Birthday FAIL!

jcamby Posts: 200 Member
So last night I went out for supper with a friend to celebrate my bday (which is today!) And I was a total oinker! Shared the spinach and artichoke dip, had a Mucho Size Bahama Mama and had the riblet platter (only ate half) but I was over my cals by 1600 - OMFG!! How do I get over this? It's pure gluttony....I feel like crap today, both physically and mentally. SIGH. Just had to confess


  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    No need to feel guilty or like a glutton. It was your birthday! Today is not. Neither are the next 354 days. You'll be good today. And tomorrow. I regularly let myself have treat days where I eat more than I should. Then I go back to being good and eating the way I need to. As long as the vast majority of your days are good eating days, a naughty day will do you no harm.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Sounds like you ate at Applebee's or TGI Fridays :drinker: Relax, it's one day and your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Also glad you noticed how rotten you feel today. That means your body is used to healthy foods. You'll think twice next time I'm sure.

    Today is a new day - back on the wagon :happy:

  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the replies and the birthday wishes! Yes it was Applebees! I will put it into perspective that it was only one day! My bday is actually today so I'm going out for supper with my family but I will be prepared (and besides I'm still full from last night!). :)
  • vlynnvale
    vlynnvale Posts: 89 Member
    Not a fail, I agree with the other ladies - it was your birthday! :drinker:

    We all deserve a day off once in a while, and one day won't hurt you as long as you get back on the train!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    It was your birthday. For that matter, put this in perspective at 1600 over your goal for the day you really are not doing that bad. If your weight loss goal is 1 pound per week, you are only over your maintenance by 1100 calories. If it is 2 pounds per week you are only over your maintenance by 600 calories. That would be .17 to .31 of a pound fat increase. Not even half a pound. All other weight you might see on the scale would be water retention. Just get back to it again today. For what it is worth, on my birthday I plan to go to an All-you-can-eat buffet that I really like. Of course I will be doing a 46 mile bike ride before hand. I will not be logging either. I will just get back at it the next day.
  • mommymeesh
    mommymeesh Posts: 17 Member
    No need to feel guilty! I think that's why we give up. We feel guilty for splurging and then we think "What's the use?" In the big scheme of things it was one day and a celebration at that!! Don't ever feel guilty for celebrating a special day, there are going to be a lot of those. It's what we do on the days we are not celebrating that allow us to enjoy our celebrations guilt free!!!