Need friends :(



  • kay4489
    kay4489 Posts: 36
    go right ahead and add me. the more support we have, the better our results will be : )
  • I don't have too many friends on here yet either. Feel free to add me if you like. ; )
  • I am in the same boat as you, I work out eat right, then I will fall back into old habits and have restart the whole thing! You can add me if you'd like, I need the motivation as well. :)
    ~Sara :
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Starting with short goals is where it's at! Those lead you to your long term goal(s)! Please feel free to add me!

  • samanthawlkr
    samanthawlkr Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there you can add me too!!!! I think your story is very common among anyone who has lost weight. Its a constant struggle to find balance.
  • snowkarla
    snowkarla Posts: 7
    I just joined this site & its very helpful in tracking my food & exercise. I have also had ups & down with my weight. My goal is to lose 20 pds or get my body fat down to 20% right now my % is about 37.... I know that if I don't stay focused, work out & eat right it comes right back on. I just turned 47 and really am looking forward to many healthy years to come. would like to share stories and tips.
  • BTheGreatest
    BTheGreatest Posts: 145
    Don't feel bad or be so hard on yourself!! We all mess up (nobody is perfect)!! We are all here for the same reasons to get healthy and to make friends who can help us stay accountable and vice versa!! Feel free to add me!! YOU CAN DO IT FIREGIRL!!:happy:
  • JLWesterlund
    JLWesterlund Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel FireGirl; when you are eating right and exercising you feel great!! It is so easy to stop the healthy habits because of a small bump in the road such as one bad eating day or skipping a day of exercise leads to 2 weeks of counter-productive activities.
    Before I quit smoking for good I did the same thing. I would be good for a months and then i would have one cigarette while drinking and the next thing i knew i was burning through a pack a day again. I quit smoking 11 months ago so now i would like to concentrate on losing weight.
    I would like to help you through your journey, so you can friend me.

  • tamtamcan
    tamtamcan Posts: 1 Member
    I was doing the same thing. I was lucky enough to find out that my insurance offers a health coach. so she stays on me about my menu and goals. If you have insurance you might want to call them and see if they offer that service. Everyone falls off from time to time, but you know that eating better and excerise makes you feel you are already ahead of the game. You can do it. So you got off is a new day with a new start!!!!
  • zann22
    zann22 Posts: 2 Member
    I too have recently moved. It has been really tough. I loved my old home and miss my friends and family. Trying to find the right job has been a struggle and of course with all of this going on I self medicated with food. I have about 30 pounds to lose and could really use a friend too.

    My first step was to start by tracking my food - eating well (no more chips, cake, candy) and just walking. It is back to basics.
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Feel free to friend me! I have close to the same amount to lose :D We can do it!!
  • I'll be happy to be added as your friend!:smile::smile: :smile:
    My goal is to lose 25 to 30 lbs but now that I'm in my 50's it's so much harder - but we'll get there!
  • captnemo44
    captnemo44 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi you can add me it's nice to have more friends, my food diary is open to my friends.It might give you some more food ideas.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Well you can feel free to add me. I have no friends on here. :sad:
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you like. Can't have too many, right?
  • shaylan_
    shaylan_ Posts: 30 Member
    You sound like me, both your story and your current and future goals. Feel free to add me, as well!
  • Feel free to add me! :) The more the merrier! More to cheer you on, support you, push you and hold you up by the elbows if necessary!!
  • ridemhi
    ridemhi Posts: 16 Member
    I have no friends on this site so feel free to add. My goal is 60 pounds
  • Kims76
    Kims76 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for support or motivation feel free to add me. I am better at helping other people stay on task and stay motivated than taking care of myself lol. But I am here if you need me! I have a long journey ahead if you'd like to join me :)
  • Hi, I'm new on here too and would love to have some friends who understand what its like to try to lose weight. Feel free to add me, I'm happy to encourage anyone to reach their goals and who might encourage me to reach mine too.