How do you prevent your late night cravings?



  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    It gets better and better with every success! So every time you successfully tell yourself and follow through by not eating after dinner you gain willpower each time!!

    When I was really bad with that I got an elastic band and snapped it everytime I wanted something after dinner, I don't encourage self harm!!!! Lol, That's just what worked with me sometimes. :P Also LOADS of water !
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    I've found avocado keeps me feeling full the longet. I've started adding it to my breakfast and lunch, and I haven't had ANY urges to snack during the day! I think it's the perfect combination of fat and fiber :)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Chewing gum, bottle of water, knitting, brushing my teeth. If I'm actually hungry, a greek yogurt hits the sweet tooth just fine.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Depending on if I can distinguish true boredom or hunger....

    A glass or two wolf water with lemon and a handful of almonds usually does the trick. Sometimes I will have an apple and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. I always drink water with it though!!
  • jumadey
    jumadey Posts: 60 Member
    I drink Peppermint tea
  • jessicae1aine
    I typically have a sugar-free popsicle, or low-fat ice cream, or maybe even a grilled cheese with laughing cow cheese and sandwich thins.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I just eat if I'm hungry. Last night for instance, I couldn't sleep and was starving at 2am so I finished off a bowl of wild rice fruit salad. Yeah, I would have rather had my son's chocolate pudding but I'm trying to eat healthier. Before, when I was fat, I'd have a bag of popcorn after dinner whether I was actually hungry or not. Habit I guess.
    If I'm really craving something I'll have it, but in moderation, like getting a soft serve ice cream cone and not buying a gallon of it to bring home, or get a small candy bar, etc. If you don't get a 'real' crave fix, you're bound to feel deprived, feel like you're on a DIET and overeat. This is a lifestyle not a diet. Also, if you don't learn how to control portion sizes of 'treats', you wont be able to maintain your weight loss after reaching goal.
    The main thing is to just eat IF you are truly hungry, but try to eat something healthy. If your tummy truly isnt growling as it should with real hunger, try reading, watching tv in bed instead of somewhere closer to food, go for a short walk, drink a tall glass of water, etc. Search the forums on here for info. I'm pretty sure the same question has been asked, at least about how to curb cravings.
    Good luck, you can beat this and still lose weight, if needed, and be healthy.
  • EnergyYesPlease
    I break up my meals into 6 segments (breakfast, lunch, dinner and three snacks). The last snack around 8pm. That helps me get through the night. If I don't have something, I don't sleep well, if at all. I usually have fruit or a bowl of cereal before bed.

    This works for me to. And it helps to keep yourself satisfied before bed because eating throughout the night your body will stash every bit of it since you're not up and about keeping your metabolism going to burn what you just ate. And lots of water helps too!

    Good luck!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    When I get hungry at night I just go to bed :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I eat less during the day and eat at night when I get hungry. Problem solved!
    THIS. I am usually eating at 11pm and night and still staying in calorie limits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    eat dinner later or break it into 2 meals.
  • Dreamerryu27
    Dreamerryu27 Posts: 281 Member
    Either Hot tea or a Cold smoothie followed by allot of water!
  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    The best way I deal with late night cravings is making it part of my calorie intake plan. I usually either have a 1/2C to 1C of the Fage 0% fat Greek yogurt, coupled with either a cup of diced strawberries or a peach.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I eat less during the day and eat at night when I get hungry. Problem solved!
    THIS. I am usually eating at 11pm and night and still staying in calorie limits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yep I know that I like to snack at night, and I know I can't stand going to bed hungry so I 'budget' calories so that I can have a few snacks after dinner. It's worked well for me.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    If my brain says 'feed me' I try to distract it...usually will do sit ups, or some other calisthenics, then check email and MFP, i'f I'm actually hungry after that, i'll have a bowl of berries, or something else healthy, but usually just the distraction makes the craving go away.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    its hard!!!! I usually try to have like a hot chocolate ...something to sip on, water of course is filling, or yogurt....
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    Why not eat at night? I have my bedtime snack around 10 or 10:30 pm, and I make sure it's both sweet and salty to curb any junk food cravings (banana/chocolate protein shake and natural peanut butter on whole grain toast).
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    If I have calories available, I eat whatever I want. If I'm going to go over on calories because of hunger, it must be nutritious food. But sometimes I just go to bed. Like last night - I went to bed hungry.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I eat less during the day and eat at night when I get hungry. Problem solved!

    I usually get home from work between 7 and 8pm...

    I've really just shifted my meals to fit my schedule
    10AM I'll have a cup of coffee
    12N-ish I'll have a light snack
    2PM Lunch (really my first meal)
    8PM Dinner
    10-11PM Supper
    1AM Bed

    I figure as long as you're giving your body good nutrition and your habits are consistent your body will figure out how to use it.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Brush your teeth and close your food diary. works for me every time.

    and if all else fails, I also have some tea.