Protruding stomach and the coil....linked??

I've been attending a personal trainer for a few weeks now. Seen her 3 times. Find her great and she knows her stuff as she had been doing it about 20 years.

My tummy area is my real problem area. I've really toned arms and legs (she even said this herself) yet my tummy still hangs on in there. She said this in the nicest possible way but she said to me that she has seen enough people with weight on them and my tummy is not weight. It's hard and not flabby at all. Yet it sticks out.

She then asked me what type of contraceptive I use: the coil. She suggested that it might be linked to this. I suffer alot with IBS-type symptoms also. I then read up yesterday online about this and it seems quite common with the coil. Protruding stomach, weight gain or find it impossible to lose weight despite diet/exercise being good (this is me), looking pregnant. No matter what I do, my stomach will not budge.

My PT suggested to go to a well-woman clinic/my GP to discuss this. I'm slightly hesitant to as there really isn't a whole lot of long-term contracpetive choices available. I've heard bad things about implanon and don't really want to go back on the pill. If I get the coil removed and nothing changes, it's going to cost me the guts of 200 euro to get it back in. Not really money I can afford right now tbh.

Anyone else find this while having the coil in?? thanks.


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think just talking to your GP is a good idea not to get the coil out but to determine what is causing the tummy "bump"… you may have a hernia or some other medical issue…
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I wouldn't take medical advice from someone who is not a medical practitioner. Speak to your OB/GYN or your GP. A personal trainer has no medical training or knowledge.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
  • teez52
    teez52 Posts: 104 Member
    I wouldn't take medical advice from someone who is not a medical practitioner. Speak to your OB/GYN or your GP. A personal trainer has no medical training or knowledge.

    Yup and Yup...and YUP! See your doc about any medical questions. For reference though, the belly is usually the last place people lose the fat (plus the hips and thighs) which sucks because that's where most people want to lose it first. Problem is that most people store most of their fat there and as has been said over a billion times, you cannot spot reduce fat. So as you thin out, you'll notice it in your arms and calves and neck and slowly notice it in the rest.

    Again I'm speaking in generalizations here for what happens with "most people". So please if you have concerns see a real doctor, not your trainer.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I have been doing extensive research into this (both speaking to a lot of different medical experts and using google-fu ). It seems that yes, any and all hormone based contraception, including the Mirena coil, can cause weight gain, especially around the stomach, as well as making it more difficult to lose weight.

    The worst culprit and the only one where "they" admit that most people WILL put on weight is Depo Provera (the average Depo user puts on 11 pounds and around 3.7% body fat, apparently).

    The Mirena coil is the same hormone as the Depo but in a much lower dose, so it is perfectly possible that it could be causing this for you.

    Personally, I am thinking of switching from the Depo (my last jab just expired) and onto Mirena to see if the lower dose makes any difference to me.

    Sadly I don't have the option of the copper coil (hormone free) as it increases periods (heavier / longer) and I have endometriosis. Sigh.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK, I wasn't quite sure what "the coil" was so I googled. An IUD? Is it Mirena?

    If so, there is a small percentage of women who experience the side effect of weight gain and an inability to lose. I'm having that same problem. No matter how much or little I eat or how much or little I exercise (I tried it all), I cannot lose an ounce. And I gained 20 pounds after I got it even though I ate healthy and exercised daily.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Obviously I wouldn't call what my PT said a bible as she isn't medically trained. I'm not that naive people.

    You'd want to see my tummy to know what I mean about it protruding. Literally it it like a little rounded pot belly that sticks out and is hard. It's not fat. Even when I suck in my stomach, it is still there.

    I am fully aware that you cannot spot reduce, I've been training long enough to know that principle also.

    I started a new prorgramme 3 weeks ago done up by my PT. She took all my measurements at the start: shoulders, legs, arms, knee, tummy, waist etc. I saw her on Monday night. I'd lost 1 inch on my arms, 1 inch on my legs, half an inch on my shoulders and like half an inch on my tummy.

    I'm going to give it another 2-3 months to see if my new programme can help my tummy area. I'm not about to rush into anything. I've had the coil in for 2+half years now and have lost weight before with it in. But for some reason now, my tummy is alot worse and I cannot fathom/work out why.

    THanks for the replies.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I'd still go to the doc just to make sure.

    And yes, Depo will make you gain/keep weight. My body does not want to budge from 150. Luckily it budged from 174 ^_^
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    DO NOT go on Depo.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    People, her trainer DID advise her to see a doctor about the issue - it's not as if the PT was trying to give medical advice. Good for her!
    I would take the advice of your PT and see a doctor. Maybe it's not the coil at all, but it would be good to know right? And to make sure there are no other medical issues that are behind this..
    Good luck.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I've been on Depo Provera, the injection, for 6 years, with no weight gain...give it a try maybe? I know weight gain is a common side effect, but you can stop the injections at any time if that is the case for you .
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've been on Depo Provera, the injection, for 6 years, with no weight gain...give it a try maybe? I know weight gain is a common side effect, but you can stop the injections at any time if that is the case for you .

    If she's gaining on Mirena (she still hasn't clarified if that's what she's talking about) she'll gain on Depo. It has the same hormone.

    But Depo has worse side effects than weight gain.
  • louiloui123
    louiloui123 Posts: 22 Member
    I am on mirena, been on it for 3months now and I am not sure if it has made me increase in weight as I was convinced by my GP that there isnt a strong hormone in it. I had the copper coil b4 and was meant to replace it for like for like but the GP put in mirena.

    Try charcol tablets and probiotics it has helped me with my stomach a lot i mean i still have to lose and tone up but it isnt bloated any more.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member

    But Depo has worse side effects than weight gain.

    such as? As I said, i've got six years in with no adverse effects...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    But Depo has worse side effects than weight gain.

    such as? As I said, i've got six years in with no adverse effects...

    Osteoporosis and early menopause, for one.

    My best friend was on it for years. She actually lost weight and could eat anything she wanted and not gain. Then she went to a new doctor and he insisted on running some diagnostic tests before giving her another shot. Turned out her bones were as brittle as an 80-year-old's and at 28 years old had entered menopause as a direct result of the shot. She had no physical symptoms.

    Nearly every woman I know who was on the shot and then tried to get pregnant had at least one (and usually several) miscarriage and a lot of trouble carrying a baby.

    There are more, but those are the biggest problems I've seen. And the side effects occur in 40% of users, which a HUGE.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member

    But Depo has worse side effects than weight gain.

    such as? As I said, i've got six years in with no adverse effects...

    Osteoporosis and early menopause, for one.

    My best friend was on it for years. She actually lost weight and could eat anything she wanted and not gain. Then she went to a new doctor and he insisted on running some diagnostic tests before giving her another shot. Turned out her bones were as brittle as an 80-year-old's and at 28 years old had entered menopause as a direct result of the shot. She had no physical symptoms.

    Nearly every woman I know who was on the shot and then tried to get pregnant had at least one (and usually several) miscarriage and a lot of trouble carrying a baby.

    There are more, but those are the biggest problems I've seen. And the side effects occur in 40% of users, which a HUGE.

    I'd been advised of the osteoporosis risk, and take calcium supplements just in case.... I suppose the early menopause and miscarriage risks won't really apply to me, as I can't have children anyway... but thanks for the info :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I wouldn't put that kind of crap in my body regardless. My OB won't even offer it as an option.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I wouldn't touch depo with a ten foot pole either.
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member
    Since this topic has turned into a light conversation about birthcontrol..I just want to add my 2cents:

    I've been on the nuva ring for 4 months now (with years of failure and complications from the pill in various forms) and am VERY happy with it. My periods stay light and regular, I put it in myself once a month with ZERO discomfort. It does not fall out or effect my sexlife. As soon as my period comes, I take it out and put a fresh one in once my period's gone.

    It gets an A++ for me..

    plus I think it's hilarious that I have to keep them in the fridge. :laugh:
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I know exactly what you mean about a protruding stomach. I, too, have a distended lower ab area that is not fat. However, I also have lots of pain (lower back and abdominal tenderness). There are many things that can cause this and I am currently investigating with my doctor. In fact, I had an ultrasound just yesterday. Things to check out: uterus, ovaries (can be cysts with no other symptoms), bladder and intestines. So, maybe it is just time for those check-ups? I get ovarian cysts and they can make my belly VERY distended. I also have IBS-constipation, so that complicates the matter. Anyway, I really do know what you mean and you are not alone, but if you haven't had regular GYN checkups and maybe even colonoscopy it might just be the thing to motivate you to get those check-ups!!