Meat cause cancer or is it the "junk" they add to it?

Hi, Right now I am just counting calories and keeping a close eye on what I eat, but I’m curious about the Paleo / Caveman type diet. I’ve been doing some reading and it seems that a lot of people who disagree with the diet will bring up the fact that there are studies out there that have linked high meat consumption with an increased cancer risk... I don’t really have an opinion on meat one way or the other, but I’m curious to know what you guys think. Is it really the meat itself that is the culprit or is it all the added hormones, antibiotics and other junk they give the animals?

Feel free to add your experience with low carb dieting. Thanks!


  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    There are "studies" out there that "prove" both sides. Don't listen to every "study" you see. If you read a study, check for who is funding it. If you notice that a corn grower's association is doing a study on whether or not HFCS if good or bad, 99% of the time you can bet they will say its good. They wont bash their own product. A lot of "studies" make for great toilet paper though. Honestly, in today's age people buy and eat what is cheap. What is cheap, is not necessarily healthy. Today's food is so pumped with crap that Im leaning more toward the side of all the excess crap that causes problems.

    Family and friends watch what I eat and apparently, i've been on the paleo diet for years and didn't realize it. I live by 2 rules:

    1. If it tastes good, spit it out. (Meaning today's food has a lot of excess *kitten* thrown into it to cover up more crap. Some additives can become addicting and I try to avoid that)
    2. If humans made it, don't eat it. (meaning if you see all that excess crap added to food like food coloring, preservatives, and "hydrogenated" stuff, throw it out.)

    In the end. it really REALLY doubt its the meat that is causing the problems. I would say all the stuff that our food is pumped with is making problems.
  • ladystrange1
    ladystrange1 Posts: 10 Member
    I think it is a combination. Yes they give cows meds/hormones to make them fat-then we eat them fat meds and all. I absolutely love beef and refuse to give it up. So I have found a local grass fed supplier- just makes me feel better. Carbs are hard at first to cut out of your diet, Because it is a sugar addiction ( and they say it is more addictive than heroine). After 2 weeks or so you won't believe how much better you feel. They say allot of people have gluten and wheat allergies, and do not realize it. So eating it keeps them constantly inflamed.

    That is my theory. If it packaged put it back, and think about what humans are supposed to eat.