I need motivation!!

I have done this b4!! Lost 70 pounds...stressed and put quite a bit back on! I just can't seem to get started! If I ever lose that first pound I will b ok. Just don't know where to start. Thanks for any encouragement !


  • stephmo86
    stephmo86 Posts: 45
    You can do this!! Just stick with it:-)
  • kimmacias
    kimmacias Posts: 15
    I need the same thing! I lost 18 pounds and stopped for a while and can't seem to get it going again!:sad: I gained 8 pounds back and the pants I got into are tight now. Add me and we will motivate eachother to get it going :smile:
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Replace one thing at every meal for something better.

    I was having 2 servings worth of cereal with a banana for breakfast. I changed that to an Instant Breakfast with Banana and Peanut Butter. I changed that to a protein shake with berries. I went from a 600+ calorie breakfast to a 250 calorie breakfast that keeps me full just as long.

    I would have a sandwich for lunch. I replaced 2 pieces of bread for a 100 calorie wrap. Saved 120 calories just by doing that. If I am having a sandwich I have either cheese or mayo. Not both. Save 100 calories. I switched from high test to low cal mayo- saved 70 calories. I use a serving of mayo instead of 3 tablespoons- saved 200.

    Look at the serving size and eat just that. You will probably cut your calories by a 1/3.

    That is my best suggestions on where to start. One food decision at a time. Just because you did bad on breakfast doesn't mean the whole day is lost. Just because you had a snack when you went home doesn't mean your dinner has to suck too. Good luck with everything, feel free to troll my food diary if you would like! I still have pizza, beer, treats, etc, just do it a little differently :):flowerforyou:
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 146 Member
    That's always the hardest part for me is getting started on something. I go the tough love route. I think to myself "Get off your fat *kitten*." It helped me and every morning I'm glad I did get off my behind. Find the motivation that works for you. You can do this! I believe in you. Good luck to you. :smile:
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, you've done it before so you know you can do it.

    The most important thing this time around is to avoid any gimmicks or tricks that you might have done before and concentrate on fundamental changes to your lifestyle that you can sustain. Changing to a lifestyle that you can live with is incredibly important.

    BTW, you are attractive now and should be a total hottie when you get done.
  • alawilliams
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make today the first day of your journey. You can do it. This post was the first step, so see you have already started. You don't have to jump feet first. Take today and make one healthy choice, whether it be drinking one less soda or skipping the burger for lunch and opting for a subway. One good choice leads to another. Good Luck!!!
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Where to start...plan out how many calories you need each day and plan your meals and snacks ahead of time so that you can meet your goals with as healthy options as possible. (I try to plan out my food for the whole day...or at least most of it...in the morning before I eat anything.) Stick to your calorie goals as closely as possible. Remember, life happens and sometimes you will go over. As long as you stay under most of the time, you will still be ok. My understanding is that diet is 80% of the equation, so focus the most on it.

    Second, the other 20% is exercise. Get moving doing something that you enjoy so that you can keep at it. If you don't enjoy it, you probably won't keep doing it. You want to keep as much of your current muscle mass as possible, so lifting some weight will also help (also keeps your metabolism a bit higher, which will help us keep it off when we are at goal). Don't be afraid of heavy weights!

    Hope this has helped. Good luck on your journey!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Make friends on MFP, we all do our best to motivate each other. I have close to 70lbs left to lose as well, so feel free to add me, if you like. I'm on this site way too often, and I try to comment as much as I can on people's progress and postings. Just don't mind the odd sense of humor!
  • dalbrown
    dalbrown Posts: 15
    The first step is the hardest but with support from this group of wonderful people, you can do it!!!
  • mrsevanrust
    All you need to focus on is making the most out of today. Make good choices and reap the rewards in the morning! (Tip to kick start is just say no to carbs and pop.)

    "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." ~ Matthew 6:34
  • 77LouLou
    77LouLou Posts: 75
    Thanks :)
  • 77LouLou
    77LouLou Posts: 75
    I did it the right way b4. I have had a lot of stress to deal w in the last year. And let it get the best of me! Trying to get my focus back :) Thanks!
  • denmark979
    denmark979 Posts: 112 Member
    slow and steady wins the race
  • mzbmorhollywood
    anytime we try to lose weight as women is hard... the motivation is u... i'm always an excuse maker... like my girlfriend tells me stop making excuses as to why u cant and just do it... #goodluck
  • lovelaugh12
    You can do it! :) It's my first time trying to DO SOMETHING about being over weight, I have no Idea how to begin. Having a good support system, or at least one person there to support me has helped out a lot. I've only been at this whole fitness health thing for a week now, and I'm not sure what i'm suppose to eat or how much or anything but I'm trying. So if I can do it, I'm 100% sure that you can! GOOD LUCK! just turn your I can do it's into I AM doing it. :)