Small Successes are my motviation

So, this summer and fall were tough, I was unemployed, trying to decide what to do next, and eventhough I had lots of free time to exercise, I also had lots of free time to cook and eat. All that free time coupled with the mild depression of trying to decide what to do with my life erased the small gains I'd made since recovering from breaking my ankle.

I finally found myself pretty much back to square one. So as of the first of December I'm back in gear. I have some ambitious goals, both professionally and physically for 2010, and I didn't want to wait until January to stop the backslide and reverse it.

I took myself back to the gym this week, and I've made it three days in row, more than an hour of cardio...

And here's my little victory that I'll share here because my i know some fellow MFPers will understand...since I broke my ankle I've shied away from trying to run on the treadmill....but its been nearly 20 months, and I know my goal for 2010 aside from weight loss is to participate in a triathalon sprint (750M swim, 12 mile bike ride, 5 K run) at the end of September.

So I'm incorporating more treadmill into my cardio, and today I wanted to establish a base line. I did a 17 minute mile, and I jogged for 4.5 minutes of the 17. Not much, but I was proud of myself, and it gives me something to build on...and the motivation to beat my own time.

So here's to making all my weight loss goals, making my way to that triathalon, and reaching the end of 2010 satisfied that I have finally reached a new healthy weight that i can enjoy maintaining and strengthening for the rest of my life.


  • jmg_00
    jmg_00 Posts: 13 Member
    You go girl! :smile:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I think that is an awesome way to view your milestones along the way! Good for you and thank you for sharing with us your story.
  • RockNRollWeekender
    :bigsmile: That's great!!!!

    Glad to hear you're not waiting til' New Years. That crossed my mind once or twice but I am so glad to just start NOW.

    It's also, really touching to hear about your story because I feel the same in some ways. Only my husband's pay keeps decreasing, and I'm at work more away from him and our daughter, and eating fast mall food like bagels and pretzels constantly. Also, I've been dealing with an old wrist injury for the last 5 years....but for the past two weeks I've been bragging about doing push-ups!

    Good luck with all your milestones and huge congrats!
    I can't wait to hear about that triathalon in September.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Congratulations on your great start.:flowerforyou: It is great that your ankle has healed well enough you can start running.
    I too like to feel like I am making small gains and many mini-victories along the way.

    I have a long way to go and need to continue to keep my self motivated. One of the ways to keep myself moving forward is the celebration of the small hurdles I cross. (even if it is just saying Woohoo! Go Me!)

    So, Woohoo! You go girl! :wink: Best wishes- katie
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I think those are grest doable goals. I would love to do it too! Good luck. You can do it!
  • chellebelle315
    Thanks everyone :flowerforyou: I don't like to post my weight loss stuff on facebook because I think some of my friends don't get it, but its nice to have a forum to share with people who are on the same journey and can appreciate the small stuff.