Someone for the journey?

Hey people :)

So although I'm not exactly properly new here (been on about three months) I've just been hanging around in the background and sussing out how this stuff all works, and here's my first post! :D

Yeah so I just wanted to say Hi and that what you guys have here is really helpful! I've managed to lose a little of the weight I put on as a student (the alcohol combined with a definite lack of cooking skills did not do anything great for my health) :D

But yeah someone please speak to me! Because I need someone for the journey and because quite frankly I feel lonely sitting here in the background :P



  • giniginib
    giniginib Posts: 8 Member

    How far are you off your goal? I've been on here before, but 'fell off the wagon' a bit!

    Would be great to have someone to share tips, successes, whinges(!) with!!

  • Hi I am new also, have been looking at site for a few days and decided some friends could help the journey too! I have heard about this site from people at work, so heres hoping this can help me loose the 5-8 kilos I need to loose, of course my motivation may also lend a helping hand, and who I might add in the past has let me down repeatedly smile:
  • loucee
    loucee Posts: 1
    Hi, I am also fairly new and have been hangin about in the background. I keep trying to lose weight but never really stick with it, need comeone to help push me a little :)

  • giniginib
    giniginib Posts: 8 Member are we all finding it?

    I've been logging for 10 days and I think I'm doing ok! The weight is definitely coming off, but the thought of having to do this long term is a little daunting still!! How about everyone else?
  • Hi everyone - im also fairly new to the site (about 2/3 weeks) and have been figuring it out but now im trying to use it every day to keep on track so would be greatful for adds - always find it more encouraging with people to help and share tips x
  • JoniAngel
    JoniAngel Posts: 2
    Hello I have just joined today and would greatly appreciate anyone who wants to share this journey, The more support the better.
    my name is Joni and I am very nervous but I have too loose some weight or else I am gonna end up in a wheel chair I have severe health issues and gained a lot of weight due to medication and basically being sedentary which as we all know leads to lack of self confidence, withdraw from community and major depression so you get into a viscous circle. I need to end that part of my life and start over so anyone who would like to share their journey with me I would be honored!
    Thank you and God Bless
  • JoniAngel
    JoniAngel Posts: 2
    :happy: Good for you, I am a amateur writer so I love to journal, so I find that easy to me the best time is in The morning with your Coffee is a great time to reflect back and possibly initiate new ideas for your day.,
    What types of exercising have you been doing and are you counting calories as well?
    Great Job
    God Bless
  • amallia921
    amallia921 Posts: 51
    Hey! Anyone is more then Welcome to add me! The more supportive friends you have the better. I have been on bout two months. I "fell off the band wagon" for a while due to running my 3 year old around to all different docotrs and ER.. But now that that has calmed down a bit. I am trying to get back up and moving. lol Time to get down to business. So give me an add, and I will help you, if you help me. ;-)
    <33 Allie