I need help in reaching my daily water goal....

How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

Suggestions please???



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I don't drink anything else (except for coffee in the morning! :wink: ).....so if I'm thirsty, it's gotta be water.

    I keep an insulated cup on my desk and refill it all day long. I aim for 60 oz during my work day (filling the 20 oz cup 3 times). Then, I drink probably another 40 oz in the evening.

    Everyone needs different amounts of water - I just try to make my urine light yellow (sorry for the TMI). That's when I know I've had enough water for the day.
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I drink approx. 60-75 ounces per day, and like the other poster, don't drink much else other than my morning coffee. I do flavor my water about half the time with crystal light. :)
  • jumpyjavajawa
    jumpyjavajawa Posts: 36 Member
    I have a 1 litre Nalgene bottle that I try keep with me to drink where ever I am. 2 bottles a day and I'm good.
    I like to add flavour as well, might sound weird but chocolate raspberry liquid stevia actually tastes pretty good in water lol.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I don't drink anything else (except for coffee in the morning! :wink: ).....so if I'm thirsty, it's gotta be water.

    I keep an insulated cup on my desk and refill it all day long. I aim for 60 oz during my work day (filling the 20 oz cup 3 times). Then, I drink probably another 40 oz in the evening.

    Everyone needs different amounts of water - I just try to make my urine light yellow (sorry for the TMI). That's when I know I've had enough water for the day.
    You're not alone in the urine thing. I try and make my clear. LOL sorry guys TMI.

    But yeah, I keep water bottles around all the time yesterday I drank around 10 cups throughout the whole day.
    Other then my protein shakes water is all I drink, and I go through a lot of water at the gym.
    I make sure to drink 2 cups of water with every meal and that helps a lot.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I was drinking 64 oz of water just fine, then boosted my protein up and now drink 80 oz or so...my secret I guess is that I work out a lot and that always makes me thirsty! I go through a 20 oz bottle of water with every workout LOL. Then the rest is with meals. I sometimes drink decaf coffee and sometimes I'll also have a glass of wine with dinner, but I mostly drink water. It's good to me, I like it.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    This might sound weird, but for some reason it helps me. I have two 1 liter bottles, and I keep one in the freezer to get ice cold while I drink the other and keep switching them. When the water is ice cold, I enjoy it so much more. I cant stand room temperature water. I try to drink like 3-4 liters a day, or about a gallon.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I've been drinking lots of water - maybe 3 32oz cups a day -if not more. However, I drink a lot of coffee and I smoke so I'm generally quite thirsty. I always have a large cup of water with me in the car too - one with a straw - its easy to sip while I'm driving. Try Propel Zero - you generally don't need the entire package. Crystal Light has lots of yummy packets too. I also always have a full cup sitting next to me at home and at work. People have made fun of me for years. Oh and I'm a water Nazi to those in my family that don't drink enough! LOL
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

    Suggestions please???


    I use my bicycling water bottle.

    1. Fill up water bottle.
    2. Take a gulp frequently.
    2A. If bottle makes gurgling sound and water no longer comes out, refill bottle.
    3. GOTO A.

    As to "how much", I don't know and honestly don't care. I use urine color as my guide. If it's clear, I can back off on the water a bit. If it's pale yellow, I'm good. If it's darker, I perform step (2) in the above more often or take larger gulps. If I'm not going through a bottle every couple of hours, I'm not drinking enough.
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    I started drinking from the large 50 oz that way I knew if I finished one then I only needed one more to hit 100 oz. Especially since it is the summer hot months. The second one I add a protein powder mix, mango or wildberry to give it flavor. It works....now where is my water bottle? So I can practice what I preach :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Good tip! Thanks for sharing!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

    Suggestions please???


    I drink two cups of plain water, room temperature, as soon as I wake up in the morning. That's before any tea or coffee touches my lips. .

    I drink two cups after breakfast. Two mid afternoon. Two before dinner. That's already 8 cups. When I walk for exercise and get thirsty, that's more water.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I can't be bothered to convert to oz. but it's at least 2,5 liters a day.

    My secret is to always have water next to you and to teach yourself to take a sip every couple of minutes. This is quite easy to do, because the water is always there and you don't have to drink loads in one go, just a sip at a time.

    When I am working, I always have a bottle of water next to my computer screen (so it's is in my vision and I am constantly reminded).
    If I am at home, I always have a 500ml glass of water on the table next to me.
    I also always have a bottle of water in my bag or with me when I work out, so I am never without it.
  • anballew
    anballew Posts: 2 Member
    I have 2 1 liter water bottles I take to work with me. Each of them have 4 marks on them. The first one has 9, 10, 11 and noon. The other has 2, 3, 4, and 5. The goal is to drink so much each hour. It really helps me to pay attention to how much I drink everyday, and make sure I'm staying well hydrated.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I have a big 32 oz. mug that I keep on my desk and drink it down at least 2-3x per day. That way, I already have my water even before I get home. I find that I'm more thirsty these days (hot, more exercise, etc.), so I drink more.
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    a large glass water bottle
    Mio liquid water enhancer (comes in a bunch of different flavours) and/or
    Crystal light (lemon / lime is my favourite) . i only put a little in. just enough to create a taste.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My secret is, everytime i finish the water in my bottle, or it gets warm, i refill it and drink some more.

    Also this helps: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/649350-danny-s-tips-on-drinking-more-water?hl=danny's+tips&page=1#posts-9415292
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I usually drink 100-150oz a day. I find that carbs, bread, dry cereal, etc., help me drink water. Also, hot spicy foods also force me to drink water, and yes I know water isn't the best to combat spice. I usually don't need a lot of help with my daily intake these are just things I know make me thirsty.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Try drinking it through a straw. You drink more than you realise. It worked for me! :-)
  • sab0834
    sab0834 Posts: 56 Member
    I drink bottled water. I dont sip it but instead I fill my mouth up each time with a really big gulp of it. I am not a water lover. I have struggled in the past. I have amazed myself lately with how quickly I am done with a bottle. Drinking 12 glasses of water is nothing for me when I do it that way.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I drink an average of 16-20 glasses of water/day. I don't drink anything else. I like to fill up a 32 oz bottle and just chug it! It is easier for me to drink it when it's room temperature. I can only drink it out of a bottle, can't drink it from a cup LOL! Sometimes, you just have to make an honest effort and just do it!