At my wits end, Please help me!



  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    Please stop hating your body, it's the only one you are going to get so treat it right and stop putting it under so much pressure. If you don't like your body, guess what? No refunds.

    The problem is not in what you are doing, it's how you are thinking. You have a skewed perception of how you look. You will lose weight and get down to a ridiculous size and still see a chunkster in the mirror. I know because sometimes I feel that way. Some mornings I wake up and feel like I did before the weight loss and even see myself that way in the mirror.

    Good luck with the nutritionist but you may need to see more doctors than that.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It sounds like you might need to talk to a counselor in addition to a nutritionist. No matter what your weight, this type of obsession with rapid weight loss coupled with an admittedly poor attitude toward your own body is not good. The stress alone can inhibit your weight loss.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Tom is coming to see me soon also, and although I've not given in to any cravings, and am losing, the cravings are becoming more persistent! The weight will come off after TOM, if not during... if you remain on track. I hate Tom... always sabotaging my good attitude and efforts. :grumble:
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I I need to know how to drop more weight, and fast! I know that I will be happier once the weight is gone, I just don't know how much weight needs to go. I look at myself and see the chubby high-schooler with no life and no self-confidence.

    How can I drop the weight (even during my T.O.M)?

    Two things:

    1. Drop weight even during ToM: If you are losing, you are losing. Don't let the water weight and other hormone fluctuations deceive you. Compare numbers over the long haul, not daily. It won't work. It will just make you crazy.

    2. The part where you say, "I will be happier once the weight is gone" makes me worried. No doubt, I feel better and happier having lost a few pounds, BUT I don't feel that the pounds defined me or my happiness. Mostly, I'm proud of having bigger, stronger muscles because I feel strong and fit. If you look at it as weight = happiness, you will probably never be happy. I've gone past my first and second goal weights, but I still see little places that I want more toned. If my happiness depended on that, I'd be manic. That is probably one way people end up with body image issues or eating disorders.
  • cherrybl0ssoms
    cherrybl0ssoms Posts: 19 Member
    First of all - PUT THE SCALE AWAY!!!

    The number on the scale is not the end-all, be-all for fitness. At the end of the day, it's JUST a number. Focus on how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror. That's way more important than the scale!

    Secondly, I agree you are not eating enough calories. After exercise, you should be netting NO LESS than 1,200 calories as a woman, and ideally more like 1,400. You are also really low in protein and higher in carbs. Protein is your body's number one fuel source so you definitely need to up your protein. I've heard 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight - this has worked well for me. I've also noticed when I taper my carbs to where I don't have any carbs after lunch, I lose weight faster. Definitely no carbs post workout - your body uses carbs for energy and after your workout you don't need that energy anymore! Protein and healthy fats after workout are great!
  • free2live72003
    my suggestion would be to eat way more protein and way less carbs.
  • cherrybl0ssoms
    cherrybl0ssoms Posts: 19 Member
    my suggestion would be to eat way more protein and way less carbs.

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I mean this in the kindest possible way, but a lot of the problem is in your head. I don't mean that you don't need to lose weight. Maybe you do - it's hard to tell from your picture and it's not for me to judge anyway. However, it doesn't sound like you're going to be happy even when you get there, wherever "there" is. It's not unusual to have a slightly distorted view of your body after losing a significant amount of weight. It's hard to look at yourself in the mirror and not see the old you, and it takes a while for your brain to catch up.

    This panic though, and saying you hate your body and that you just see the "chubby high-schooler with no life" - this is not stuff that's just going to magically disappear once you hit a certain weight or size. Getting rid of excess weight can definitely help with self-confidence but self-esteem runs a lot deeper than what's on the outside. It sounds like you're depending on the perfect body to finally feel ok about yourself. You need to do what you can to work on your self-esteem regardless of weight, whether you can do that on your own, or whether you need to get some help from a counsellor or someone. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a healthy weight, or wanting to feel good in certain clothes, fit into a smaller size etc. When it feels like you're pinning your entire happiness on it, and it needs to happen right now, then it becomes more of a problem, and one that's not going to be solved by a dietician.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You're obviously in it for the wrong reasons. It's never going to be 'done' or 'over'. It's a lifestyle that you'll have to maintain, which is why it's important to develop eating habits and exercise habits that are MAINTAINABLE. or else you're going to be dieting off and on your whole life. Not sure why more people don't get it even though they've been on that roller coaster for way too long.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Bump! Please help!

    The help you need has nothing to do with your weight and everything to do with your panic over your weight. You didn't put the weight on overnight, it's not coming off overnight.

    True dat! We need a 12step program for scale addicts around here. LOL
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You won't be a happier person if you lose another few lbs. It's the same with money - you won't be happier with more money. I've been rich and poor, thin and fat and none of these things changes our outlook or self-confidence.

    Love yourself. Treat your body well. Feed it. You cannot let a couple of lbs on the scale bug you...

    If you eat more, the scale numbers may go up temporarily, but then they will gradually slide on down to your goal weight if you keep consistent. Besides, when you get to your goal weight and increase calories to maintain, those water weight lbs are going to come back then too. You cannot go from cutting to maintaining without replenishing your glycogen/water stores, which will cause a few lbs gain.

    Add calories. Cut down sensibly to 2-3 lbs below your goal weight. Eat at maintenance after that.

    You can do this. Your body is amazing.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member


    Seriously. Chill out. You are coming across as way too panicked about this. Take a serious look at your habits, exercise, and caloric requirements and do the math. This is a good read, as well:

    Don't eat too little or you won't like the results. Don't eat too much or you won't like the results.

    Work out with a good combination of cardio and weight training. Do some fun things that you enjoy.

    Don't freak out. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    wow. A lot of you seem to be thinking that I need to be seeing a counselor or something. I agree that I have issues with my weight, but I didn't think that it was THAT bad. Again, thanks to all for the advice.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Try upping your protein and lowering your carbs. If you are exercising a lot you will need the protein for your muscles. Many carbs can make people bloated, maybe if you cut back to half what you are eating now that will help you.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I love my scale - It is my best source of motivation. I am that person who weighs everyday and multiple times per day.

    If the variations bother you, weigh every morning and record each weight in excel and plot it in a line graph. This way you can make sure that the overall trend is that your weight is decreasing.
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I agree with others who've said to just get rid of your scales altogether. I've seen people on here who've stayed the same weight/even gained one or two lbs and lost inches, that really depends on the type of exercise you're doing. But still, if you want to monitor progress and not worry about such big fluctuations I think regularly taking your measurements as opposed to actual weight (which can be affected by so many things aside from your diet and exercise habits) will help reduce some of the panic.

    I don't think the people suggesting counselling mean it in any sort of offensive way to you, though. I found counselling to be a pretty good tool when I was getting to grips with things because self confidence and learning to appreciate yourself is such a massive part of weight loss- if you despise yourself so much now are you really going to be happy 10lbs down the line? You're more likely to be successful/happy if you can keep a reasonably level headed view of yourself. It's okay to not be happy enough to want to change your weight, but if you're struggling to really appreciate the fact that you're losing inches (and therefore succeeding!) then you're probably not going to be much happier when you reach goal.

    Good luck :smile:
  • beautybandit1
    Someone once asked me - what's more important, the number on the scale or how your body looks? When I was asked that everything changed for me...I realized that I would be freaking HAPPY if I weighed 200 pounds, but was a size 2. That was enough to get me away from the scale forever and just concentrate on dropping inches. If you think about it, no one will ever no how much you weigh, but they will SEE how small you are ;0) Good luck and stay positive - you're awesome :0)

    Thank you.... even though I'm not the one who wrote this, your words REALLY helped me!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    Try upping your protein and lowering your carbs. If you are exercising a lot you will need the protein for your muscles. Many carbs can make people bloated, maybe if you cut back to half what you are eating now that will help you.

    Okay, I am understanding that people are telling me to cut my carbs. But I don't really understand how to go about it. Any suggestions?
  • gilaman0819
    muscle weighs more than fat so......................... if the inches are going down that is the main thing. don't beat yourself up
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    If you are working on building muscle, throw your scale away. Or just hide it for a few months. The best way to measure progress when you are losing fat and building muscle is by measuring yourself. For every 1 lb of fat space, 3 lbs of muscle can fit there. So if your clothes fit better, you are fine. the scale is the devil