I can't do this alone!

I am an about to be single mom looking to find the "me" I left somewhere along the road called Life. I know she is there somewhere under the pounds and pounds of grotesquely sculptured fat. I need all the help I can get. I need a few "friends" to continue the journey and walk, jog, run, crawl the rest of the way with me. I know I can do this. I've already seen my "after" picture, I know what I can look like and I know I can get there again. However, from where I'm standing now, the road looks loooong and lonely. I need some walking buddies!


  • you can do it! I was also a single mom until I met my boyfriend. I can completely relate to the struggle of balance and am still looking for my balance as well. add me lets motivate eachother!
  • DJDonadic
    DJDonadic Posts: 17 Member
    You are not alone and yes the road is LONG. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good Luck!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    You can add me.
  • Feel free to add me! I come from an (amazing and strong) single mother home, so I have seen what you're going through. I'm on here everyday and would love to help support you :).
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    I bet you a MILLION dollars that you CAN do it alone, but who the hell wants to do that?!?!
    Feel free to add me :D
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    First if all, you CAN do it alone. You are a worthy human being. You are WORTHY of health and happiness and you DO have the ability to make it happen...but you don't HAVE to do it alone. :flowerforyou:
    People treat you like you treat yourself. Stop seeing something bad in the mirror. Your body is a beautiful vessel that houses your spirit! Thank your body and promise to treat it better!! I'm spiritual but a hard *kitten* too. Add me if you can handle my honesty. If not... I wish you the best.
  • AllisonB145
    AllisonB145 Posts: 94 Member
    You don't have to do it alone, we're all here to support you! You CAN do this!! :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Thank you so much...I am sitting here with tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes. I have a feeling MFP will be a blessing.
  • Feel free to add me. You can do this and you wont be alone in this journey
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Hi, we are here for you and will go on this journey with you. You can do this and you will suceed!!!!!!!! Feel free to add me too, i would love to help you reach your goals.
  • mybodyisacage
    mybodyisacage Posts: 2 Member
    I have also been a single mother, so I can understand the struggles. I'd be happy to lend you support. Feel free to add me.

    Congratulations for taking that first step to the new you. You should be proud of yourself.
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome! I travelled the single mom road too for quite awhile so understand the transformation you are starting. You will find your power again and regain yourself!

    Please do add me as a friend supporter - and fellow welcoming committee I Invite your friendship as well! The support we get from this is wonderful!
  • ksun10
    ksun10 Posts: 76
    you can do this!!! WOO! feel free to add me :)
  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    First, welcome to MFP! It is a great place. I have been here for about 2 months and feel totally different already,

    Second, yes you can do it alone and really you need to be self motivated and a little greedy or this will not work. However if you are self motivated, the support on here is fantastic and truly does keep you focused and moving forward.

    And third, he doesn't deserve you so good for you for making this decision. Sounds like you are already making good decisions....

    Feel free to add me, I would be glad to be part of your support group along this journey!
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    You don't have to do this alone...there are people here for you even if it is not in real life. I have a very long journey ahead of me as well and could always use a buddy to do it with as well. Hang in there mama....you got this!
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    You came to the right place....plenty of support here!!! Add me too!!!
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    No shame on you, we all have personal struggles. It is ok, you are here now, and now is all you have. Now is all you can worry about. You can do this. You will do this. You have the strength to do this, but you do not need to be not alone. Reach out, and you will find a supportive group of friends to go through this with you. You are strong. You can do this!
  • You CAN do this! I know what you mean about walking buddies. It's so hard to find people willing to commit to a walking, or any exercise routine. Most of my friends are thin - I'm the token fat chick I think. I'm 45 and I refuse to turn another year older weighing this much. As for weight loss, keep in mind how fast time goes by. I originally joined a gym in April and was told if I did the program, I would lose 30 lbs in 4 months. Well, that seemed so far away, not to mention the fact that I need to lose 50 lbs. Well, 4 months came and went, flew by as a matter of fact. But did I do the program? Nope. And here I am, weighing the same.

    So that's it. I AM DONE looking at the mountain in front of me. It took me a while to get big so it's gonna take a while to lose it. But time goes by so fast when you're not paying attention to it. So that's my advice. Don't focus on the time it's going to take. Just go day by day. Not sure where you live, or I'd be happy to walk with you. Can't wait to hear of your progress.