30 day shred question!

I have gotten a lot of help/insight on my calorie intake and have recently decided to up my calories from 1200 to 1300. I'm still a bit confused though.. just curious on people who are doing the 30 day shred as their only form of exercise..how many calories daily?

My stats are:
SW: 142
CW 143.5 (what the!?!)
GW: 125-130

I am 5'2 (shorty)

I am currently eating 1300 and eating back most of exercise calories but not all. I don't have a heart rate monitor yet.. (i know i know, i need to get one)

I am a stay at home mom.. and 30 day shred is my main form of exercise aside from walking pushing a stroller a few days a week for an hour or 2.

Anyone with similar situation?

THANKS!!! :)


  • thenicksters
    thenicksters Posts: 31 Member
    Hey! I got through level 1 - all ten days. I just finished second day of level 2. I log it as 160 calories. In the past, I have always aimed for 1200 calories then would eat the additional that I burn with exercise, staying right around 1200 by the end of the day. After reading, I have upped my net goal to between 1300-1500. Some days I add cardio after my workouts, about 15-20 mins on the treadmill.

    This morning I was 139.6...I think I was 140.6 when I weighed on Friday the 6th...

    I just wonder when I'm going to see the scale change like WOW... or do I just have to wait for the measuring results at the end of it..which I better notice a difference Jillian Michaels!! :laugh:
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of the shred, and on Day 1, I decided to up my cals from 1200 to 1500. I've only netted 1000 so far so I need to eat more to get in my range! Since the shred I have gained 2 lbs. But I'm sure its just water weight that my muscles are clinging too. I am hiding the scale and won't let myself step on again until my 30th day! I want to not worry about the numbers. Just about how I look and feel.

    To be honest though, I feel heavy and chunky right now. My legs and stomach look bloated and just heavier. Hopefully that'll go away soon....No other exercise for me either. I've been too sore so far and haven't wanted to injure myself any more. Fingers crossed!!!
  • alikonner
    alikonner Posts: 67
    I'm on Day 4 of the shred, and on Day 1, I decided to up my cals from 1200 to 1500. I've only netted 1000 so far so I need to eat more to get in my range! Since the shred I have gained 2 lbs. But I'm sure its just water weight that my muscles are clinging too. I am hiding the scale and won't let myself step on again until my 30th day! I want to not worry about the numbers. Just about how I look and feel.

    To be honest though, I feel heavy and chunky right now. My legs and stomach look bloated and just heavier. Hopefully that'll go away soon....No other exercise for me either. I've been too sore so far and haven't wanted to injure myself any more. Fingers crossed!!!

    That makes me feel better! I have gained almost 2 lbs too!!!! I am eating around 1300 for now and eating most of burned calories back. I am really hoping it's just water weight.. You're right, I shouldn't step on the scale for awhile!!!

    Thanks!!! :)
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I finished day 8 today and so far I've lost a few lbs but the biggest difference is the number of inches I've lost, particularly from my waist. Most people I know who've done the shred found that unless they were really really overweight they didn't lose a great deal of weight but did lose inches/drop a dress size.
  • erzsebetvwv
    erzsebetvwv Posts: 5 Member
    I've done the 30DS before, and I actually just started again today. It's been like a year since the last time. For context, I'm 5'3 and my weight generally hovers between 130 and 135. The reason I'm starting again is because I saw 138 on the scale yesterday, and I was very displeased with my lack of discipline.

    I didn't notice a faster weight loss with 30DS than running or doing the elliptical, but after only a couple of weeks, I noticed more muscle definition and my pants were looser. I lost weight at about the same rate as with just running or doing the elliptical when I just did 30DS. I also only do it a few days a week. If I do it more than two days in a row, my knees start to ache. This time, I'm mixing it in with running, rollerblading, and doing the elliptical, and just sort of going with whichever one I feel like on any given day so I won't get too bored.