30 day shred

I started yesterday- plan on doing all 30 days in a row- incl. an extra 20 minutes on the days I meet with a trainer (only 1x/week), and days I run (usually 3-6 miles) Is anyone doing 30ds now that would like to be support buddies?? I'd love some encouragement/to encourage someone else.

Also- I was shocked at how quickly lvl 1 day 1 went!


  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Check for groups..when I did 30 day shred...i joined one and it was good support! Good luck!
  • wifeygrooms
    I started 2 days ago....So yes let's be support buddies!!!!
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Today is Day 3 for me :) I'll join you two!
  • jd7887
    jd7887 Posts: 59 Member
    I started yesterday, as well. I, too, was surprised at how fast it went! Feeling a bit sore today, for sure!
  • hezzyhlo
    hezzyhlo Posts: 55 Member
    I started yesterday too! I have started it before, but never really stuck with it-I commit to this time, though!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    Today will be day 3 for me. You're welcome to add me as a friend.
  • sheiwat
    sheiwat Posts: 47
    Day 4 for me...gonna try level 2 Saturday...I would love to be a part of the group....how do you add a group?
  • LucyLocket92
    LucyLocket92 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey :-)

    I'm almost finished 30 day shred. I'm on Level 3, Day 9, and I've got to say it has been one of the most worthwhile things I have done to date. I have gotten SO much stronger, and I can feel and see a difference in my body. Don't get me wrong, I didn't lose a whole lot of weight, but then again, my weight loss as a whole is starting to slow down now that I'm nearing my goal. I've noticed the biggest difference on my legs, personally, but it's a fantastic all-over body workout. I also found that it wasn't too strenuous so that I couldn't do anything else alongside it. I alternated days with running and did shred every day (well, tried to..... I was naughty a few times ;) )

    Stick at it, guys and you will thank yourselves for it! :-)

  • misschiplash
    I'm on day 6 level 1 tomorrow. Happy for any jm buddies to add me. Ps what weights are y'all using?!