Boobs after weight loss



  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Yeah I know I have to factor in things like that, but being this age I want to look it too!
    I suppose I'll just have to wait to see what happens once I've gotten to my goal weight.

    Does anyone know the costs of a breast lift though? I've tried googling different surgeries but can't find an answer.
    I know it would differentiate between each client, but just a rough estimate would help immensely!

    Thank you all xx

    It depends on where you live. I've got good insurance here in Australia so private room in a private hospital would be covered, as well as a small contribution toward the anaesthetist's fees and a token amount to the plastic surgeon. For a tummy tuck and uplift without implants my surgeon estimated that the surgeon he'd recommend (great with reconstructive surgery after weight loss) would charge me 16k after the rebates. A really, really good surgeon with good stats will never come cheap. And you need to check whether the cost includes complications. If you end up needing a revision because of a nasty infection, will your surgeon waive his fees or will you be hit with another few thousand for corrections?

    But that's just an estimate. For what it's worth, my nose job was about 11k before Medicare and my health fund paid out. Not sure what the final cost was as my parents took care of it.

    eta - That should have been withOUT implants. There was no way I'd manage to get bigger tits from my parents and I'm too hopeless to pay for surgery on my own.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    Im either getting a lift and implants or just a lift.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I started at 170lb in a 36C. I have yet to be re-measured officially, but I'm expecting to be around a 34B now. :( bummer. But honestly, my waist is getting so small it makes the ladies look bigger anyway. Just keep being perky! :)
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    yep, went from a 12DD the down to a 10C when I lost 70lbs.
    But you know what? Don't regret it for a SECOND!
    I looked into getting implants - but I can honestly think of better things to spend $18k on! Plus my OH loves them just the way they are, so I'm happy :)
  • 3Daughtersin2015
    3Daughtersin2015 Posts: 81 Member
    I've breastfeed my baby, and I don't think im crunchy and it's not "funny stuff"
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I've breastfeed my baby, and I don't think im crunchy and it's not "funny stuff"

    Each to their own!
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Does anyone know if shoulder grooves go away, or are they permanent? I'm already seeing a slight change in the size and shape (PRAISE THE LORD!), and I'm wondering how permanent the deep grooves actually are. I would imagine if I walked around for 2 weeks with no bra they would go away (at my current weight), but should I be thinking about grooves being revealed as the fat burns off?

    I'm not ultimate goal is to no longer be a 40DDD/38G/H (all of which as too small)...but I just want to know what to expect. Thanks ladies!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Has anyone here had surgery? I just don't know if it's something I should be doing at 19 that's all!
    But in saying that, I WANT PERKY BOOBS!!!!!!! :(

    If you plan on having children I would not do it at 19. Pregnancy will make you grow. When I was approved for my reduction they recommended I be finished with having kids.

    I spoke to my plastic surgeon about it (although breasts are totally not his area) and he said that at some point implants have to be replaced, and given women are having children a lot later these days, pregnancy would probably coincide with needing a new set, unless the OP just went for an uplift, in which case... well, yeah. Also, consider that there's no guarantee you'll be able to breastfeed afterward. This doesn't bother me at all as I already plan to have my children raised as I was, by unfeeling strangers, but if you're the crunchy type who's into breastfeeding and all that funny stuff, you might find that you regret having had the surgery.

    That aside, he was pretty adamant that there's no point having any kind of post-weight loss surgery until after you've maintained for at least a year so I didn't pursue it any further.

    I also breastfed all three of my kids, and I don't think it's "funny stuff." That is one of the main reasons we were given breasts. Just saying...
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Has anyone here had surgery? I just don't know if it's something I should be doing at 19 that's all!
    But in saying that, I WANT PERKY BOOBS!!!!!!! :(

    If you plan on having children I would not do it at 19. Pregnancy will make you grow. When I was approved for my reduction they recommended I be finished with having kids.

    I spoke to my plastic surgeon about it (although breasts are totally not his area) and he said that at some point implants have to be replaced, and given women are having children a lot later these days, pregnancy would probably coincide with needing a new set, unless the OP just went for an uplift, in which case... well, yeah. Also, consider that there's no guarantee you'll be able to breastfeed afterward. This doesn't bother me at all as I already plan to have my children raised as I was, by unfeeling strangers, but if you're the crunchy type who's into breastfeeding and all that funny stuff, you might find that you regret having had the surgery.

    That aside, he was pretty adamant that there's no point having any kind of post-weight loss surgery until after you've maintained for at least a year so I didn't pursue it any further.

    I also breastfed all three of my kids, and I don't think it's "funny stuff." That is one of the main reasons we were given breasts. Just saying...

    Sigh, we weren't 'given' anything. No on sat me down, handed me a pair of breasts and said 'Honey, these are for you and your future offspring'. We have breasts, we can use them to feed babies like animals who have no choice in the matter or we can opt for formula and spare ourselves the unpleasantness of aching nipples, mastitis, the feeling that we've failed because not every woman can naturally breastfeed and a whole heap of drama that comes along with viewing formula as the devil's own sputum.

    I stand by my initial statement that breastfeeding is one of those things associated with the crunch brigade. So sue me, I won't be cosleeping, delaying vaccines, chewing my child's food and feeding them like a baby bird or subjecting the poor dears to homeopathy. These are my choices, and they are not yours, and jolly good for you. End of discussion, back to talk of fake tits and how much they cost.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Give your body some time to adjust to being smaller. I can't tell you from my own experience (as I haven't lost the weight yet) but a friend who lost over 100 lbs tells me it took a few months but her boobs perked back up after awhile.

    How old is she? I think when your older it's harder to get the shape back. I'm 40, & now very self conscious. They are sagging and have stretch lines. Same as my tummy. Tummy looks all wrinkly :(. I'm embarrassed a bit now when naked. I'm hoping with time and weights will help. All other parts of my body are nicely toned from weight training
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    After breastfeeding my second kiddo, I was up to a 42G.
    I also weighed 265+ lbs.

    I bought a sports bra the other day, and almost cried.

    And they're all saggy and deflated.
    So I live in my bras from Victoria secret.
  • DrowningMermaid
    I've been having issues with my boobs since I had my daughter 7 years ago, but since losing weight, I've noticed even more that they're going from melons to flapjacks. I'm still a 42DD but when I lay down it's like they're deflated. Like I don't have any at all. My husband hasn't mentioned it (yet) but he's a boob man. I feel... less feminine:(
  • pyroctopus
    pyroctopus Posts: 3 Member
    Hey you ladys also have to realize that most bras trick you in your sizing in the us a 36B is roughly the same cup size as a 34C! So why you may think ur boobs are getting smaller it really could be from the band size :)
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I went from around 12C to a 12B/10C after losing only a few pounds, and my boobs were the first thing to shrink... However, they haven't sagged, they've actually gotten perkier I think. I do a lot of exercise, both cardio and strength training, so maybe that helped prevent saggage.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    Just be glad you ever had nice boobs.... Genetics handed me flat saggy boobs from the very beginning..... and YES I started wearing a bra about 3rd grade and have always worn it... never leave home without... Most of the women in my fam are built this way.... It really Sucks!! Thank Goddess my hubby loves boobs any way he can get them!!!
  • alexandra0690
    i have a's. also i have 2 thankful for what you have.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    Weight training helps a lot with sag. Pushups and weights my friends. If it sucks its good for you.

    If you are considering surgery please remember....
    1. You don't know what the outcome will be.
    2. You will fixate on something else as soon as your done.
    3. In your head you will never be perfect and it is a never ending cycle.
    4. You may have sensation loss on your nipples and scars.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    After reading all these horror stories, I think that the worst part about letting yourself get big is the fact that you end up stretching everything out when you gain and then you're sagging once you lose it. If you only have a little to lose things seem to snap back into place more easily. And it seems the older you are when you lose it, the harder it is to bounce back. I know so many people with excess skin and saggy boobs. It just sucks. These are the things we didn't think about when we gained all that weight. Just make sure you can maintain awhile before you go in for surgery. I've seen people rush into it to soon, gain a bunch back and waste all that effort...:flowerforyou:
  • 3Daughtersin2015
    3Daughtersin2015 Posts: 81 Member
    I was not trying to start a fight. I was pointing out that your statement was an opinion which was false. I don't co-sleep or chew my babies food or delay vaccinations or subject them to anything hippie. I do formula feed my baby now because breastfeeding is hard. It was a hurtful statement and you shouldn't stereotype.
  • superhotsuperbabe
    From personal experience once weight is lost or stopping breast feeding it takes 2-3 months of maintaining weight for breasts to fill out again they may be smaller but they fill out and stop being so saggy-hope this gives some hope.I am 40 years old with two children breast fed each approx 9 months each and lost weight after both and maintained after each.:smile: