I'm new to MFP and have no friends

Hi All, I have been on the site now for a few weeks but really only starting to use it properly now. I'm living in Dublin, Ireland.

I have always said I struggle with my weight, but I am not so sure that is true. I think my weight is the result of my struggles. I am in general a happy person, I have a wife who I adore and I am pretty sure she likes me too, I have a great family and really good friends.

I am a practical minded person, set up my own small business in 2006 which although it did not succeed ( year on year it grew but in 2009 it nose dived) I learnt an awful lot and will take my new experiences with me into my new role. So losing weight should be easy, right. I can't explain why I struggle to go out and exercise ( I love sports and always trained while playing sports, Soccer, Gaelic football) but have not trained regularly for 10 years.

I love food too, and if its bad for me I probably love it. I have a sweet tooth, chocolate is my mistress. At times I have very low will power and go and eat something I should not eat, and then feel terrible about it. This is a mistress that will never contact your wife and tell her what you have been up to. You might be surprised to hear that, as an Irishman I don't drink a lot of alcohol, I can go for a couple of months without drinking alcohol at all. But when i do go out with friends I tend to turn into Frank the tank. Where 1 can be too many and 10 not enough.

I wont be great for giving out sound advice on weight loss or exercising or nutrition, but look forward to hopefully making some new friends on the site, give encouragement to like minded people and strive towards a healthier lifestyle.


  • DeniseK66
    DeniseK66 Posts: 15 Member
    feel free to add me. I will try to encourage, support and help celebrate with you.:bigsmile:
  • abacorica
    abacorica Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me as I know support from MFP friends is really motivational! I was in Ireland in September/October 2009 and fell in love with the people, landscape and music. I am soooooo jealous you get to live there :-D
  • Laney1966
    Laney1966 Posts: 3
    I will be your friend. I will send you a request.
    I too struggle with my weight and have all my life.
    I lost 118 pounds through weight watchers and although I am still a WW member, I have financial woes that make it impossible for me to use them exclusively.
    I have found that this is the same principle as WW.
    But we can encourage each other.
    For that matter anyone who sees this who wants to add me, feel free to do so.
    The more friends you have to support and encourage the better.
  • Hbic49675
    Hbic49675 Posts: 2
    Hi TooMuch-

    I'm Heather and currently live in New Mexico USA. I saw ur post and wanted to give u a shout out of encouragement. I am using MFP for weight loss in preparation for weight loss surgery. I am currently 296.6 pounds and started my fitness plan at 308.6.

    My only advice is to keep logging ur foods and work in one activity a week. My husband and I joined a gym 2 months ago but I dread going most of the time. I push myself to go and worked myself up to doing a 5k on the elliptical today. Keep positive and add me as a friend on MFP if u would like. HBIC49675
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm new here as well.
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome! So much of what you said struck a chord with me. I love junk food, hate exercising, lack motivation, etc... However, that has changed since finding this site. I have built a great support system on here. I found a program that I love and have been able to stick with for exercise. I feel so much better. Build a support system and log everything! Best wishes. I'll send you a friend request.


    PS...someday I really want to visit Ireland. It is the one place I really want to visit. Australia is a close second! : )