Eating Out?

anika_marie Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone!! I've just started MFP a couple days ago and I'm really motivated!!! I've been doing so good so far logging all my food and staying within my guidelines but this weekend I'm going out of town with my hubby for our birthdays, mines tomorrow and his was Thursday. I was wondering where you guys like to eat, and what you like to order for healthy options. I know in California they've started listing all the nutritional facts in restaurants, and its so depressing :( I feel like I can't eat anything good without feeling guilty!! So some suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks.


  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Share a meal. My husband and I do it all the time now.
  • use if your worried about finding somewhere to eat then you can see what kind of healthy choice resturants have
  • Thanks! that website is so awesome!! It'll save so much time too! I won't be wondering what I'm going to get for 20 minutes comparing everything on the menu, since i'll already know what i want before i get there.
  • your welcome it has been a life saver for me before... i love how many choice they give you too... its nice
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I like the "fresco" option at taco bell, you can get any taco or burito fresco style where they omit the cheese and sauces and put a salsa like mix on it....

    For those that live on in the west coast that have a healthy menu at coco's

    I really haven't found a place in my hometown yet lol
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks for that website the amounts of sodium in some of those dishes is a lot !!! I noticed if I consume to much sodium I gain water weight.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    thanks for that website the amounts of sodium in some of those dishes is a lot !!! I noticed if I consume to much sodium I gain water weight.

    Well you know you can counteract that by drinking alot of water... I think lol
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The website has complete info for the foods listed, but, when I played around searching in my local area, I noticed, they will generally list only one address for a chain, even if there are several locations in the area, so if you are using this site for searching out of town, I would recommend doing an address search through whatever source you want to, in order to make sure there isn't a closer location to you than the one that is listed.

    Unfortunately, the one thing this site does is confirm that there is way TOOOOO MUCH SODIUM in most restaurant food!!!:grumble: :sad: :sad:
  • lol i know blah for water weight
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I may be too late but thought I'd respond just in case. I usually get grilled chicken sandwiches when I go out and ask for nothing on the bread (they often toast it with butter so say no butter or ANYTHING) and then get bbq sauce on the side rather then mayo. Then a salad. My husband doesn't eat very healthy so I'll steal a couple of his fries sometimes, but I never order my own any more. Chips and salsa are a great appetizer too.
    If you go to a lot of the chain restaurants they have nutritional facts online. Chili's has a great one!
    Happy Birthday!!!!
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