressful days. For me it's just having something to snack on and when I want sweets I turn to Atkins bars, Skinny Cow or Weight Watchers. These tricks have really help me keep the EXTRA weight away.
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    <----Definitely a stress eater....and an emotional eater....and a bored eater. Do I really need to continue? lol
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    I'm the same way.. but usually only at work.. I am a 911 dispatcher and on the slow days I could easily snack on ice cream, candy bars or whatever fell out of the vending machine.. ** i havent touched the vending machine in 3 months***
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    I'm the same way.. but usually only at work.. I am a 911 dispatcher and on the slow days I could easily snack on ice cream, candy bars or whatever fell out of the vending machine.. ** i havent touched the vending machine in 3 months***

    Woot! Go you!!
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    Oooooh yes. On the bad days ... out come the chips! I HATE stress eating. I'll send you a friend request!
  • lucy2021
    lucy2021 Posts: 24
    I find that when I am stressed I head for chocolate! Trying to make sure that instead of bad food to munch on i have healthy foods. Work is the worst! People constantly bring in sweets! Thank goodness for baby carrots!
  • MissCeciFrench
    definitely.....I have a 15month old who drives me crazy at times!! I am also on a weight loss journey and currently doing a 90 day challenge and would love to make friends with the same goals as me!
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    You can add me :)
  • AmyfromBama
    AmyfromBama Posts: 125 Member
    Yep me too!!!!
  • DMZH78
    DMZH78 Posts: 42
    struggle with stress eating??? I am looking for some mom friends who struggle with stress eating like me. Thought perhaps we could motivate each other. :)

    Yes, I struggle with this everyday! It also contributes to my insomnia issue (which as we all know contributes to obisity), so I can totally relate to you! If you need more motivation, please feel free to add me. I try to keep a small group of friends on here so that I can give each one encouragement and support & hope they do the same!

    Wishing you the best luck in your journey!
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    ME TOO!! Feel free to add me too. I need more friends for motivation and support through the tough times!!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    I am sooo a stress eater! My kiddos are 12 and 8, and between tween hormones, sibling rivalry, work, and day to day being a mom -- sometimes I just want some Reece's pieces and a little peace :)! Would love to be part of some motivation!

  • Cocobee515
    Cocobee515 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I definitely struggle with that! My family is going through changes right now, plus I have a 3 month old who constantly demands my attention and sometimes I just want to give up and eat everything and not work our but I have to remember I'm doing this to be healthy and I've already made too much progress! Add me! :)
  • GanjaBall
    GanjaBall Posts: 31 Member
    Stress binge eating .... I'm so glad I'm not alone! It has helped me out soooo much knowing that others truly struggle with this.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Yes I'm a single mother who ate to amuse myself. An emotional eater is what I'm called.
  • lilaandclair
    I sit in my office and crave snacking all day. Chips, chocolate, soda and coffee to stay awake. Just easy junk food, and salty sweet. I started working out a little everyday, and my appetite started to curb itself. so weird but now I really am not wanting meat or junk food. I have also started Advocare supplements. Not so much for weight loss but for nutritinal support. I spent 7 years as a stay at home mom, and altough i'm not that big, my butt holds alot of fat that is not attractive after three kids and stress and me do not go well. a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream at a time for comfort. I feel you.