anyone else with IBS/IBD?

I was curious if anyone else on here has ibs or ibd. And how does this effect your weight loss and diet?
I was diagnosed with crohns in July after dealing with debilitating arthritis for over 9 months. I had all the symptoms except weight loss. Im in remission as of last month, but I'm afraid all the fruits and veggies I've been eating will cause
a flare up :frown:


  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I do, but it sounds like its nowhere as severe as yours. I do mOd my diet as needed for it and while this has been a terrible week bloating wise, it CAN be worked around.
  • jhofeditz
    jhofeditz Posts: 13
    I have IBS and so I am using this as a fiber watch as well as weight loss. But it seems the more fiber I eat the less comes out. I am waiting on a spout of terrible pain, but none has come yet. You have it a lot worse than I do, but you should be able to see what helps and what doesn't if you modify your chart to track fiber. Make yourself notes in the notes section to remind yourself how you feel that day.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    i have suffered with ulerative colitis for the past 10 years and recently had a complete removable of my colon. as you probably know UC and Crohns have very similiar symptoms and are often mistaken for each other. i do know that what you eat does affect the disease. my advice is to stay away from processed foods as much as possible.

    good luck!
  • StaceyAnnMurray
    StaceyAnnMurray Posts: 48 Member
    Ive had horrible ibs since I was 5 years old.I also have diverticulitis. Im new so Im not quite sure how it will affect it. Sorry I cant be of any help yet!

  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    The only foods that have been consistently agreeable with me are white breads with moderate fat. (Hell, I would go through phases where a brownie would SETTLE my stomach) or, when its really really bad, nothing but gatoraid for a few days (yay metaba
    olism crash!) I usually check with my GI before doing anything, but all he suggested was portion control to loose weight, and obv, eating 20 pieces of white bread and nothing else isn't gonna work.
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    I have IBS, but it's been in good control the past 2 years or so. When my daughter was little, it was horrible. I got down to 93lbs! When it flares (generally due to stress), I lose weight like no one's business. That coupled with the accompanying stress ulcer flare up- I could hardly eat, and what I did eat came out one end or the other... Since I've been better, I put on too much weight!

    I had luck with bland foods like plain mashed potatoes,light broth based soups, plain chicken breast... Stay away from grease and spicy foods (I'm sure you already know that, and anything gaseous (ie too many beans, cabbage etc).
  • tumteetum
    tumteetum Posts: 53 Member
    Upping my levels of soluble fibre, dropping insoluble fibre and avoiding trigger foods in a flare (some of which I can eat in better phases, some of which always trigger me) has helped with IBS a lot.

    This site was a revelation for me explained just what the triggers were so it's no longer a mystery to me.

    L-glutamine also helps to steady things for me, though I started really low (250mg) and worked up to the 3g I take four times a day now (breakfast, lunch, evening meal, bedtime). Digestive enzymes help some (I use CompleteGest from iherb) and also Saccharomyces boulardii (I use Jarrow's from iherb or Optibac for Digestive Health in the UK) has helped too.
    None of the suppliments have cured it or got me to eating as I'd like to (without having to avoid certain stuff) but it's a lot more stable.
  • nursemickey
    nursemickey Posts: 52 Member
    Hi there! I have had IBS for a while but only in the last 7 years has it actually been diagnosed. I'm in the attack phase right now because 1) I was eating a high protein low carb plan but was eating ALL the stuff I should avoid (didn't know until I looked it all up)
    2) I took some fat burner pills that has stuff to avoid too and I have been paying for the last week.

    I have dropped about 5lbs because anything that goes in comes right back out. The pain is almost intolerable. Look at this site and I hope it helps.

    It says french bread and sourdough is the best for us to eat.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    I have IBS-C So my scales are going up and up and up until I have what I call an "attack'. I never know if I'm actually gaining weight or is it because I haven't "gone" properly for the past week. Longest I've gone without "going" was almost 2 weeks. Excrutiating pain that I can't do anything, hardly even walk. Even though walking will probably get things moving along better.
  • raemckee
    raemckee Posts: 7 Member
    I have IBD (Collagenous Colitis) and IBS. I am following FODMAP and myfitnesspal is helping me track what I eat and how it impacts me for consultation with my gastroenterologist and dietician. I'm frustrated because the steroid i take for the IBD is causing me to pack on the pounds (around the middle) and I am really limited in what I can eat. I seem to be getting better then BAM I am sick again. I was diagnosed in March 2012. I am really tired all of the time and in pain as well.