"you don't need to lose weight"



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Just don't talk about it.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Yes my ex told me he loved me the way I was. Fast forward three years and I hear you let yourself go. WTH? So I kicked him too the curb and started on this journey again. I feel so much better I lost 190lbs that day. LOL. Bless you all have a awesome day
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Just tell them you want to look good naked. That usually ends the conversation.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I get this all the time. I can't even bring up my gym progress in front of some of my family.

    Last time I checked, I was doing this for ME.
  • workoutgirl23
    oh yea. i get that all the time, from my family and friends. they are always saying i don't need to lose any more weight, and thinking i'm crazy for being on a diet. don't let it bother you. people always say that. they arn't in your body. don't let it get to you. when ever any one says it to me now, i just laugh and shrug and say i still want to lose some more weight. and then they roll their eyes, and think i'm weight obsessed. lol. but whatever. i don't care. i'm doing this for me.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    When people used to tell me this, I would say- Why are you trying to convince me to give up? with a worried concerned look on my face.

    that straightened em up right into an apology + no no I really think you can do this!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    My roommate does this to me all the time...bless her heart because I know she means well and doesnt want to hurt my feelings. She tries to convince me that I'm "skinny"....( Im 5"3 and Im 165....there aint nothing skinny going on over here) I get frustrated because I know I'm not and wish people would just tell me how fat I am! Ok, maybe not literally but I do wish I had someone to support me. Story of my life.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    i know what you mean, everyone says you lost alot of weight you dont need to lose anymore weight, you are already skinny, you dont see what i see in the mirror without my shirt, i still have a little gut i want to get rid of and that requires me to workout and eat good which means losing weight. im not doing it for nobody but me.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    When people used to tell me this, I would say- Why are you trying to convince me to give up? with a worried concerned look on my face.

    that straightened em up right into an apology + no no I really think you can do this!

    This is fantastic. :flowerforyou:
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    I love it when people say this. I really needed to lose weight when I started, so when people say it to me now it's a real compliment, it shows that my hard work is playing off. I still have 3stone to go, but it's good to know that people think I look good already.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    This one is easy...

    "Omg, have you lost weight?"...

    just respond with

  • fitatfiftyfive
    I knew I had put on too much weight when my mother started saying things like "you're a 'cute" size".....what is that? Ten years ago I managed to successfully lose 80 pounds and kept it off for another 5 years, but in the past 5 years since entering my 50's I've watched my weight steadily crawl up almost 40 pounds - how is that a "cute" size?
  • iLose2Gain
    iLose2Gain Posts: 138 Member
    I get this too & I want to look @ my body the way others do to see what the freak they are talking about! I told my co-worker today that I need to lose my stomach & they were like no you don't! Umm...my waist line is a 38!! I most DEFINITELY need to lose it!!! I don't think people know how to react & they think they are paying you a compliment! In the end, I know what I have to do so I don't care what they say!! Good thing my husband doesn't sugar coat anything! LOL He is pleasant with they way he says it though which I appreciate! And he see that I am losing the weight which I love :smile:
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I didn't tell anyone. I would say my Husband is on a diet (at first, he was) so we are eating healthier. I kept going after he was done. But I still don't talk about it unless asked. People are just starting to feel safe in saying "have you lost weight?" without worrying about offending me.

    They are being polite and letting you know they love you the way you are. Most people aren't comfortable saying things like "you really needed to lose weight" or "that's great but you could use to lose another 30 more lbs." It's just rude.

    when my husband asked me how much more I was going to lose, I told him I was still 6 lbs away from being in the obese range.... he couldn't believe it. I said it's almost 40 lbs to get to healthy range and he was in shock.
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    I usually respond with "I'm not losing, I'm toning and keeping my body healthy." Who knows, maybe you will inspire someone to start eating healthier and working out?!?!
  • RitaMarie88
    RitaMarie88 Posts: 43 Member
    my boyfriend ALWAYS tells me that I am perfect the way I am and that I don't need to lose weight. It's super sweet of him, but it makes me feel like he's not being supportive of my decisions. People need to realize that it isn't JUST about LOOKING good, we want to FEEL good!!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I got that all the time. My starting weight was 145 and I'm 5'4", so that's still considered a relatively healthy weight. I have a small frame though, so it looked a lot heavier on me. Every time I would mention I was going to the gym, I would get that response. That was specifically why I never told people I was trying to lose weight. I appreciate they thought I looked fine, but I was unhappy with my weight and wanted to do something about it.
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    oh I hate this. So annoying. It's like yes because I'm petite and not obese I don't *obviously* need to lose weight, you DEFINITELY know everything about my body type and fitness goals. :grumble:

    I also hate "oh you can afford to eat whatever you want" or "you can eat that! look at you!"
    (why do you think I'm still small? because I don't eat everything "because I can")

  • MyLoveRenegade
    Just tell them you want to look good naked. That usually ends the conversation.

    I laughed really hard at this, and it's so true.