I need help in reaching my daily water goal....



  • Malcomblh
    Malcomblh Posts: 4 Member
    Everytime you go to the bathroom drink a glass of water.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

    Suggestions please???


    I play a daily water game with myself....I must drink 2 cups of water....before I can eat my breakfast.....I must drink 2 more cups of water before I can have my lunch ....I must have 2 more cups of water before I can eat my dinner.(bringing the total to 6)....That leaves only 2 cups needed between dinner and bedtime.
  • cunfewzed1
    cunfewzed1 Posts: 80
    I keep a 1 QT bottle (originally an Ice Mountain Spring Water bottle) by my desk at all times. I usually just sip on it during the day and I go through 2-3. It's 33.8 ounces per fill, so I get my water that way. On the weekends it's always harder, because I'm not at my desk and I'm on the go. I shoot for hitting my goal 5 out of 7 days
  • pianofreek76
    pianofreek76 Posts: 1 Member
    I truly had a probem with this as well. Here was my solution. 8 glasses of water seems like a whole lot when you think about it. I have to take medication in the morning and in the evening. I had one of those tiny little swish cups next to my sink. I replaced it with a Solo cup. That doesn't seem so bad. But guess what? That is 16 oz or 2 glasses of water. If I drink a whole one of those in the morning with my meds it caused two things to happen. Other than being able to take my meds I had a) already drank 2 of my 8 glasses of water and b) I wasn't as hungry when I went to eat because it was full of water. Then I repeated when I went to bed. Hey, how about that, I had taken half of my required amount of water just revolving around getting up and going to bed.

    OK. So, that takes care of that part. Here is a fact that may motivate you to drink during the day. Did you know that you will burn more calories if you drink cold water? Yeah, just by sitting there and drinking COLD water. Your body has to work to warm up the water before it can use it. Pretty cool right?

    It took a few days to get use to drinking the water when I got up and went to bed, and I was worried about being up all night peeing, but that really hasn't happened, besides, would you let that stop you from drinking something if you were thursty before bed? I think not.

    I hope this helps and good luck.

  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

    Suggestions please???


    I never drank much water. I used to drink so much Pepsi, you would think I owned stock in the company! However, now water is my drink of choice. It took getting use to it, but now I can't drink a Pepsi without having the feeling to regurgitate! Have your tried to give your water a little boost? Try adding a some lemons or sliced strawberries. It gives the water a little bit of a flavor and could make it a easier for you to drink. I try to drink 5 to 6 bottles (16.9 oz) per day; a bottle in the morning when I wake up and I buy bottled water by the case (Dasani or Aquafina) and I'll bring a case to work with me, keep it under my desk so it's easily reachable when I want something to drink. The only other beverage I may drink is chai tea for breakfast and green tea with dinner, but it's very rare. My drink of choice is water and always at room temperature.

    You only have to start with one! Try replacing water with whatever you drink during the day or try drinking half of what you normally drink and a half-glass of water. Increase it daily until you find that you're drinking more.
  • BalmChelle
    Got a tip for you all. Some of you may now it and some may not. Here it goes...

    Take your current weight and divide it in half.

    Ex. My current weight is 133 lbs. 133 / 2 = 66.5 (rounding it to 67) = 67 lbs

    Your current weight, divided in half, (mine 67 lbs), is the amount of water (in fluid ounces) one should be drinking in a day.

    Ex. 67 fl. oz.

    Now, if you are a bottled water drinker, like I am, you'll want to do this next step to determine how many full bottles of water one should be drinking in a day.

    Next, you'll want to divide one's total amount of water/day by 16.9 fl. oz. (which is the amount in a bottle of water)

    Ex. 67 fl. oz. / 16.9 fl. oz = 3.964.... (rounding it to 4) So, I would drink 4 bottles of water/day.

    So, in total for a day, I should minimally drink at least 4 bottles of water each day. Which also equals 8 cups.

    Now, as you gain or lose weight, this number will change or fluctuate so one should keep that in mind.

    Our bodies are made up of 60% water. We need this water for metabolic functions and aids in fat-loss, which is why it is soooo important to drink water. We lose this needed water through sweating, breathing, urination, and defecation.

    If I am just sitting at my computer desk, I always make sure I have at least 4+ bottles of water on it at any time. It reminds me to drink and its easy to grab because it is there and ready to drink. I restock my bottles when they are empty and take out the empty ones and replace them with full ones. I am not always at my desk, and when I am not, I'll carry at least one with me wherever I go.
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    How do you meet your daily goal and how many oz of water do you drink per day what's your secret?

    Suggestions please???


    Propel powder packets added to a 16.9 oz bottle of water. I drink water ALL DAY and I love it! Try them, the grape and kiwi strawberry are the best :) Also, Crystal Light has some wonderful flavors.
  • Laurybeckbailey
    This might sound weird, but for some reason it helps me. I have two 1 liter bottles, and I keep one in the freezer to get ice cold while I drink the other and keep switching them. When the water is ice cold, I enjoy it so much more. I cant stand room temperature water. I try to drink like 3-4 liters a day, or about a gallon.

    I do this too! It tastes much better and I have heard that ICE cold water expends more calories because the body has to warm it. And in my book, every calorie counts!
    I like to take my bottle of water out of the freezer just before it gets solid. Then I shake the heck out of it and enjoy it!