looking for friends that need to lose a lot

hello, my name is amanda. im 23 and im looking for people to chat with that are looking to lose a lot of weight. i have 120 pounds to lose and need all the support that i can get. im married and have been since 11/29/08. my husband says he loves "thick" women but id rather not be "thick" anymore. i was skinny when we met so i feel so horrible about myself right now. i want to be able to wear cute mini skirts and tight jeans and heels that show off my legs and tanktops that dont make my arms look like i could fly with them. i have been thin my whole life up untill i started to gain weight and now its out of controll. i used to play baskettball, ice hockey, soccer, and do karate. i was also a varsity cheerleader but that all changed when i was playing ice hockey and got hurt pretty bad. i ruptured a disk in my back and still have not had it fixed after 4 and a half years. i can walk around and excersize and stuff but its so hard for me. when my spine gets swolen and painfull it pushes my sciatic nerve between my two vertebra and it pinches my nerve making me not be able to move for a few minutes. its very painfull but i can work around it...it makes it hard for me to WANT to excersise at all. i could use all the support i can get and need motivation. i need to lose this weight for my health and so that i can get my back fixed. the more weight i lose, the less pressure will be on my spine which means i wont have these pains as often. im sick of being on pain medicine when all i really need to do is lose weight. i dont want to fill my body with anymore toxins to avoid a little sweat. its time that i find myself again and im looking for friends to accompany me on this long but well rewarding journey. please feel free to add me and introduce yourself to me. if you have any questions feel free to ask. im very open and will be 100% honest with everyone.
