Smoking cessation & weight gain



  • beggaboo2000
    beggaboo2000 Posts: 70 Member
    I quit last year in October, I do not have any problem losing weight, I gave myself a two week period where I wasnt hard on myself for my eating choices, then I got strict again and took the no bull**** policy and kept going with my weight loss journey:-) So far so good and I love my life without those damn cigarettes, I say go for it!!!!
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Good luck.. If it helps, and you have a smartphone, download QuitNow (free ap) to track your health achievements, money saved, etc....its a great tool!

    Just downloaded it. Thanks for the tip!
  • So far I've lost 27 pounds, down from 230 to 203. However, I did get down to 198 and quit smoking when I reached said number. In less then 1 1/2 weeks, I gained 5 pounds. Didn't change anything and exercised as well. So for now, I'm smoking again until I reach my goal weight of 180 and I'll battle it then. Pick your poison was the case for me. I choose to loose the weight first then battle the smoking. I have a solid 3 months left before I hit my goal weight. I'll keep you updated! Good luck though! If you can do it, do it. I couldn't. I did smoke over a pack a day though. Your case will probably be different since your smoked a lot less frequently than me.
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Interesting topic! I quit smoking 12 days ago after almost 5 years of smoking every day, anywhere between 10 and 20 a day. So far, all I seem to want to do it eat! But I realise it is because my hands are used to being busy, and smoking was something I did when I was bored, so now I'm thinking about food when I'm bored. I am instead, trying to keep busy, drinking water every time I think about a smoke or food I don't need, and brushing my teeth (food never tastes good straight after brushing does it!). Hopefully this will help me get through these early days without smokes and keep me away from the cupboards as well!