The SSS Challenge - 15 pounds in 6 weeks

SSS = Sexy and Slim Summer Challenge

Can you relate to being like me last summer and saying “by next summer I am going to be in shape!” but here we are and it is next summer and I am fatter than ever. It’s not too late people. We have a lot of summer left. Let’s lose some major lbs over the next few weeks. I need motivation in a big way and I think support and accountability will help so I thought I would start this challenge.

I have a trip to Hawaii coming up and I would love to be down 15 pounds. I want to wear a bikini and leave the cover up back at the hotel.

Here are the details:

The Goal: To lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks
Start date: Monday, July 16th
End date: Monday, August 27th

Weight in days are……you guessed it…....Monday!

I will create our progress posts on Mondays so look for the SSS Challenge.

1st week weight:
2nd week weight:
3rd week weight:
4th week weight:
5th week weight:
6th week weight:

Total Weight lost:

We can do this. We are rock stars. We will be sexy and slim THIS summer. Good luck and see you on Monday!


  • omg! This sounds like a blast! plus a good way to start off my weight loss! im in! lets see if i can do this haha! good luck to everyone!:laugh:
  • Cullenbraille
    Cullenbraille Posts: 34 Member
    I'm with you! I'm going to try for 12 pounds if that's ok. I want to start lifting and this might actually get me to the gym. Starting weight: 191. See you Monday!
  • I'd like to try this! My starting weight (as of today) is 186. 171, here I come! Will the other "challengers" add me?
  • My vacation is the week of August 20th, so this will keep me motivated up to and DURING vacation. :happy:

    And to anyone here - feel free to add me!

    See ya Monday!
  • Sissy1074
    Sissy1074 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in! I figure if I do this twice I will be down 30 pounds by my birthday! :smile:
  • 1bigtabbycat
    1bigtabbycat Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to join! Every bit of motivation and accountability helps, right!
    Let's get to it!
    Thanks for posting this :bigsmile:
  • ckane22312
    ckane22312 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in. Sounds like fun! I would love to be down 15 lbs in 6 weeks. Bring it on :) Good luck everyone.
  • What's everyone going to do for a workout tomorrow? I'm going to run on the treadmill at the gym. I'll also make sure I do some good old military push-ups and sit-ups. Who's with me?
  • This sounds great, today's wgt in 153. see you monday this will the best time to start working out .
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    Count me in!!!

    Tomorrow's workout is going to be getting on the treadmill early in the a.m. before a day of shopping :-)
    Not going to buy any clothes until I'm down another size - which I will be in 6 weeks!!!

    Let's go!
  • TheKoren
    TheKoren Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in! Today's weight is 185. Working out is just walking/slow jogging daily, with a little bit of Tae Bo thrown in when I remember to do it. (Maybe 1-2x week)
  • amazingfitgirl
    amazingfitgirl Posts: 43 Member
    Awesome! Look for the post on Monday.

    I am still kicking *kitten* and taking names this week, but by Monday I will be ready to show those 15 pounds who's boss.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Count me in! I had a 15 lb loss from June 1st till now, so I'd *love* to be able to hit that again. I do have a beach vacation in 2 weeks so I'll need to weigh-in early (Sunday). This will help me stay motivated and accountable on vacation.
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    count me in! i've recently jumped back on the weight loss wagon and this is just the push start i need!!!!
  • I am in too! I have twin babies and they are finally giving me enough breathing room to take care of myself! Need to shed the baby weight! (Did I mention that I also have baby weight to shed from the two kids prior to the twins?) Starting weight is 211. OUCH!

    Going for a hike/run on the trails right now.

    My biggest problem...I am a snacker. Boo.

  • fitgall67
    fitgall67 Posts: 1 Member
    sounds good. i'm in...
  • mtino812
    mtino812 Posts: 1
    I'm in!!!!
  • this is awesome- i'd love to be a part of it :)
  • pedwa205
    pedwa205 Posts: 2
    I'll do this
  • cjcjcjcjcj
    cjcjcjcjcj Posts: 19
    I would love to do this! My vacation starts September 10th! This is perfect timing!!