new and frustrated



  • ikoiko33
    ikoiko33 Posts: 43
    I have a difficult time with staying motivated as well. I have found MFP to be an extremely helpful tool in my weightless journey, and the people that I have connected with on here have been amazing at motivating.

    As far as exercise, walking at a brisk pace, even for just 20 - 30 minutes a day, does wonders. I am doing the Dukan Diet, and it is actually mandated that you walk every day. My husband has gotten on board with walking too … he's also been a great help in keeping me motivated. The days that we can't walk or workout together, I go by myself and make it my "me time" …
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    I love food too. But I managed to lose 30 lb over 8 months by eating moderate portions of healthy food, mostly home-cooked. Not diet, "low-cal", processed junk - real food. I'm now down 36 lb, wearing a size that I never dreamed was possible for me, and have been holding steady for months. You can gradually replace foods in your diet with healthier options, and enjoy it too.

    Healthy food is important, but the other key factor here is exercise. Exercise will allow you to eat more and also make you feel better about yourself. I know it's hard to do. I used to hate to sweat. But I got over it. I used to think that I just wasn't one of those athletic types. But a funny thing happened: once I committed myself to doing regular exercise (fairly vigorous cardio and circuit training), I discovered that I liked the way my body was feeling as I got more fit. I had more energy, I felt strong, I felt sexy. It's so worth it.

    You can do this. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    Right now I see your motivation to not become diabetic. I swore I would never be as big as my mother and well here I am pretty damn close. My motivation is just to be healthier in general and to be able to run after my kids and watch them grow up. I do not want to be that mom that can not go on amusement rides with them or on something else cause I am afraid I will break it. I am that mom right now and my son will be starting school pretty soon and the time is now for me to be healthier.
    You have motiviation, you just need to keep it in mind! Don't get discouraged when you have a bad day...suck it up and start again. It is so easy for us to be like well yesterday sucked what does todays food matter? I am having a hard time with all of this as of course like everything else in life, it is easier said than done!
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    Start easy, don't let it become a "diet". Become more active, in every little way. Change the things you put on your food. sauces and toppings add a lot to an ok meal. Change what you snack on, more popcorn, less chips. Go for walks, look into swimming, biking. It does not have to be a crazy gym workout everyday, just adopt a more fun loving active lifestyle. Set smaller realistic goals and keep your eye on the long term but celebrate the short term wins. And always keep in mind, two steps forward and one step back is still forward motion.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I have recently attained my goal wt, but I was where you are. I was borderline diabetic and had high blood pressure, I had to do something. My best advice is to start slowly ,walking for 15 min a day(everyday) and then increase time, speed, difficulty. Use whatever guideline your doctor will give you for calories. There are many opinions on this and it can be confusing. Personally I ate 1200 cals a day and started with 15 mins walking on a treadmill.It was an aggressive approach and not easy to maintain 1200 cals, but I wanted the weight gone as quickly and safely as possible. You need support from family and friends.Get rid of tempting foods in the house in the beginning. The longer you stick with it and keep it routine the easier it is to change the bad habits into healthy ones.Log onto MFP everyday and add friends for motivation. Good Luck and God Bless!
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    It is hard at first but you WILL feel motivated when you see those first pounds drop off. That's when it get's exciting. I'm pretty new too. you can look at most people's food journals to see what others are eating.
  • bill55bill
    I think this is how many of us get here, we love to eat. I do not plan to follow any specific diet, I plan on eating healthier and being concious of what I eat. I also do not buy junk food for the house, I do not need it and neither do my children. Also you do not need to cut food out of yor diet, you need to eat regularly just smarter. I snack all the time but it is on healthier foods. MFP has also been a big help. I do like to work out and even if you are not workig out make sure that you are doing something to move, even just going for a walk.

    We are here for support!

    All this.
    I lost 14Ibs in 4 weeks just by cutting my chocolate and Crisp intake down by about 90%!
    All other meals I ate as normal, if I fancied chocolate I bought the smallest bar in the shop, rather than the family size one I'd normally eat in one sitting...
    I found that the taste was so much better as I wasn't chucking 2-3 bars down my neck each day, it became a treat and something to savour rather than a habitual boredom killer.

    And I see you have a dog so just spend an extra 10 mins each day walking him/her as well and the weight will fall off!
  • healthylife1010
    I really need to lose alot of weight but have a hard time because i love food and not thrilled about exercise. I could use support and any advice you can give to help me get started

    Take it slowly. I think the biggest problem is that people expect results too fast. It takes time but if you do it in the right way, you can maintain it for the rest of your life. Eat good, exercise as much as you can, and enjoy life. Don't get too hard on yourself because that causes stress. You might find yourself wanting to give up but keep pushing, even if you have a bad day. Take it one day at a time and always remember that this is going to make you more healthier so do it for you. I love food too and hate exercise but small changes can make a huge difference in the end.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I love food too. But I managed to lose 30 lb over 8 months by eating moderate portions of healthy food, mostly home-cooked. Not diet, "low-cal", processed junk - real food. I'm now down 36 lb, wearing a size that I never dreamed was possible for me, and have been holding steady for months. You can gradually replace foods in your diet with healthier options, and enjoy it too.

    Healthy food is important, but the other key factor here is exercise. Exercise will allow you to eat more and also make you feel better about yourself. I know it's hard to do. I used to hate to sweat. But I got over it. I used to think that I just wasn't one of those athletic types. But a funny thing happened: once I committed myself to doing regular exercise (fairly vigorous cardio and circuit training), I discovered that I liked the way my body was feeling as I got more fit. I had more energy, I felt strong, I felt sexy. It's so worth it.

    You can do this. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)

    Great Post!! :flowerforyou: