Significant weight gain with Insanity?

eig6 Posts: 249 Member
Hi! I'm nearly three weeks into insanity and I am trying to lose around 5lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I found that I have gained 7lbs since I started! A few lbs I understand could be any number of things, but I have to admit I kind of panicked when I saw +7lbs. When I started insanity I weighed 115 and I have been giving it my all. Im eating 1700 calories which is what the diet book it comes with recommends for me, but I am not following the diet. I try to eat 1gm of protein per lb of my weight a day, and try to keep my carbs under 40%. I have been pretty good at that since I started this, like 90% or more good. My measurements are all over the place, I've gained in some spots and lost in others;

Starting measurements:


Based on pictures, last week things were looking good, but I think I look bigger now than I did on my fit test 2 pics. Also, my measurements are up from then. I haven't changed anything. Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? Thank you for taking the time to help!


  • adaptingfitness
    I'd say you're just gaining muscle! I have the same problem from doing weight training and getting lots of protein. I tend to stay off the scale for that reason!
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    More muscle?
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    If you're not drinking enough water while doing something that intense, you might be retaining fluids. I've fluctuated up nine pounds from water retention before.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    If you're sore, your muscles are retaining water... if you aren't getting enough water, you might be retaining water (counter-intuitive but true)... if you are eating a lot of sodium it can make you retain water... if you are taking supplements that include creatine, it can also make you retain more water.

    It's hard to think of other reasons for your gain, you would have to eat a calorie surplus of 24500 calories over the past 3 weeks to gain that much fat, so I wouldn't worry!

    7 lbs cannot be all muscle gain, someone lifting for the first time ever tops out around 2 to 2.5 lbs of muscle gain in a month of heavy lifting and eating at a surplus... but if could be a lb or two of muscle, and water retention on top of that. Your measurements haven't changed that much, but you may be putting on some muscle and toning up.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I agree with the responces here. Insanity is so crazy there is no telling!! I think that you are (like I do!) overthinking it! You KNOW your eating very good at 1700 per day- honestly even if it was 1700 calories of pizza each day that HAS TO be a defecit, so the 90% good clean eating is awesome-- you are working your *kitten* off.... TONS of calories burned each day, so I say put the scale away. I have heard sooo many people here say this exact thing, but I have a few friends at work that have worked the Insanity and the Asylum programs, and overall it seems like people who do this program, and then keep up with good eating once they decide not to continue the workouts as regularlly, or at all, have already re-programmed their metabolism, and generally are STILL (or in your case start) shedding the pounds b/c that metabolism is still kicking. STICK with it! It sounds like you are doing everyhting right!
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks everyone for your helpful answers! I guess I am over thinking it. I dont keep track of my water so that could be it and I definitely feel sore. W0lfstar, when you put it that way, there is now way it could be fat!
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks everyone for your helpful answers! I guess I am over thinking it. I dont keep track of my water so that could be it and I definitely feel sore. W0lfstar, when you put it that way, there is now way it could be fat!

    I just recently had a smaller gain (4 lbs) related to supplements and sodium intake. I was flippin out for a bit until I came across that. :)
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself? I assume you hadn't weighted yourself in a while? For my wife, she can gain 4-5 lbs during her 'monthlies'. Could that be skewing your number?

    As others have said, make sure you get enough water and keep your sodium low.
  • Plentiful_Tentacles
    It could just be water retention. If anything, check again in a couple of weeks and if you're still gaining weight cut down your daily caloric intake.
  • madisonsteelex
    Hi! I'm nearly three weeks into insanity and I am trying to lose around 5lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I found that I have gained 7lbs since I started! A few lbs I understand could be any number of things, but I have to admit I kind of panicked when I saw +7lbs. When I started insanity I weighed 115 and I have been giving it my all. Im eating 1700 calories which is what the diet book it comes with recommends for me, but I am not following the diet. I try to eat 1gm of protein per lb of my weight a day, and try to keep my carbs under 40%. I have been pretty good at that since I started this, like 90% or more good. My measurements are all over the place, I've gained in some spots and lost in others;

    Starting measurements:


    Based on pictures, last week things were looking good, but I think I look bigger now than I did on my fit test 2 pics. Also, my measurements are up from then. I haven't changed anything. Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? Thank you for taking the time to help!

    looks to me like your measurements went down...
  • MalSponseller
    MalSponseller Posts: 217 Member
    Muscle, perhaps water weight, are you PMSing/ToM?
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    There are A LOT of people who see a "gain" in the first month. It's normal! Just keep going with it and I promise you'll love it after month 2! I started my first week and I'm up 4 pounds today. It's just your body trying to adjust
  • TurningBackTheHandsOfTime
    Too many good answers to follow up here ..good job people!
  • Racheldt87
    Racheldt87 Posts: 25 Member
    I just finished my first round of insanity last week. I followed the calendar (6 days a week workouts for 9 weeks) and followed the diet book for 5 small meals a day equaling about 1500 a day (as recommended for my size). I am trying to lose 10 lbs (which is more than it seems bc I am 5'1 & little boned) and I only lost barely 2 lbs on insanity. Really frustrating (I did fluctuate w/ gaining then losing the first month). I did however tone up a lot & feel less flabby. I just don't feel too much smaller bc it's like the muscle is under my fat pushing my fat out. However at this size /weight I would normally never wear a swimsuit or shorts... And after insanity I feel ok in shorts & swimsuits.. Not as great as I'd like but still pretty proud (considering I barely lost weight) about how my body changed
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Like some previous posters said, might be water weight. If you're accurate with your cals., I don't see how it could be fat. Keep it up and good luck!
  • courtneysouthwick
    Scanned through responses quickly, but didn't see this thought - are you wearing a heart monitor/calorie monitor? It has the chest strap and is linked to a watch you wear while working out? Everything I have read tells me I should be burning 600 to 800 calories per workout (fitness pal, online searches for calories burned, etc), when in all reality I am only burning 300 to 400 per workout. Now, if I followed the nutrition plans recomendation that I eat 2200 caloreis (1,000 more than what myfitnesspal is recomending), I don't think I would be able to lose any weight! I am only on day 3 today, and I have not lost any weight yet either but I have lost 1/2% of body fat and as everyone else said, could be water retention due to muscles being broken down and trying to repair themselves (google water retention and DOMS). Best of luck - I highly suggest purchasing a heart/calorie monitor if you aren't using one and then you can tweak your calorie intake based on what you are burning. I know they highly recomend you stay strict to the nutrition plan, however no one knows your body better than you! I purchased the Polar FT4 at D I C K's Sporting Goods - basic functions and cost $89.99 before tax/warranty. Good luck!