I really need my life back

Hey guys.

I've been having so much trouble over the past year to get back to who I was. I gained almost 50 pounds after my grandfather passed away last year. That's not my only problem. You see I lost a lot of weight before. I went down from 260 to 188! I was so proud, but then like I said my grandfather died and I got tangled up with a guy. He literally depresses me. Before when I lost that weight I had things to look forward to! Now that I'm at to 236, I just want to hide in a dark cave and starve away :( I really want my old life back...Can someone help me?...Please?


  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    You're with a guy that totally depresses you?
    Hopefully you're not with him anymore.
    It's easiest to accomplish the things we want in life when we are surrounded by other who want the same things we do.
  • LMoopri
    LMoopri Posts: 4
    He just drains me :( I'm still with him :/ I don't know what happened to me :( I used to be such a healthy person, working on my goals to get to 170. Now it seems no matter what I do I just can't do it :( I went down to 218 by going for walks early in the morning and eating toasted tomato sandwiches, but I'm losing all hope :( I need motivation badly :/
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Change your situation. If being with someone makes you unhappy then you don't need to be with that person. Your life can never be what it was... you know why? Because that's in the past. Start forward from this point and make your life into what you want it to be.

    Who better to help you than yourself?
  • eln2008
    eln2008 Posts: 20 Member
    I just want to encourage you...try not to focus on the past. Look forward and believe in yourself. I lost my Dad who was my very best friend to a heart attack in his sleep and eating became a great comfort to me. It still can be if I give it the power over my mind. I miss my Dad so much, but I know he would not be pleased if I continued to stay overweight. You can do anything you set your mind to do. You ultimately have the control not the food. You're doing great things already because you chose to utilize MFP. You got this! P.s. If the guy is pouring negative energy into your heart and mind, you might want to cut him loose. God bless, E.
  • LMoopri
    LMoopri Posts: 4
    I'm just so scared to be what I was :/ and I'm slowly creeping back up and I'm terrified. I would give anything to be 190 again :/ Even 200. It's so hard to not think about everything since it's so fresh :/ Do you guys have any tips on keeping me focused, because I just feel like I don't have any control :(
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    I think it would be very easy to say, "Dump the guy! Exercise! Eat better!" but the fact of the matter is that you will probably get overwhelmed if you try to change everything all at once so my only advice it to start slowly. What can you change tomorrow? Can you dump the guy? Can you go for a walk? Can you have healthier meals or go to the grocery store and buy healthy food to last the next few days? Figure out the thing you can and will do tomorrow and do it. Then decide what to do the next day. I know it seems easier to hide behind food and a guy who isn't nice to you because you may feel like staying with him is easier than meeting someone new. Just keep in mind that the food and the guy aren't fulfilling you in any way so you are now going to feel empowered and choose better for yourself. So again, what can you do tomorrow to work towards empowering yourself? Figure it out, you can do it!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Life can change so fast. Just 6 years ago I was in an abusive loveless marriage, overweight , and a sever workaholic. You just have to take that one step and then another and soon everything will change. I divorced, and then remarried a brilliant wonderful man who loves me at any size. He had 3 boys and I had 1 and since getting married we have had 2 more boys (I am severely outnumbered). I quit the job and found a job I can do from home so I can raise my little ones. I am down 82lbs and will have the final 11lbs off of me in no time. One step at a time you can change your life for the better. You just have to chose to start.
  • eln2008
    eln2008 Posts: 20 Member
    Have you ever tried to memorize inspirational quotes or scriptures? When I'm down or need encouragement, I will find one or two great motivational quotes or scriptures and post them all over -- in my car, on the mirrors in my bathroom, the fridge, and I will put them on little sticky notes to keep with me. Whenever I start to doubt myself or I feel down, I start reading those messages. You kinda have to train your brain to think more positive.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Allow yourself to grief. Then look at it this way, "when you've hit rock bottom the only way to go is up."
  • I've been where you are - it was years ago, but I remember thinking -Is this what I want for the rest of my life? Is this how I want my kids to see me?

    If you're living together it will make it harder, but honestly, if he depresses you - I think your first step is to leave him. Losing weight is hard enough without someone who depresses you making it even harder.

    These questions had more to do with the guy than my weight (which I've always battled). I did leave him and it was hard - my family and friends were thrilled and couldn't understand why I was so sad about the break up. It was hard, cuz I felt like no one would want me like I was, and I morned for the relationship I kept thinking we could have had.

    Cut to 12 years later - I'm still overweight and battle it everyday. But my husband (an entirely different man) loves me no matter how I look, supports me in all of my decisions and has helped me deal with the loss of my mom at an early age (where my depression comes from). Having someone who supports you really does help. I'm a happier person and while still no kids - I know that when I have them, I would hope that my little girl can find a man like my husband.

    Hope this helps. Good luck - and please let us know how you are doing.
  • tothf88
    tothf88 Posts: 7 Member
    Aww you poor thing....I know where you're coming from - when I lost my dad in 2007 I literally ballooned!! i gained around 20kg in a short space of like 2 months...I've only started getting back to where I was - its been a long 7 years and it did take a long time....
    I still have around 4kgs to go now and I am back where I started!!! It takes time and alot of endurance...slow and steady is the best as you will not yo-yo and gain back the weight you've lost.

    Try to talk about your emotions and meet with friends often so you're not alone.
    The right group of people can be your biggest support who will help you through. - at the same time the wrong ones can hurt you so make sure you surround yourself with ppl who love you and are there for you.

    Babe you can do it!!! it took me a long while to get myself started - I was stuck at the blown up weight for like 3 years before I actually decided to something about.

    Babe you have the support here! we will support you as you achieve and also to pick you up if you fall. We're not perfect - there will be highs and lows as you try and loose weight, but trust me its all worth it at the end!!!
    I'll be more than happy to help you:)

  • LMoopri
    LMoopri Posts: 4
    When I wrote this out I thought nobody would reply (I guess it's just because of how low I feel). I didn't think that so many amazing people would actually try to help me with this huge problem I have. I just got back from a walk. I used to walk for many many hours a day. It was usually when I felt overwhelmed or upset and it helped. I want to thank everyone in this message board for taking the time to write your replies to me. I'm going to try hard to get back down to 190! My first goal will be to get to 225, from there I hope I'll be able to see that I can do it
    RKBVT Posts: 3 Member
    How did you do this weekend? Were you able to do a bit more walking? Do you have a plan for today's meals?
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    I know it sounds much easier than it is...but you have to ditch the guy. Losing weight is difficult enough. But when you're in a bad relationship that's causing depression it's like fighting your way upstream.

    We're all pulling for you.