help finding motivation for exercise

Can anyone help, ive recently split from bf and had to move in doing so i have lost any motivation for exercise, altough im not gaining weight im not loosing either i know i need thje exercise to help **** this last 1.5 stone already lost 2.5, i just havent got any motivation to do it... dont know how to find it back either or where to start.............Ideas would be apprecated xxx


  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    How I got back into exercising was to start walking 15-30 min a day. I also found an exercise buddy. Maybe a friend could join you? If it's possible, join a gym or try out a new exercise DVD. I found spending just a little bit of money on exercise equipment, dvd, or gym held me accountable because I didn't want my dollars to go to waste.

    *you can add me as a friend (if you'd like) and i'll try my best to help you get moving
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You don't need motivation. You need action. As Yoda said, "there is only do or do not". If you wait for motivation, you are not doing.
  • tyott995
    tyott995 Posts: 4
    You are going through a depression because of the breakup. That's understandable, but you need to focus on you and what will make you feel better. Exercising increases endorphins, which increases your sense of well being. Finding someone to exercise with you will definitely help. You need someone who will prod you and make you get going until the depression starts to go away. Hang in there, you can do this, you owe it to yourself!!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Honestly, my motivation for exercising much of the time is that I get to eat more. Would that help motivate you? I eat back basically all of my exercise calories.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    All exercise is is repetitive motion. If you don't like lifting weights or running on a treadmill, then don't. Go horseback riding, surfing, dancing, hiking, biking, swimming, kickboxing, gardening, yardwork, skating, yoga, etc. You can get a great body by doing any of those if you eat decently and provide progressive overload in the long run with tons of consistency. My body was built through years of dance, weightlifting, and yoga. Nobody has to motivate me to do them because I'm obsessed with them. I go to bed dreaming about them and wake up with them on my mind. Hope this helps. #BEWARETHEHAMPSTERWHEEL ;)
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    hey Girl!!

    Agreed that the only way to get motivated is to just get up and do it!! the hardest part is just getting up and starting.. I try to focus on how i feel after..I always feel happy, relaxed and energised!! you never regret working out!! routine is the key for me "ill workout tomorrow " gives no direction or routine... instead say "right after work when i get home ill go for a walk" (or whatever time fits in to your routine) after a few days it becomes a habit if you continue to do it at the same time,,, as said above.. pick something you like...dont say "im going to run tomorrow" if you hate runnning and have no real intention to do it!! walking is a great start or anything thats fun.. its not about what you do and especially getting back into routine its just about doing SOMETHING every day and it will make all the difference!!

    Best of luck!! ill be cheering you along the way!!!!

    Laura x