Anyone having trouble losing while breast feeding?

Hi all! I'm kinda new here (joined awhile ago and now back on track). I joined another site which is essentially low-carb and organic diet and tons of people had a lot of success with it. I have been following it for 2 months pretty strictly along with exercising 4 times a week faithfully for an hour! And I've barely lost anything or even inches!
I'm beyond frustrated. I'm still nursing my 16 month old (2X a day) and wonder if that is what's stalling the progress? Even with the low-carb diet I've been following, I'm eating abt 1600-1800 calories a day.


  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    All of my weight loss has been since having my daughter 7 months ago and while EBFing.

    My daily calorie goal is 1400-ish and I add 500 more as a food entry for BFing daily. What's your daily goal w/o counting BFing?
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm not breastfeeding now, but I EBF both of my kids for 12+ months each. I lost most of my pregnancy weight, but did not lose all of it while breastfeeding. My body just seemed to need to hold on to some of the weight. Once I weaned the rest of it came off without too much effort.
  • vrussell17
    vrussell17 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm breastfeeding. How did you say you added calories to count for BF?
    Also, for the original question, some people hold on to those last five pounds etc until they stop breastfeeding. It doesn't make sense to me.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Mine is the opposite, I lose very well while breastfeeding. Right now I lift three times a week, walk once a week, My calorie intake is 2145 plus I add 300 more for breastfeeding.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm breastfeeding. How did you say you added calories to count for BF?
    Also, for the original question, some people hold on to those last five pounds etc until they stop breastfeeding. It doesn't make sense to me.

    It's available as a food entry. There are several different options based on how much you nurse.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I'm with you, I am NOT one of the lucky ones who loses weight strictly by nursing. Everyone is different. I hadn't lost a single pound (hadn't gained either) for an entire year after my son was born. I joined MFP at the end of April and it has been very slow even now... I'm also nursing twice a day. I have a really good friend who had her son 4 months after me. She's a lot smaller than I am and she had lost about 40 lbs right before getting pregnant and she hasn't had any luck with losing weight while nursing either. I think there is some science behind it... when you're bf'ing, your body releases hormones that act as birth control to keep you from getting pregnant soon after baby is born. Whenever my hormones are out of wack, like when taking birth control or bf'ing, I have a hard time losing weight or may even gain it. I'm hoping that once my baby weans (he is 13 months now with no signs of slowing lol) and my hormones get back to normal, it will be easier for me to lose weight... fingers crossed!
  • hollyguest
    Thanks everyone! I lost all my baby weight and then some when I nursed my twins, but this baby has had me holding onto an additional 10 lbs. and it just won't come off! I plan to nurse him for another 2 months or so and then wean.