Frustrated with the plateau!!!

Any suggestions or tricks to busting through the plateu I've recently hit? I have not lost any wieght at all for almost 4 weeks. I have ramped up my exercise, added weight training, drinking more water, getting enough sleep...
Seriously??? I'm getting ticked!!!


  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    I guess I should add...I've lost 28 pounds total since Feb. Joined MFP in April and just now hitting my first plateau!!
    So i'm really frustrated!
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    I guess I should add that I've lost a total of 28 pounds since Feb. I recently joined MFP and have now just hit my first I'm quite frustrated!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Opening up your diary for public viewing would help you get more specific advice, but my experience is that every time I plateau it's usually cause by undereating. It sounds counter-intuitive, but how much are you eating and hw much are you burning? Are you eating the extra calories you earn with exercise?
  • naasirab
    naasirab Posts: 43
    I also hit a plateau at 6 lbs.. I actually lost 7.5lbs then one week i put back on 1.5lbs so Im back at a 6lb lost.. I wasn't expecting to hit a plateau losing only 4% of my body weight.. but who knows whats going on. I will be weighing myself again this Friday to see if I've made any progress this 3rd week of plateau (I hope).. I basically took a week off from the gym.. and then this week I've gotten back into my daily work outs.. Im hoping it shocked my body into losing again.

    Have you tried taking measurements? Maybe youre gaining muscle and losing at the same time?
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    No, I don't usually eat my exercise calories. Quite often I am under on my calories...hmmm it just sounds wierd!
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    I would like to know this too because I have been stuck at this weight for about a year. No matter how healthy I eat or how much or hard I workout I am stuck. I still have 20-25 pounds to lose so its not like my body is at its happy weight.
  • Scha4153
    Scha4153 Posts: 5
    I hit a plateau as well because of under eating. At a minimum you should be eating 1200 calories a day. ESPECIALLY if you're exercising
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    Funny you should ask about measurements...I'm not doing them correctly...or something is very wrong with my measuring tape! LOL ... I took measurements 2 weeks ago and every single measurment has increased! IDK what i'm doing!!!
  • vibrantval
    vibrantval Posts: 46
    You should try taking measurements you might be losing inches like losing fat and gaining muscle so the scale might not be moving but your body might be changing, good luck, I know Ive been in a rut for about 5 months myself!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    If you eat too little, it could be the cause of your plateau.
  • Scha4153
    Scha4153 Posts: 5
    I was eating 800/ cals a day then didn't lose any weight for 2 weeks then started eating a min of 1200 and now I'm right back on track. Don't be afraid to eat! If you want calories that actually help you lose weight eat negative calorie foods: ie grapefruit, broccoli, celery, lettuce, turnips, onions, red peppers
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    @Scha4153~ Some days I find this hard to's like I'm just not hungry. Is this normal? I am WAY over my goal for protien almost every day. Maybe that is what's keeping me full. Why is it so important to consume 1200 calories anyway?? My goal is only 1280 each day, so even 100 calories less is a big deal.
  • scrang37
    scrang37 Posts: 21 Member
    When I hit my plateau I had been consistently losing 2 lbs a week for 2 and a half months so I was ready to give up when the scale did not move for 3 solid weeks:( I read about having a spike day where you basically eat like double your calories and then the next day you lower your calories again. Mentally, I had a real hard time wrapping my brain around this idea because I had become so disciplined. I thought, what the heck and went for it. Shockingly, this worked for me:D Now, every 2 weeks I have what I call a free day and eat whatever I want guilt free.
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    That's very interesting!!!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    There is nothing magical about 1200, and most people who undereat do so just fine. I actually never believed in starvation mode until I lost my period and gained weight eating at a slight deficit from what should be maintenance per bodybugg which had previously been correct for me. For me, I'm really active, and I was eating about 1500 with a TDEE around 2100 and since it wasn't THAT big of a deficit, I thought it was fine... but apparently it wasn't, so now I'm finally not gaining weight netting around 1800 and waiting for my period to come back so I can shave just a couple hundred off that and see how it goes.

    Man I'm bitter about it :P
  • pahoehoe
    pahoehoe Posts: 1
    Going to a lower carb count and setting up a weekly cheat day help get throught the first plateau ( 4 hour body book). Currently facing another one that I may attack with suplplements
  • canadakim17
    canadakim17 Posts: 24 Member
    Do you lift weights??? If you are only doing cardio, addig weights into your routine will def. get you results!!! GL!!!!
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the advice and suggestions! I will definately try some of these ideas beginning today!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cincyess1
    cincyess1 Posts: 5 Member
    I am going through the exact same thing. Lost 6 lbs in the first 3 weeks. This week, I gained even though I was staying in my calorie intake and exercizing daily. :-(
    Very frustrating!