Hi my name is Derrick

I was directed here by my trainer. I am currently married and 23 years old. I did weigh 205 lbs and now weigh 194 because I thought starving myself and eating little was the way to go. It is not! My body was very weak and though I lost a lot of weight in a month by not doing anything but I'm also very out of shape and even lazier than before thanks to it. Skinny fat is the name and I don't want that lol.

My motivation is my wife. She is very fit and loves to get outside. When we first met years ago I was 130 lbs at 18 and in a few years I rose 75 lbs. 130 lbs was not good but 205 is even worse. I want to be more active with her so were both not stuck in the house all day playing video games to pass the time. She is currently in the USAF and she is only going to get more bored and active without me. I would like to join it as a career too and be able to go out with her and just make her as happy as she can be. She is my main motivation and I also was depressed everything I ate Mcdonalds or had to look at myself. I still have her unconditional love but that can only last so long if I can remain very attractive.

I started going to the gym every day for 2 weeks now. I went on the treadmill daily 30 mins. I even pursued a personal trainer who is already being a lot of help to me. He's got me on a 1500 calorie a day diet and is pushing me to work out more than just my cardio. I feel in 3 months time I will be exactly where I want to be. My main problem currently is that I am not very active the rest of the day. I sit at home on the computer or I play video games. I'm not a very motivated person so this new weight loss and muscle gain training is a huge step for me and shows how motivated I am.

Anyways it would be nice to make some friends here who not only are in the same boat as me but also people who can motivate me. I need all the support I can get!


  • DerrickA1989
    DerrickA1989 Posts: 16 Member
    Looking for friends
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    HI Derrick, I'm Nicho.
    You are in the right place. I am quite new to the site but it is a great source of advice and encouragement.

    Feel free to add me.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Hi D I'm Sam!

    I used to work with a personal trainer about 5 years ago and he's still by best buddie now (even though I can't afford him anymore). I would be honored to be your friend
  • DerrickA1989
    DerrickA1989 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks a lot! That's what I like to hear =D