How do you prevent your late night cravings?

This is always my biggest problem. I do great with breakfast, lunch, and supper. As soon as I come home from work at 8 I'm hungry again. I usually eat some fruit and then try to not eat past 9 but this fruit usually does not hold me over. Has anyone found any tricks to help rid their cravings? Does anyone eat certain foods that are healthy AND filling for the night?


  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Oatmeal is the most filling food I have ever eaten. I also do cold cereal late at night..3/4 of a cup with 1/2 a cup of soy milk...If I haven't eat. If I have eaten, lukewarm water because chances are I'm just thirsty from no having enough water during the day. I read that cold water hydrates, warm water creates that filling feeling.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I eat less during the day and eat at night when I get hungry. Problem solved!
  • alexandra0713
    alexandra0713 Posts: 41 Member
    I try to eat 3-4 oz of lean meat and vegetables 3 times a day. I use to snack on fruit, like you, but I found it just made me hungrier.
  • Jlhoney37
    Jlhoney37 Posts: 3
    maybe try making a smoothie with the fruit!,.. or greek yogurt. i have that problem sometimes too, i think its more boredem then cravings! or drink a bunch of water to resist even if you dont want it.
  • healthycourt2012
    i think the boredom is definitely a factor for me. maybe i should just try to play one of my xbox kinnect games and burn some more calories rather than consuming the bad ones!
  • Filomenaaa
    Filomenaaa Posts: 61 Member
    I have the worst eating habits at night, when the cravings start i drink herbal tea. I dont know what it is about that method but it really works for me
  • nickmast78
    nickmast78 Posts: 65
    Why can't you eat at night? If you still have calories left, eat em up! Night time is when I do most of my eating. If you don't have calories left at night, lower your calorie intake during the day so you can eat at night.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Last night was a bad one for me in terms of craving non-hunger food. I showered, did sit ups, push-up and listened to some music. It really did help to get my mind occupied. Try reading or some other engaging activity.

    I have heard around that people brush their teeth to somehow trick them into the night time routine and others paint their nails when cravings get bad in order to avoid going in and eating anything. Can't say I have tried either of those.

    I also eat my largest meal for dinner and it does help.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    I agree with the herbal tea method!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    Actually, I don't prevent them. I listen to them. Usually it's my body's way of telling me I haven't eaten enough during the day. I like to have a protein shake at night or some cottage cheese to satisfy my cravings (I usually crave sweet things).
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    I used to be in the habit of eating supper very early (like around 5:00). I was always hungry by 9 or 10... so I just adjusted my schedule. Now I eat all the time. Breakfast, a small snack at about 11:00, lunch, a snack around 4:30 or 5:00 and then dinner at 8:00. If I'm still hungry after that I chug water or I just eat something filling, but healthy (for me, that means carrot sticks!).

    Splitting up my eating schedule into five separate categories has been helpful for me. I'm still hungry sometimes... but this way I know that food isn't too far off and I don't overeat.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I brush my teeth and force myself to sleep rofl. Thankfully my cravings hit around midnight-ish so I don't have to sleep really early.
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    Green tea!
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160

    I have heard around that people brush their teeth to somehow trick them into the night time routine and others paint their nails when cravings get bad in order to avoid going in and eating anything. Can't say I have tried either of those.

    If i was a woman, that wouldn't work for me. I can just inhale food off the plate, no hands. :laugh:
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    Oatmeal is the most filling food I have ever eaten

    that, or cream of wheat with just a little sugar to get over that really salty taste. I also got these Crystal light hunger satisfation things. they have a little protein and fiber and only 30 calories so i can drink it in just a bottle of water and it all combines to help.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder, 2 tbsp natural pb, a little bit of water. mix til creamy. freeze for 30 or so minutes. tastes like a pb cup ice cream. sooo good and filling.
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    Oatmeal is the most filling food I have ever eaten. I also do cold cereal late at night..3/4 of a cup with 1/2 a cup of soy milk...If I haven't eat. If I have eaten, lukewarm water because chances are I'm just thirsty from no having enough water during the day. I read that cold water hydrates, warm water creates that filling feeling.

    or cream of wheat. just add a little sugar to offset the saltiness.

    Also, Crystal light has this Hunger Satisfaction packet thing and it has a little fiber and protien so when you combine that with a whole bottle of water it helps


    oh, sorry about that other spam post. still getting the hang of doing thing like quoting
  • squiggle888
    I have herbal tea or hot chocolate. Options hot chocolate is my big evening treat. Also due to work, dog walking, exercising and generally cooking from scratch it's rare for me to eat much before 9.
  • PurrfumeGIrl
    PurrfumeGIrl Posts: 31 Member
    I break up my meals into 6 segments (breakfast, lunch, dinner and three snacks). The last snack around 8pm. That helps me get through the night. If I don't have something, I don't sleep well, if at all. I usually have fruit or a bowl of cereal before bed.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    I eat good leafy vegetable, and lots of meat/protein... but on the other hand, I just go to bed. I get up so early and work so late, that by the time i get home, I eat a quick bite, shower and Im out liek a light, so i don't really suffer with those too much.