Why has Zumba not been added to the exercise database?



  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I'm also an instructor, and have to agree that each instructor is different, so it's not "Standardized" enough to create a generic exercise in the database (no matter how much easier that would be). Heck, depending on the time of day, the same instructor and same routine would give you two different results!

    I believe a HRM is the best way to more accurately track your calories burned. The more you do an activity the more your body gets used to it...less calories burned. That's why instructors usually switch out songs, add new ones, remove old ones - cycle through old and new...etc.

    Just add it to your own personal databse...and log in the estimated calories (I also use the Zumba Calorie Calculator from Google results).
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I have been doing Zumba for 10 weeks and have not burned more than 20 calories per class...but they keep telling me it is because only my eyes are exercising watching my HAWT Latina instructor's *kitten* move around. Most other people in the class wear an HRM so they can see how much they actually burn...or close to it.

    THIS! Only I probably burn a good 35 because my head actually moves up and down. Our instructor has a fantastic posterior. AKA: DAT ASSSS!

    I'm SO envious of your instructor, then! I want MY Z-Groupies to post this about ME! :sad:
  • BlueEyedTXmom
    BlueEyedTXmom Posts: 179 Member
    Probably because it really depends on the person, the instructor, and how much effort you put into it. In my class I usually burn somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 calories for the hour.

    This. I wear my HRM every time and I usually burn in the 500-700 range. I never go by MFPs calculations because they are way over.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Because there are so many factors I think - your weight, age plus the intensity of the workout. There is so much variation in Zumba depending on the instructor and how much effort you put in.

    I do zumba every week. Ive read from a variety of places that you burn between 550 - 1000 calories. I manually put in 550 and hope I am actually burning more.

    If you really want to know what you burn you need a HRM
  • I contacted them about P90X not being available and they said that they are working on adding "several" exercises to their database, I'm not sure if this is a legal issue or a logistics one but they did say they are working on it.... it would be a nice addition and make things much more user friendly for those of us who use dedicated programs and not just individual exercises...
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I am guessing that Zumba is not here because it is REALLY hard to set a standard to measure by. It is one of those activities that you really get out of it what you put into it- someone who is fully into the moves will burn more calories than someone who is just skating by doing it. With ellipticals/running, you can at least base it by how fast you are going, what resistance/incline you are at, etc, but with stuff like Zumba or any workout DVD it can vary so widely.

    And- I know people get sick of this- but the database over-estimates almost every activity's calories burned. Investing in a HRM is what will be the most accurate way to log calories.


    It really does depend on each individual person as to how many calories they burn. I double check my HRM agains that site posted several times because my HRM SUCKS!!!! Can't wait to get a FitBit!!!

    Just an FYI, Fitbit works like a pedometer, making it only accurate for walking, running, and other step-based activities. It would be even less accurate for something like Zumba than your current HRM. Just get a quality HRM.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I just made my own exercise, called it Zumba, and now its in my personal data base whenever I want it. No biggie :-)
  • ETAWalker
    ETAWalker Posts: 8
  • mrsgokev
    mrsgokev Posts: 20
    I completely recommend getting a heart rate monitor. You will be able to keep better track of what you are burning off. I've taken quite a few Zumba classes from different instructors and I probably average at 1000 calories/hour. It depends on how much you are putting into it though. I've had instructors where I only burned 800 and some where I burned 1200 in an hour.
  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    mel you have a great *kitten*!!!:explode:
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    mel you have a great *kitten*!!!:explode:

    Who, me? There are a couple other Mel's who posted in this thread...

    *please let it be me, please let it be me*
